Training with dowsing rods

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Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Frank » 17 Jan 2013 14:22

This is now a small training program with the rods. It is a very important training program. It is not for using the rods to ask questions to HS. It is a a training for the own mind, the rods are only the tools to do the training. This training develops higher abilities which will be needed soon for almost everyone. Most of those who are "woken" already and using higher skills should do the training, too.

The training is about moving the rods by yourself, not by your HS. I will try to describe how i started doing this. Maybe you can do it similar. Start with ordering your HS not to influence the rods.

First step i started by looking to one rod (i took the left one) and tried to push them away moving head and eyes.

Next i tried to move them with pushing by eyes. Push one of if to left and right with the eyes.

Last step i tried to move them only by my mind. Eyes are relaxed looking foreward not moving (or trying this...). Then i realized that the "control" of the right rod is somewhere in the right half of brain, the left rod in left half of brain. It is somewhere behind the eyebrows, abou 5cm behind in me. I started to feel this locations as a kind of button. When i push the button rod opens, if i pull the button rod closes. This training is about the "buttons". To find them and to learn to control and use them. An other side effect of the training may be the conscious use of your own energies.

Here is a small video i made to show it:

Here is a nice video how to make cheap dowsing rods:
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Rosebelle » 23 Jan 2013 15:41

made a simple rod with cloth hanger :mrgreen:
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Rosebelle » 25 Jan 2013 19:34

Rhea wrote:TRAINING WITH DOWSING RODS. This is IMPORTANT to train your mind. Please keep practicing this! You might still want to put straws on handles, so they swing easily.

For clarity on directions:
Pushing= toward eyebrows
Pulling= away from eyebrows

Now for tougher training:

I have been dipping the Rod ends downward, so I must really push them, with my buttons behind eyes, against gravity — all the way open; or I must work harder to pull them slowly back to perfect parallel "neutral" position or further, to crossed position. I do not allow them to "swing freely". Did you try this?

Some of us had backwards wiring from manipulations. Now healing. I just tried it and the healing is finished.

i tried pushing and pulling for a minute, no idea where exactly is the button is, but then, after i stop, my muscles inside my brain has not stopped..and still being stimulated as if i have not
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby jonas » 18 Nov 2014 12:53

Hi, :greetings-waveyellow: :greetings-waveyellow: :greetings-waveyellow:

Anyone that want to share their experience from training with dowsing rods? :wink:

I have tried a little myself - probably about an hour in total. I have come to the point that I might have been able to move them a few times - but then again I cannot say for sure to what extent the rods were moved by me directing energy or my hand accidently tilting in some direction.

Are there any indication on 'amount of time/training expected to improve skill significantly'? Such as 'average amount required 1 / 100 / 1.000 hours'.

Or perhaps, expected that a certain period with regular training - such as 'usually 6 months with regular training' could reasonable because of the process by which improvement/growth is attained? Such as is usual for e.g. muscle build/strength training?

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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Frank » 18 Nov 2014 13:13

Hi Jonas,

I think if the rods don't move good anyway, the training will not help much. In this case it's a healing question.

This training is good for people, who work for questions with rods (meaning someone else sends the energies to move the rods), to show them how to use the own energy.

Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Dolphin » 18 Nov 2014 18:37

Hallå Jonas :greetings-wavingyellow:

speaking for myself I can say that rods worked with me since the moment I tried it out the first time. We also tried it with family members and a friend of mine and all were able to move = got answers just with very different results. For some they moved immediately and surprisingly very well and fast, for others very badly and slowly. But there are also people for which they do not work at all (as Frank says: a matter of healing or connection).

The first few times they moved with me also very slowly. But it got better and faster in about a few days. Although I rarely use them currently since still and again influenced results and answers come through. I try to stay in a neutral position and do not concentrate towards the rods when I ask a question. It should work like in a flow, you know. Because the more you focus on the rod, the more room for foreign influence you enable. And don't forget to let them clean every now and then .

What I really trained a short time, was the movement of the rods without querying anything. Just by turning my head , and then by movement of my eyes and in the end then I tried to find this button behind my eyebrows. Everything worked at that time with me. Pulling and pressing the left and right button worked very differently back then, similarly as if you have a favored side (as in left or right handed). I did not practiced for over a year and tried it now again after your post :lol: . And I have to admit that it no longer works as well as then. So I guess this kind of training really requires regular exercise :confusion-shrug:. So in my opionion: if you only want to use rods for queries, there's no real training required. Either it works or not or it automatically gets better in next times because of your ongoing healings :handgestures-thumbupright:.
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby alc » 18 Nov 2014 21:34

Dolphin wrote: It should work like in a flow, you know.

hi Dolphin
this is also my idea, do you have some hint?

Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Dolphin » 18 Nov 2014 22:24

I do not really have a hint. But since I am under influence :teasing-poke: I always try to make a short work: Don't think twice or prepare the question.. just take the rods and ask straight away but short and clear questions. You know, sometimes we are not allowed to ask some questions or are not allowed to get the relevant answer. Then the rods don't move or don't move significantly enough. In this case check if you asked correctly or if you aren't allowed to get an answer.

