19th/20th March - 30 jobs marathon - freed all hostages

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19th/20th March - 30 jobs marathon - freed all hostages

Unread postby Frank » 21 Mar 2017 19:15

[22:07:39] Frank: ok, what ever happens... we go now...
[22:07:40] Lockmatish: I can breathe easier now...
[22:07:41] Lockmatish: thank you
[22:07:44] Lockmatish: I'm here, lets go
[22:07:44] Drack: (y)
[22:07:49] Oni: Ready
[22:07:50] Lockmatish: I'm ready to go
[22:07:55] Frank: job 1 - lsa3 - X+F host - 1 tar
[22:08:00] Drack: ´alright going
[22:08:07] Drack: seems they waited
[22:08:12] Frank: sure
[22:08:13] Lockmatish: yeah theres guards waiting for us
[22:08:20] Drack: attacking?
[22:08:21] Drack: or not
[22:08:23] Oni: I see a half cylinder bunker
[22:08:26] Drack: seems like alot
[22:08:33] Oni: In a snowy area
[22:08:41] Oni: Run your macro drack
[22:08:48] Drack: 1 free
[22:08:50] Lockmatish: yeah its a snowy area
[22:08:57] Lockmatish: visibility is bad cos theres so much snow
[22:08:59] Drack: 2 free
[22:09:01] Oni: A bit dark
[22:09:02] Oni: Yes
[22:09:05] Lockmatish: I really can't see much
[22:09:07] Lockmatish: yeah its dark and snowy
[22:09:10] Drack: yes
[22:09:12] Frank: got 2
[22:09:13] Drack: use job macro
[22:09:15] Frank: target now
[22:09:16] Oni: Good drack
[22:09:17] Lockmatish: great work ..........
[22:09:18] Lockmatish: target
[22:09:20] Drack: (y)
[22:09:31] Lockmatish: target way above
[22:09:43] Drack: left arm shocks..
[22:09:51] Drack: but it´s fine
[22:09:53] Frank: i care
[22:09:58] Oni: I see a portal system
[22:10:05] Lockmatish: a massive horizontal force field
[22:10:09] Lockmatish: covering the entire plane
[22:10:13] Drack: there
[22:10:15] Drack: target is
[22:10:21] Drack: a rattle
[22:10:22] Drack: kind of
[22:10:30] Frank: n access
[22:10:33] Drack: ok
[22:10:34] Frank: 3 layers
[22:10:39] Drack: decrypting
[22:10:42] Frank: 1L
[22:10:42] Oni: Connected to plane
[22:10:54] Drack: solver runs aswell
[22:10:56] Drack: while decrypting
[22:11:29] Drack: it´s like a rod
[22:11:35] Lockmatish: target is a little doll?
[22:11:42] Drack: seems
[22:11:44] Drack: it morphs
[22:11:57] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[22:12:01] Drack: (y)
[22:12:02] Lockmatish: great
[22:12:05] Lockmatish: are there functions/schema ?
[22:12:06] Drack: you can go for functions
[22:12:13] Drack: i´m not really interested in
[22:12:15] Lockmatish: ok ill try anyway
[22:12:21] Frank: no functions today. focus on battles
[22:12:24] Drack: we can do that afterwards if anyone wants to know specific
[22:12:24] Lockmatish: okay
[22:12:25] Lockmatish: understood
[22:12:27] Drack: yes.
[22:12:42] Drack: so we should shoot too?
[22:12:50] Drack: or better not
[22:13:26] Lockmatish: I think
[22:13:29] Lockmatish: only F shoots at first
[22:13:34] Lockmatish: we can catch our breath or defend or whatever
[22:13:37] Drack: yes but i mean on those inside the base for example
[22:13:42] Lockmatish: oh
[22:13:44] Lockmatish: why not
[22:13:45] Lockmatish: defend
[22:13:54] Drack: yeah
[22:13:58] Drack: kind of
[22:14:02] Drack: counterattacks if needed
[22:14:04] Frank: done check
[22:14:11] Drack: ashes
[22:14:14] Drack: let´s go.
