

Unread postby Mes » 11 Apr 2015 11:34

Watch the dates! Sometimes in a category there is a huge time gap between two threads, this means that there you might better to start read from other categories too, to fill in the missing information gap.

There are links which can be found under more than one category, because they fit to more than one place too.
The categories were made, because it was asked. But I strongly recommend to everyone to read through all of the articles, and to work through yourself by date order. Even if the old articles are outdated and inaccurate, without them the newer articles are not so evident. Try to see this collection as a process of discovering informations.

[Edit 24 Dec 2015 (Frank)]
I placed the complete index in separate threads for each topic.
Now everyone can add links to a topic by simply adding a comment.
Pls keep the format of the links (date / link / explanations) in the topix threads!

Don't comment in the topic-threads!
Do all comments and questions here, so that the topic threads will still have the index links only!
I will move all comments in the topic threads to this thread anyway....

communication, tools
12/10/2012 1:05:55 How to talk with your elephant the article on wiki, related forum thread
1/9/2013 23:57:00 Pendulum and dowsing rods
1/17/2013 14:22:00 Training with dowsing rods
4/4/2014 13:59:00 The importance of the mind model how to order, ego

history explanations about what happened in the past, how it affected our 3d history, what the darks did in the past which led us to our current situation etc.
12/10/2012 1:05:57 Some infos about Earth - right bottom of the page! Sadana, Lucifer, Cher, Event, Lemuria, Atlantis, karma
12/23/2012 6:24:00 Time Loops on Earth the article on wiki, related forum thread
12/14/2012 16:45:00 A small hint about „history” OIC, Merth, Orth
1/6/2014 13:24:00 Start understanding!!! Become who you are!!! higher-self, creation, karma, pain, fractal, ego
12/7/2014 16:09:00 Protoi anatomy, grid, protoi, Sadana, Lucifer, Ahriman, history

creation structure: how the creation is structured, how our Earth is fitting into this system, other physics stuff related to structures of our environment.
12/10/2012 1:06:00 Energy Structure of Creation the article on wiki, related forum thread
3/20/2013 18:56:00 Uplifting wiki article
2/26/2014 11:37:00 Understand our world energetical levels, OIC, Earth, fractal-analogue
3/24/2014 17:01:00 Draft collection energetical levels, creation structure, grid
3/24/2014 17:07:00 WATER water, string,
3/24/2014 18:18:00 Aggregation state water
7/11/2014 18:07:00 The butterflies are flying fractal, properties, rules, energetical levels, Earth, string
8/11/2014 14:59:00 Gaia energetical levels
9/3/2014 14:42:00 New fractal structures
9/17/2014 16:04:00 String status energies deleted 3d, string, fractal, status report
10/23/2014 16:25:00 Incarnation anatomy, Pandora, OIC, energetical levels
11/16/2014 15:07:00 Life, bodies, world are „computer” programs anatomy, ego, creation structure, gods
12/31/2014 19:50:00 3D object rules layers creation-structure, energetical levels, rules

1/10/2013 20:30:00 OIC, a spiritual „Disneyland”
4/16/2014 21:19:00 OIC, What is this
8/13/2014 15:56:00 „Lightworkers” fractal
10/13/2014 20:49:00 OIC
11/26/2014 16:17:00 The OIC-deal between Protoi and archons archon
2/3/2015 19:58:00 Connection to official OIC „filing department”