Before you start using the first time at all check several times how the rods move for a YES, a NO, a NEUTRAL or a MAYBY and so on... There are some possibilities how they can move / turn (sorry I don't find the correct word in English :whistle: ) and it is not equal to all persons. I have for example 6 different moves in accordance with the relevant answers I get. :happy-sunshine:
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby jonas » 19 Nov 2014 10:04

Ah, maybe I still need healing in those areas. :auto-ambulance: :sad-fever:

I think I will try every now and then and see what happens - maybe make a new pair of rods that are not so 'heavy' as those I use currently.

Thanks for your help! :handgestures-thumbup:
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Drack » 28 May 2016 20:42

i´ve thought alot about communication tools like the rods and such and came to the ouya board.
what about this? would this work or is it just a dark toy to scam people and to have a little bit fun?
and is automated writing a option? it got mentioned that i works, but i think it´s pretty complex to pratice.

another question about communication (it fits well in here i think)

why does everything has to be acoustic all the time :angry-cussingblack: .
why can´t it be on thought base. like the influence dropbox is acoustic only , the healing crystals, communication with your "higher" self, all has to do with acoustic signals , commands...
but the main problem on this one is that i feel kind of afraid talking into the thin air into then i know that it gets heard.
it´s like i don´t want to get caught while doing so and getting into a psychiatry :text-lol:
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Δύναμις » 28 May 2016 23:19

Drack wrote:i´ve thought alot about communication tools like the rods and such and came to the ouya board.
what about this? would this work or is it just a dark toy to scam people and to have a little bit fun?

Dark toy.
Automated writing never worked properly for the lights we know, too much influence.

Speaking out loud the orders is the safest way tó avoid manipulations.
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby gZo » 21 Apr 2017 18:22

Thank you Frank and Alex for taking so good care of me! Especially Alex is straight away there when I need her. I know Frank is very busy, but always helps out in between with placing crystals and checking things.

I don't want to sound like a show off, but the rods really work well. I started with the Pendulum. But now using the rods, I think they are way better, haven't touched my Pendulum since then. It becomes more and more natural to feel the energy flow and moving them sort of with my brain, or at least it feels like that's where it's coming from.
However, I'd really like to develop more cognition skills apart from moving the rods or pendulum.
Any tips what to practice, or learn and how?


The videos Frank posted are not available anymore, but I'll try and practice the mentioned technique.
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby gZo » 24 Apr 2017 20:22

I managed to move the rods. And I feel in general a lot of activity in the Brain area Frank mentioned. Not only when I move the rods, or work with them. But when I do, it's more recognizable. I ordered my core to not influence them before I tried it. But now I'm wondering since I know I can move them, if I'm not moving the rods to get the answers I'd like to get vs. those that are true? :confusion-scratchheadblue:
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Dee » 24 Apr 2017 20:55

gZo wrote:I managed to move the rods. And I feel in general a lot of activity in the Brain area Frank mentioned. Not only when I move the rods, or work with them. But when I do, it's more recognizable. I ordered my core to not influence them before I tried it. But now I'm wondering since I know I can move them, if I'm not moving the rods to get the answers I'd like to get vs. those that are true? :confusion-scratchheadblue:

In my experience, I ask my higher self (or DropBox, or Pearl, or SkillBox depending on what tools you have available) to remove influence from me, as well as from the rods. Then when you ask questions avoid directly trying to influence the result with your mind and let answers come. Takes a bit of practise and is nice if you can get someone who is comfortable with testing to verify your test results. Don't be afraid to reset your mind and remove influences again before double checking answers.

Unfortunately there is no way to be 100% certain of answers given, specially for things of a predictive nature (asking about the future or what another person would think or do or like) these things are nearly impossible to get correct answers about. But with some practise and learning how to ask the best types of yes no questions you can be pretty accurate the majority of the time.
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Shellers » 24 Apr 2017 21:10

Dee wrote:
gZo wrote:I managed to move the rods. And I feel in general a lot of activity in the Brain area Frank mentioned. Not only when I move the rods, or work with them. But when I do, it's more recognizable. I ordered my core to not influence them before I tried it. But now I'm wondering since I know I can move them, if I'm not moving the rods to get the answers I'd like to get vs. those that are true? :confusion-scratchheadblue:

In my experience, I ask my higher self (or DropBox, or Pearl, or SkillBox depending on what tools you have available) to remove influence from me, as well as from the rods. Then when you ask questions avoid directly trying to influence the result with your mind and let answers come. Takes a bit of practise and is nice if you can get someone who is comfortable with testing to verify your test results. Don't be afraid to reset your mind and remove influences again before double checking answers.

Unfortunately there is no way to be 100% certain of answers given, specially for things of a predictive nature (asking about the future or what another person would think or do or like) these things are nearly impossible to get correct answers about. But with some practise and learning how to ask the best types of yes no questions you can be pretty accurate the majority of the time.