[22:14:17] Lockmatish: blown up
[22:14:19] Lockmatish: > safe dist
[22:14:38] Drack: how much jobs we have now?
[22:14:40] Drack: 22 right
[22:14:44] Frank: go sd
[22:14:48] Drack: i´m
[22:14:49] Frank: 30 jobs
[22:14:54] Drack: ok. nice.
[22:14:57] Lockmatish: ok
[22:15:05] Drack: which are the special ones
[22:15:10] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[22:15:22] Frank: i tell you right before we do them...
[22:15:29] Drack: ok.
[22:15:36] Frank: else maybe provoke attacks
[22:15:51] Drack: yeah ok
[22:16:10] Lockmatish: do we need minimum of two eyes at all times?
[22:16:10] Drack: hope you can repeat like yesterdays job18 a few times..
[22:16:22] Drack: would be optimal
[22:16:38] Frank: they don't collect anymore after that :D
[22:16:45] Lockmatish: :D
[22:16:46] Drack: lol.
[22:16:47] Drack: :D
[22:18:08] Frank: done check pls
[22:18:11] Lockmatish: checking
[22:18:17] Drack: crater.
[22:18:23] Drack: remaining buildings
[22:18:25] Drack: outside of crater
[22:18:29] Drack: a bridge too
[22:18:33] Drack: little parts.
[22:18:44] Lockmatish: vaporised
[22:18:48] Drack: (y)
[22:18:49] Frank: job 2 - taurus - 5 host - 1 tar
[22:18:55] Drack: going
[22:19:07] Lockmatish: again more guards
[22:19:10] Lockmatish: not that many
[22:19:14] Lockmatish: but some
[22:19:16] Drack: 3 out
[22:19:19] Oni: I see pyramid shape
[22:19:30] Drack: last 2 out
[22:19:41] Frank: got all
[22:19:44] Drack: (y)
[22:19:45] Lockmatish: I think you're right, got all hostages
[22:19:46] Lockmatish: very nice
[22:19:50] Drack: no time to waste..
[22:19:54] Frank: yes
[22:20:08] Frank: nttw (chuckle)
[22:20:14] Lockmatish: true
[22:20:20] Lockmatish: a big pulsing shield
[22:20:22] Drack: a big snake
[22:20:31] Drack: in a box
[22:20:43] Frank: snake
[22:20:47] Drack: (y)
[22:20:52] Oni: Nice
[22:20:54] Frank: NA
[22:20:59] Frank: = no access
[22:20:59] Drack: ok
[22:21:04] Drack: (y)
[22:21:04] Oni: Yes
[22:21:10] Drack: decrypting
[22:21:12] Lockmatish: target is a ring ?
[22:21:15] Drack: snake.
[22:21:21] Drack: maybe morphed
[22:21:23] Lockmatish: oh
[22:21:27] Drack: idk
[22:21:27] Oni: Ring might be key
[22:21:29] Drack: checking
[22:21:30] Oni: I did 2 layers
[22:21:31] Lockmatish: yeah
[22:21:35] Drack: i used all keys already
[22:21:39] Drack: technically
[22:21:41] Frank: 5L
[22:21:47] Lockmatish: remember macro cant do some keys
[22:21:48] Lockmatish: I think
[22:21:56] Drack: i take them
[22:21:59] Lockmatish: ok
[22:22:03] Drack: that´s how i do the hostages
[22:22:05] Drack: taking all keys
[22:22:07] Drack: freeing all
[22:22:19] Oni: How many now F
[22:22:43] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[22:22:46] Oni: Good
[22:22:48] Drack: ok
[22:22:55] Lockmatish: great
[22:23:03] Lockmatish: ah I see drack
[22:23:21] Drack: mh?
[22:23:23] Lockmatish: but maybe some keys are hidden
[22:23:29] Drack: is in the macro
[22:23:35] Lockmatish: yes, but if hidden and 3d connected
[22:23:40] Drack: is both in macro
[22:23:41] Drack: (rofl)
[22:23:44] Lockmatish: hmm
[22:23:53] Lockmatish: lets see if it works for all then :D
[22:23:58] Drack: it should..