anatomy: meaning the structure of beings, not just the physical body, but every other body kind: aspect, higher etc. Also how a being is built up, what particles they have, what is their structure, etc.
12/21/2012 13:15:00 Evolution of Angels the article on wiki, related forum thread
12/22/2012 15:33:00 The Bodies the article on wiki, related forum thread OIC, aspect-body, higher-body, Energy points, Chakra System, Nadis System, CBP System, Explanation on Dimensions, anatomy
12/14/2012 15:22:00 The „secret” of Love
1/6/2014 13:24:00 Start understanding!!! Become who you are!!! history, anatomy, creation, karma, pain, fractal, creation-structure
2/1/2014 12:13:00 You Guardian Angel / Ellie / Guide is an innocent child!!! higher-self, elephant
2/16/2014 13:55:00 Classification of Light classification
5/1/2014 18:08:00 PAIN - What is this? anatomy, physical body
6/27/2014 0:02:00 Physical body compared to non physical „body”6/29/2014 13:43:00 How pain works anatomy, pain, how attacks work
10/10/2014 17:14:00 Outercore and Core
10/17/2014 18:25:00 92, 91 consciousness fields
10/30/2014 23:30:00 ID,Primes, Odigos, Executives, Group parts classification, dragon
11/8/2014 12:58:00 Entity dragon
12/7/2014 16:09:00 Protoi anatomy, grid, protoi, Sadana, Lucifer, Ahriman, history
3/21/2015 12:51:00 “Ego” and “egoism” ego, anatomy
3/30/2015 15:38:00 Evolution by darkness evolution, anatomy, fractal

ego: this topic is the most close to every of us, it is about ourselves, our consciousness. Practical advices, explanations, helpers to understand ourselves, and our current situation better.
12/13/2012 21:05:00 Evaluation of Awakening the article on wiki, related forum thread
12/16/2012 22:02:00 Xmas is one of the biggest dark lies! gods
2/20/2013 18:44:00 If someone gives you a cake...
2/25/2013 15:23:00 Why NOTHING happens...
3/19/2013 18:12:00 The ego and what relates to it
4/7/2013 13:21:00 About current attacks...
4/11/2013 20:01:00 STOP playing THEIR GAME!!!
11/19/2013 10:14:00 STOP feeding the system! Cancel Christmas!!!
1/2/2014 11:36:00 The infinite CIRCLE created by the darks gods
1/4/2014 21:56:00 BE GENEROUS to yourself and to others!!!
1/6/2014 13:24:00 Start understanding!!! Become who you are!!! history, anatomy, creation, karma, pain, fractal, creation-structure
1/13/2014 21:11:00 Stop THANK -ing GOD for your miserable life!!! gods
1/15/2014 14:30:00 Being classified as Light, doesn’t mean you are done!
2/1/2014 16:11:00 The Milgram Experiment ego, anatomy
4/4/2014 13:59:00 The importance of the mind model how to order, ego
5/22/2014 12:48:00 The real nature of destiny destiny-system, karma, dark tools
6/11/2014 15:27:00 The “divine” in you gods
7/22/2014 4:48:00 Friend or Foe
7/22/2014 12:16:00 Disinfo vs. outdated info
7/29/2014 15:05:00 Labels and other tiny things
8/2/2014 15:31:00 Awakening
8/14/2014 17:37:00 „gods”
8/14/2014 19:15:00 Influences, attacks and other yummie things... influences, attacks
8/14/2014 22:31:00 influences dropbox influences
11/13/2014 23:37:00 An example how darks try to cheat in 3d attacks
12/30/2014 22:50:00 SHARE = Give and Take
2/16/2015 10:55:00 Worth watching this video... ego, world
2/21/2015 0:04:00 Learn to say: no
3/20/2015 17:50:00 What is THE PLAN? plan, god
3/21/2015 12:51:00 “Ego” and “egoism” ego, anatomy

status report operations, progress in the big pictures, state of war etc.
8/7/2014 16:09:00 Mankind chose light
8/20/2014 18:50:00 Lotos cleaning „Nam-myoho-renge-kyo”
9/14/2014 23:24:00 A little clarification regarding our „neverending” work
11/6/2014 20:22:00 darks cooperation
11/13/2014 20:08:00 Water is the last dark fortress in 3D...