This is a really good point, commanding remove influence before starting to dowse. Even then, I find that a strong opinion I hold can affect the results. For instance, if I really want an answer to be yes, I believe the dowsing result will show me yes. I work with my mind to be willing to accept whatever answer comes up realizing that mostly what my mind strongly wants is ego-oriented. It does take practice with things where I am not attached to the results (answers).
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Frank » 24 Apr 2017 21:24

Shellers wrote:
Dee wrote:
gZo wrote:I managed to move the rods. And I feel in general a lot of activity in the Brain area Frank mentioned. Not only when I move the rods, or work with them. But when I do, it's more recognizable. I ordered my core to not influence them before I tried it. But now I'm wondering since I know I can move them, if I'm not moving the rods to get the answers I'd like to get vs. those that are true? :confusion-scratchheadblue:

In my experience, I ask my higher self (or DropBox, or Pearl, or SkillBox depending on what tools you have available) to remove influence from me, as well as from the rods. Then when you ask questions avoid directly trying to influence the result with your mind and let answers come. Takes a bit of practise and is nice if you can get someone who is comfortable with testing to verify your test results. Don't be afraid to reset your mind and remove influences again before double checking answers.

Unfortunately there is no way to be 100% certain of answers given, specially for things of a predictive nature (asking about the future or what another person would think or do or like) these things are nearly impossible to get correct answers about. But with some practise and learning how to ask the best types of yes no questions you can be pretty accurate the majority of the time.

This is a really good point, commanding remove influence before starting to dowse. Even then, I find that a strong opinion I hold can affect the results. For instance, if I really want an answer to be yes, I believe the dowsing result will show me yes. I work with my mind to be willing to accept whatever answer comes up realizing that mostly what my mind strongly wants is ego-oriented. It does take practice with things where I am not attached to the results (answers).

So that's a good test.
I did it often.
If you know an answer already for sure, let's say it's "no", ask the question and think/say "yes, yes, yes...".
If the right answer comes, you learned to non influence your rods/pendulum...
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby gZo » 25 Apr 2017 12:34

Frank wrote:
Shellers wrote:
Dee wrote:
gZo wrote:I managed to move the rods. And I feel in general a lot of activity in the Brain area Frank mentioned. Not only when I move the rods, or work with them. But when I do, it's more recognizable. I ordered my core to not influence them before I tried it. But now I'm wondering since I know I can move them, if I'm not moving the rods to get the answers I'd like to get vs. those that are true? :confusion-scratchheadblue:

In my experience, I ask my higher self (or DropBox, or Pearl, or SkillBox depending on what tools you have available) to remove influence from me, as well as from the rods. Then when you ask questions avoid directly trying to influence the result with your mind and let answers come. Takes a bit of practise and is nice if you can get someone who is comfortable with testing to verify your test results. Don't be afraid to reset your mind and remove influences again before double checking answers.

Unfortunately there is no way to be 100% certain of answers given, specially for things of a predictive nature (asking about the future or what another person would think or do or like) these things are nearly impossible to get correct answers about. But with some practise and learning how to ask the best types of yes no questions you can be pretty accurate the majority of the time.

This is a really good point, commanding remove influence before starting to dowse. Even then, I find that a strong opinion I hold can affect the results. For instance, if I really want an answer to be yes, I believe the dowsing result will show me yes. I work with my mind to be willing to accept whatever answer comes up realizing that mostly what my mind strongly wants is ego-oriented. It does take practice with things where I am not attached to the results (answers).

So that's a good test.
I did it often.
If you know an answer already for sure, let's say it's "no", ask the question and think/say "yes, yes, yes...".
If the right answer comes, you learned to non influence your rods/pendulum...

Thanks, Shellers, Dee and Frank!

Yes, I always ordered before using them to remove influences and now started to order core not to influence them either. In the beginning I didn't order my core and it worked very well already. It was very natural and I trained my mind to stay total neutral and not think of anything I wanted the answer to be. Since I know I was accurate with a few checks, because Alex asked frank to check and he had the same results. But then this one kid which I spoke to and checked before I was wrong, cause he was wearing a light mask. However that was a good learning experience, because since then I always ask. After I get a 'yes' for light: Is (person) wearing a light mask? I had a few more cases like that. So I learned to check with questions with opposite questions. And I never ask questions about future things. I did ask questions about past things. Not sure if they were right, but it was kinda strange, since some created this emotional feeling in my plexus area. Which I also am able to recognize better and better. Since I discovered that's where the intuition center must be. That's how I feel where it is at least. Not sure if it really is though.

I'll practice with Franks advice later. I think it's always better to be a bit skeptical always, especially after that mask situation and thinking I got it all figured out...
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Re: Training with dowsing rods

Unread postby Evo » 28 Jun 2019 19:33

Is the "Healing Connections" music, and other healing variations the only thing that determines movement? aside from maybe material, or make?
I can most definitely attest to instant movement, while very subtle. As others said mainly a matter of healings.
I am curious as to whether my shitty rods have anything to do with anything (: ty

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