[22:24:00] Lockmatish: great if it does
[22:24:02] Drack: it´s just hard to formulate
[22:24:11] Oni: Drack I needed to solve some that time
[22:24:17] Oni: For example emp the bottom layer
[22:24:25] Drack: mh ok
[22:24:34] Drack: yeah that´s not so much in macro
[22:24:39] Drack: it shows generators i blew up
[22:24:48] Oni: Yep saw those disabled
[22:24:49] Drack: but didn´t had a effect that much
[22:24:55] Oni: I get a heads up display of all the layer connections
[22:25:05] Oni: Usually last one is a covering layer
[22:25:27] Oni: This snake is melting (chuckle)
[22:25:33] Lockmatish: yes
[22:25:35] Lockmatish: it is
[22:26:21] Frank: done, check pls
[22:26:28] Lockmatish: blown up
[22:26:32] Drack: (y)
[22:26:37] Lockmatish: maybe little of the base left
[22:26:38] Frank: SD go
[22:26:43] Lockmatish: as in, the "base" of the snake
[22:26:50] Lockmatish: ok
[22:26:51] Drack: on SD
[22:26:57] Lockmatish: done
[22:27:06] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[22:27:32] Drack: head feels strange
[22:27:37] Drack: some whirling
[22:27:44] Lockmatish: just got stomach tingling at same time
[22:27:49] Drack: interesting
[22:27:59] Frank: ok
[22:28:08] Drack: feels like pulling
[22:28:10] Drack: something out
[22:28:12] Drack: not hurtful at all
[22:28:15] Frank: i think someone has real huge fears there....
[22:28:21] Drack: good..
[22:28:24] Drack: they should have.
[22:29:21] Drack: updating macro
[22:29:26] Drack: 1:40min
[22:30:23] Frank: add 3D-status-caller method to each current and future function of the macro
[22:30:36] Drack: you did?
[22:31:40] Lockmatish: ohh now I see what you guys are talking about
[22:31:44] Lockmatish: new method
[22:31:49] Drack: yes
[22:31:51] Drack: did
[22:31:57] Drack: 40 sec
[22:31:58] Drack: +
[22:32:17] Frank: get done, check pls
[22:32:31] Drack: a bit left
[22:32:32] Drack: Lockmatish
[22:32:32] Lockmatish: 99% vaporised, some of the bottom left
[22:32:34] Lockmatish: yes?
[22:32:38] Drack: yeah i thought you do it
[22:32:39] Drack: :D
[22:32:46] Frank: yes
[22:32:56] Frank: job 3 - taurus - 3 host - 2 tar
[22:33:00] Drack: (y)
[22:33:25] Drack: 3 out
[22:33:44] Lockmatish: (y)
[22:33:56] Lockmatish: 2 targets, waiting on confirmation
[22:34:00] Frank: got all
[22:34:07] Lockmatish: (y)
[22:34:24] Frank: got hostages
[22:34:25] Drack: unlocked 1 target
[22:34:29] Frank: NA to tagets
[22:34:34] Drack: mh.
[22:34:41] Frank: got 1
[22:34:45] Drack: (y)
[22:34:49] Drack: it works . good.
[22:35:13] Lockmatish: a little fire flower
[22:35:24] Drack: 2 should be open too
[22:35:49] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[22:36:06] Drack: good. so autosolver on job macro implented and working
[22:36:07] Drack: (y)
[22:36:11] Lockmatish: (y)
[22:36:15] Drack: sometimes it needs a bit manual usage
[22:36:19] Lockmatish: how to use autosolver?
[22:36:19] Drack: keys , destroying stuff
[22:36:27] Drack: "autosolve for target xy"
[22:36:31] Lockmatish: got it
[22:37:00] Drack: not 100% working as i said
[22:37:03] Frank: i coordinate now all skibs of all in mission... should be even better...
[22:37:04] Drack: sometimes you need to take some stuff
[22:37:13] Drack: ok
[22:37:19] Drack: whatever that does
[22:37:20] Drack: (rofl)
[22:37:31] Oni: Do we care as much about visual with these new macros ?