”catfight”this is just a fun collection, it’s about us showing a little cat-claw here and there :D, as the previous category was about to show the things in bigger, this is about when we are in close-combat, when we provoking, or just answering on a provocation or attack
2/15/2014 22:56:00 Something to share with you ... ahriman
5/25/2014 12:42:00 The group called protoi command
7/22/2014 4:48:00 Friend or Foe
7/22/2014 12:16:00 Disinfo vs. outdated info
9/14/2014 23:24:00 A little clarification regarding our „neverending” work
11/19/2014 10:54:00 Tell me what you think!
12/2/2014 20:04:00 ITCCS
3/29/2015 13:40:00 Some info about our „JUMBLED INFO”
4/26/2015 10:48:00 GADDAFI was NOT the "bad guy"...
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Re: INDEX - Categorization of Protoi articles / forum thread

Unread postby Pegazus » 11 Apr 2015 14:06

Thank you very much! :text-thankyoublue: :text-+1:
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Re: INDEX - Categorization of Protoi articles / forum thread

Unread postby alc » 12 Apr 2015 12:55

Thanx Mes
this thread actually clearing mess

Re: INDEX - Categorization of Protoi articles / forum thread

Unread postby Dolphin » 12 Apr 2015 19:35

Wow, this is such a great clear sorting!
Thank you too, Mes, for this kind of help and your effort to give that chaos a structure. :romance-grouphug:

Re: INDEX - Categorization of Protoi articles / forum thread

Unread postby Mes » 12 Apr 2015 19:44

I think it's still a chaos, but yes, at least structured one.
And with this actually we succesfully proved the thesis, that even chaos has order.


Anyway, it seems to be as chaos, but in real as I said it is a process on what we went through and still going through. From just reading it, it's understandable that lot feels that it has no structure, but it has anyway, just it's much more complex than what we are really able to understand.
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Re: INDEX - Categorization of Protoi articles / forum thread

Unread postby Δύναμις » 14 Apr 2015 15:07

Mes wrote:I think it's still a chaos, but yes, at least structured one.
And with this actually we succesfully proved the thesis, that even chaos has order.


:handgestures-thumbup: Excellent! From now on, we better rename our site to "Presbeia Protoi - Masters of Chaos" :lol: Actually there is much truth in those words, because everything developed out of the "chaos" (=prime energies).
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Re: INDEX - Categorization of Protoi articles / forum thread

Unread postby jonas » 11 May 2015 13:23

:greetings-wavingyellow: Thank you for this great collection of links for the forum - it is great help!


Re: INDEX - Categorization of Protoi articles / forum thread

Unread postby Ice » 18 May 2015 05:45

Thanks for taking the time make that list. It's what I was looking for when I first turned up here.

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Unread postby gZo » 07 May 2017 12:49

I can't access some threads and also I can't use wiki. I guess I don't have clearance for that, or do I have to create a separate account for Wiki?
And other topics are just closed and available for admins only, or what is the reason for that? :think:
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Unread postby Δύναμις » 07 May 2017 12:52

gZo wrote:I can't access some threads and also I can't use wiki. I guess I don't have clearance for that, or do I have to create a separate account for Wiki?
And other topics are just closed and available for admins only, or what is the reason for that? :think:

Wiki is read only. You can only write there if you have author rights.
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Unread postby gZo » 07 May 2017 13:03

Δύναμις wrote:
gZo wrote:I can't access some threads and also I can't use wiki. I guess I don't have clearance for that, or do I have to create a separate account for Wiki?
And other topics are just closed and available for admins only, or what is the reason for that? :think:

Wiki is read only. You can only write there if you have author rights.

Ok, I understand. But where are the related texts then from those links? I get the message 'you are not authorized to read this forum'
Here for example: viewforum.php?f=14
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Unread postby Δύναμις » 07 May 2017 13:25

gZo wrote: But where are the related texts then from those links? I get the message 'you are not authorized to read this forum'
Here for example: viewforum.php?f=14

Outdated and offline. That wiki is no longer accessible. The post you refer to is over 4 years back. Things changed a lot since then.
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Unread postby gZo » 07 May 2017 18:26

:text-thankyoublue: :romance-grouphug:

Ok, got it!

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