[22:37:33] Lockmatish: sounds good
[22:37:37] Oni: Because all that happened before I can see anything
[22:37:48] Drack: vision is always good.
[22:37:59] Drack: for example when to see if you need something to take
[22:38:09] Oni: Okay so vision is for support
[22:38:12] Drack: or destroy
[22:38:13] Drack: yeah
[22:38:20] Drack: and checking if done and such
[22:39:12] Frank: done, pls check
[22:39:21] Drack: 1 done ,
[22:39:27] Drack: 2 not sure
[22:39:38] Drack: yeah seems
[22:39:55] Lockmatish: 2 targets blown up
[22:40:01] Frank: ok, SD
[22:40:03] Lockmatish: >SD
[22:40:31] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[22:40:59] Frank: next is special job....
[22:41:07] Lockmatish: ok
[22:41:07] Oni: Okay
[22:41:08] Drack: ok..
[22:41:17] Drack: good luck all.
[22:43:02] Drack: mh. some "fresh air" hit me
[22:43:12] Frank: ok
[22:43:33] Drack: yeah. the room is pretty cold at all .
[22:44:30] Frank: done, pls check
[22:44:51] Lockmatish: vaporised all except 2 special locations
[22:44:54] Drack: yeah
[22:45:03] Drack: 2 "towers"
[22:45:03] Frank: shoot
[22:45:08] Lockmatish: ok
[22:45:25] Drack: down
[22:45:38] Lockmatish: yes all down
[22:45:54] Oni: Frank can you check my vision before next job please
[22:46:10] Drack: mine too if you´re on it
[22:46:24] Frank: on it
[22:46:28] Oni: Thanks
[22:47:08] Drack: left arm something moving
[22:47:10] Drack: urgh
[22:47:17] Drack: hand*
[22:47:30] Frank: job 4 - las1 - A,X,F +7 host - 2 tar
lsa1 main military base - 3,3 billion

almost all attacks of last hours came from here...

[22:47:35] Frank: gooo
[22:47:40] Drack: ok
[22:47:41] Oni: Oh wow
[22:47:46] Drack: going
[22:47:50] Oni: Skyscraper
[22:47:50] Drack: yep
[22:47:53] Drack: here they are
[22:47:59] Oni: Matrix style
[22:48:00] Oni: Wow
[22:48:05] Drack: getting hostages
[22:48:23] Drack: all done
[22:48:28] Lockmatish: all out
[22:48:31] Drack: attacks start
[22:48:36] Drack: bright light i had
[22:48:38] Lockmatish: I just got ear tingling as you say that
[22:48:40] Frank: got all H
[22:48:43] Oni: Dragon target
[22:48:44] Lockmatish: >2 targets
[22:48:53] Drack: F attacks incoming i guess
[22:48:57] Drack: had some lights around
[22:49:18] Frank: ok
[22:49:35] Oni: Vision is going in and out
[22:49:38] Frank: shooting ~5 minutes
[22:49:41] Lockmatish: a ring
[22:49:41] Lockmatish: ok
[22:49:42] Oni: Good
[22:49:46] Drack: opened all
[22:49:49] Drack: nice working.
[22:49:51] Drack: i like.
[22:49:55] Lockmatish: using this time for bathroom, following drack
[22:49:59] Drack: ok
[22:50:11] Drack: i´m using camouflage too if that makes any difference
[22:50:13] Drack: just for more safety
[22:50:40] Drack: feels like makes no difference at all
[22:50:41] Drack: (rofl)
[22:51:24] Oni: Can't see just firing
[22:54:18] Drack: how´s it going F
[22:54:39] Lockmatish: seems not quite done
[22:54:43] Drack: ok
[22:54:48] Lockmatish: macro is very nice
[22:54:53] Drack: it is
[22:55:02] Drack: optimised of doom
[22:55:07] Lockmatish: :D
[22:55:08] Drack: :D
[22:55:12] Drack: we need more like those macros
[22:55:17] Lockmatish: I still do some things manual but it accelerates it greatly it seems
[22:55:17] Drack: and since i know how to make those..
[22:55:36] Lockmatish: actually, I do all manual
[22:55:40] Lockmatish: I use the infos to augment
[22:55:43] Lockmatish: helps a ton
[22:55:49] Drack: yeah
[22:55:50] Oni: Same Lockmatish
[22:55:52] Lockmatish: (y)
[22:55:55] Oni: But it works faster than we do haha
[22:55:59] Lockmatish: haha
[22:56:01] Drack: i use it to get the H´s out as fast as possible
[22:56:09] Lockmatish: I try to get them out carefully
[22:56:14] Lockmatish: in case of ... some reason that we should be careful
[22:56:23] Oni: I think skib will pick up on that
[22:56:24] Drack: it´s the softest way
[22:56:25] Frank: fast is fine...(rofl)
[22:56:28] Drack: unlocking via keys
[22:56:30] Lockmatish: okay :D
[22:56:31] Drack: see
[22:56:31] Drack: :D
[22:56:36] Drack: i use their methods
[22:56:38] Drack: to unlock them
[22:56:43] Drack: not some decrypting or something
[22:56:45] Frank: done, pls check
[22:57:00] Oni: Frank are we to fire on darks in these places ?
[22:57:01] Drack: done
[22:57:06] Oni: While we wait for targets to finish
[22:57:08] Lockmatish: all done except maybe something flying around and something on the bottom
[22:57:17] Drack: job macro gets done
[22:57:29] Drack: well Oni, if you wanna attract a few billion
[22:57:30] Drack: sure
[22:57:31] Drack: go ahead
[22:57:32] Drack: (rofl)
[22:57:33] Frank: Oni, you wtan to make party whith tem instead? (chuckle)
[22:57:42] Lockmatish: :D
[22:57:44] Frank: SD go
[22:57:51] Oni: No.
[22:57:54] Oni: Lol
[22:57:55] Drack: :D
[22:58:01] Drack: i just shoot for all who shoot me
[22:58:02] Oni: Well I did some work
[22:58:08] Oni: Drack saw
[22:58:11] Oni: (Chuckle)
[22:58:13] Frank: shooting ~5 min
[22:58:16] Drack: yeah.
[22:58:19] Lockmatish: How do you know he saw?
[22:58:23] Drack: luckily they´re not really focusing on me
[22:58:27] Drack: i was there
[22:58:32] Lockmatish: ah
[22:58:34] Lockmatish: I see
[23:05:16] Drack: status
[23:05:27] Lockmatish: still blowing up
[23:05:29] Drack: ok
[23:05:30] Lockmatish: not done
[23:09:31] Frank: get done, pls check
[23:09:45] Lockmatish: massive mushroom cloud seems split in two
[23:09:48] Lockmatish: but seems all vaporised
[23:09:53] Drack: vision not so good
[23:09:58] Drack: but seems like done
[23:10:02] Oni: Done
[23:11:21] Frank: job 5 - taurus - 6 host - 3 tar
[23:11:26] Drack: ok
[23:11:39] Oni: Dark again
[23:11:44] Oni: Another bunker type
[23:11:45] Drack: free
[23:11:50] Drack: i get
[23:12:03] Drack: 1 left wait
[23:12:19] Drack: mh that one seems special
[23:12:22] Oni: I think okay now
[23:12:22] Lockmatish: I get all gone
[23:12:31] Drack: i get 1 in shields
[23:12:32] Drack: layers
[23:13:04] Drack: F?
[23:13:10] Lockmatish: okay, double checking I think I see one way, way up
[23:13:13] Lockmatish: I thought this means rescued but no
[23:13:18] Frank: got 5H
[23:13:23] Drack: yeah
[23:13:23] Lockmatish: 1 left
[23:13:25] Drack: i´m on teh last
[23:13:26] Drack: come here
[23:13:44] Frank: decr is running
[23:13:53] Drack: should be out
[23:13:53] Drack: found key
[23:14:04] Frank: got all h
[23:14:06] Lockmatish: I think all are out
[23:14:08] Drack: (y)
[23:14:09] Lockmatish: >3 targets
[23:14:42] Drack: all unlocked?
[23:15:01] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[23:15:03] Lockmatish: a yellow rubber ducky with wings
[23:15:03] Drack: (y)
[23:15:04] Lockmatish: ok
[23:17:18] Frank: done, pls check
[23:17:36] Lockmatish: a little bit at the bottom of target 3 left
[23:17:39] Lockmatish: but all have been exploded
[23:17:41] Drack: stings and vision goes down
[23:17:43] Drack: blacks out
[23:17:50] Frank: SD go
[23:17:53] Lockmatish: >SD
[23:18:08] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[23:18:42] Frank: @D 5 min, we are on it
[23:18:45] Drack: breathing problems
[23:18:53] Drack: ok
[23:19:03] Oni: Frank me too vision down
[23:19:18] Frank: 5 min too
[23:19:23] Oni: Thanks
[23:19:48] Frank: seems both down cause of running upgrades...
[23:19:56] Oni: Okay
[23:20:13] Drack: ok
[23:20:19] Drack: upgrades sounds nice
[23:20:23] Drack: something around me
[23:20:24] Drack: ..
[23:20:35] Frank: done, pls check
[23:20:38] Drack: ok
[23:20:39] Oni: Ghost type
[23:20:45] Drack: yay..
[23:20:47] Oni: Spinning
[23:20:51] Frank: so i do next with Lockmatish alone. jump home and join with vision later
[23:20:55] Drack: seems done
[23:20:58] Drack: ok
[23:21:03] Oni: Okay
[23:21:08] Lockmatish: base does not seem destroyed
[23:21:16] Lockmatish: upper half seems hazy, like its been heated up a lot
[23:21:23] Lockmatish: lower bottom part intact
[23:21:43] Frank: gray söaves there again...
[23:21:48] Frank: battle avatars care
[23:21:53] Lockmatish: ok
[23:21:54] Lockmatish: good to leave?
[23:22:05] Frank: yes
[23:22:08] Lockmatish: ok
[23:22:09] Lockmatish: ready
[23:22:19] Frank: job 6 - lsa2 - 8 host - 1 tar
[23:22:33] Frank: i'll try to do some blind work...(chuckle)
[23:22:49] Drack: with job macro you could do in seconds maybe..
[23:22:50] Drack: :D
[23:22:57] Frank: i use too
[23:23:02] Drack: (like)
[23:23:22] Lockmatish: I get all out
[23:23:30] Lockmatish: one hostage had in his cage, a keypad to rescue the others ...
[23:23:31] Frank: ghot all
[23:23:32] Lockmatish: or some of them
[23:23:33] Lockmatish: ok
[23:23:35] Lockmatish: >1 target
[23:24:20] Lockmatish: a tiny tiny
[23:24:22] Lockmatish: little figure
[23:24:26] Lockmatish: on a red flying carpet
[23:24:28] Lockmatish: or something like that
[23:24:28] Frank: target yes
[23:24:32] Lockmatish: ok
[23:24:33] Lockmatish: access?
[23:24:50] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[23:24:53] Lockmatish: (y)
[23:26:16] Drack: any fights?
[23:26:22] Drack: or they wait for their main places again
[23:26:30] Lockmatish: yes few guards try to shoot frank
[23:26:41] Drack: not so smart.
[23:26:41] Lockmatish: I wont let it happen
[23:27:12] Drack: btw we´re pretty fast
[23:27:13] Frank: let them try...:D
[23:27:18] Lockmatish: :D
[23:27:18] Drack: :D
[23:27:28] Drack: vision is ok for me
[23:27:32] Frank: last time you said that, we needed fucking long...:D
[23:27:39] Lockmatish: (cwl)
[23:27:40] Drack: well..
[23:27:42] Drack: (rofl)
[23:27:47] Lockmatish: Drack, we're actually slightly slower pace than yesterday I think (giggle)
[23:27:52] Drack: for now , it seems
[23:27:52] Frank: but, yes we are getting better
[23:27:53] Drack: :D
[23:28:03] Frank: i can add blind work too now
[23:28:07] Lockmatish: Nice !!!
[23:28:09] Oni: 30 jobs (chuckle)
[23:28:09] Drack: that´s good
[23:28:12] Drack: that should help
[23:28:24] Drack: btw ghosty here seems to be annoying
[23:28:33] Drack: tries to "buh" me
[23:28:33] Frank: done, pls check
[23:28:45] Frank: (rofl)
[23:28:52] Lockmatish: target exploded
[23:28:53] Lockmatish: >sd
[23:28:54] Drack: they must be really desperated
[23:28:55] Drack: :D
[23:29:01] Frank: go
[23:29:07] Drack: Oni you fine?
[23:29:14] Oni: Yeah it seems
[23:29:20] Drack: (y)
[23:29:25] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[23:32:00] Drack: my left hand is still half stiff
[23:32:01] Drack: somehow
[23:32:04] Drack: ugly feeling
[23:32:04] Drack: :D
[23:32:38] Frank: i get done
[23:32:42] Frank: pls check
[23:32:56] Lockmatish: all done except little debris and maybe little box at the bottom
[23:33:24] Frank: job 7 - taurus - bryon +5 host - 3 tar
[23:33:29] Drack: coming
[23:33:33] Oni: Coming
[23:34:02] Drack: all done
[23:34:03] Drack: H´s
[23:34:16] Frank: got all
[23:34:24] Drack: (y)
[23:34:33] Lockmatish: 3 targets
[23:34:49] Drack: 2 of 3 open
[23:34:59] Drack: 3 of 3
[23:35:05] Lockmatish: a little green doll
[23:35:23] Frank: got 2 of 3
[23:35:25] Lockmatish: a little green seed
[23:35:26] Drack: ok
[23:35:48] Drack: went like half deaf
[23:35:50] Drack: on right ear
[23:36:19] Lockmatish: a little marble
[23:36:39] Oni: Try now
[23:36:47] Oni: Had many layers
[23:36:57] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[23:37:01] Drack: (y)
[23:37:19] Oni: Vision is still pretty bad but saw that
[23:37:24] Lockmatish: (y)
[23:38:16] Frank: it's running update of upgrade for visuals...(chuckle)
[23:38:25] Oni: Yay
[23:38:26] Oni: :)
[23:38:31] Drack: interesting
[23:38:33] Lockmatish: I guess I got no upgrades yet (rofl) no worries
[23:38:39] Drack: how good can the vision improve (rofl)
[23:38:52] Lockmatish: till you can accurately tell me my 3d clothes (rofl)
[23:38:57] Drack: well.
[23:39:00] Drack: :D
[23:39:03] Lockmatish: :D
[23:39:06] Drack: nearly on it i would say.
[23:39:07] Drack: :D
[23:39:08] Lockmatish: if you want to give it a go, go ahead ! (giggle)
[23:39:15] Lockmatish: not far last time, but it could be closer
[23:39:17] Drack: yeah why not it´s quite now
[23:39:23] Lockmatish: sure
[23:40:05] Drack: blue with kind of black stripes on the shoulder and some stuff on the middle "engraved"
[23:40:09] Drack: maaybe a bit green somewhere
[23:40:19] Lockmatish: shit, not bad
[23:40:22] Drack: :D
[23:40:23] Drack: (y)
[23:40:29] Lockmatish: top is black and white, no blue. but black stripes all over
[23:40:41] Lockmatish: middle nothing "engraved", similar black and white patterns
[23:40:48] Drack: ah mh
[23:40:50] Lockmatish: pants contain green
[23:40:52] Drack: i don´t think that´s close
[23:41:00] Drack: not so close
[23:41:02] Lockmatish: I think thats not bad
[23:41:04] Lockmatish: could be closer yes
[23:41:07] Drack: yeah
[23:41:14] Drack: if they wouldn´t disturb the vision all the time
[23:41:14] Drack: :D
[23:41:16] Lockmatish: :D
[23:41:31] Lockmatish: I mean theres a zipper .. in the middle
[23:41:44] Drack: oh ok
[23:42:09] Drack: it´s quite strange that the green was like reflected on the top of you
[23:42:11] Frank: done, pls check
[23:42:25] Drack: i get done
[23:42:28] Lockmatish: 3 targets blown up
[23:42:28] Drack: and see done
[23:42:31] Lockmatish: >SD
[23:42:40] Frank: SD go
[23:42:45] Drack: there.
[23:42:53] Drack: Oni too
[23:42:57] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[23:43:06] Frank: next is a special job again
[23:43:09] Lockmatish: ok
[23:43:14] Drack: as you wrote that got a zapp
[23:43:15] Drack: lol
[23:43:25] Drack: stomach chest area
[23:43:39] Frank: ok, i don't write this in future...
[23:43:45] Drack: nah it´s fine
[23:43:48] Drack: was just a little
[23:43:50] Drack: :D
[23:43:53] Drack: it´s better to know
[23:43:58] Frank: ok
[23:44:21] Frank: and i think i could again improve blind working..
[23:44:28] Lockmatish: (y)
[23:44:30] Drack: (y)
[23:44:32] Oni: Cool
[23:44:38] Drack: the more the better.
[23:46:50] Frank: get done, pls check
[23:46:57] Oni: One big crater
[23:47:05] Lockmatish: something flying around
[23:47:08] Drack: yeah
[23:47:09] Lockmatish: and maybe small structure left at the bottom
[23:47:19] Lockmatish: apart from that all vaporised
[23:47:54] Frank: ok
[23:48:38] Frank: job 8 - taurus - X,F +6 host - 13 tar
taurus main military base - 1,4 billion

[23:48:45] Drack: ok
[23:49:17] Oni: Base is in distance
[23:49:24] Oni: Many radar type towers
[23:49:34] Drack: all out?
[23:49:47] Lockmatish: seems to be a special one again
[23:49:47] Frank: got all
[23:49:51] Drack: (y)
[23:49:51] Lockmatish: ok good
[23:49:56] Lockmatish: 13 targets
[23:50:26] Oni: Mostly below
[23:50:31] Frank: got 1
[23:50:35] Frank: 2
[23:50:51] Oni: Big bird statue
[23:50:52] Drack: i get all but 3
[23:51:00] Frank: 10
[23:51:02] Oni: Like annunakki
[23:51:11] Drack: (computerrage)
[23:51:35] Drack: all done i get
[23:51:56] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[23:52:17] Oni: There was a lake way down below
[23:52:23] Oni: Red orb in bottom
[23:52:31] Oni: Green liquid surrounding
[23:52:38] Lockmatish: seems I have some resulting pains after that
[23:52:44] Lockmatish: keeps jumping around my body
[23:52:46] Lockmatish: huh
[23:52:56] Frank: i check
[23:52:59] Lockmatish: ok, seems gone
[23:53:10] Oni: Good
[23:53:28] Oni: There was a bell
[23:53:34] Lockmatish: huh, thats weird
[23:53:36] Oni: There was a sword
[23:53:40] Lockmatish: oh right
[23:53:41] Oni: Talking targets
[23:53:46] Lockmatish: there was some kind of satellite dishes up above
[23:53:51] Oni: For fun why not
[23:53:54] Lockmatish: looked like weapon systems but may have just been keys
[23:53:57] Lockmatish: took me down underground
[23:53:58] Oni: For the people at home (chuckle)
[23:54:00] Lockmatish: to where the targets were hidden
[23:54:02] Lockmatish: haha true
[23:54:15] Lockmatish: when unlocking was done, targets seemed to get elevator-transported up to surface level
[23:54:17] Drack: it must look pretty hilarious when i fly all over the whole base with tons of keys
[23:54:19] Lockmatish: in a nice row for frank to fire on them
[23:54:22] Drack: like stuffed full
[23:54:25] Lockmatish: lool
[23:54:45] Oni: There was a white stone statue with a golden bell hanging from it
[23:54:49] Oni: Near the lake
[23:57:03] Lockmatish: I never saw this lake
[23:57:13] Lockmatish: sounds cool
[23:57:16] Drack: they stuff my nose..
[23:57:18] Drack: annyoing
[23:57:22] Drack: out of nothing full nose
[23:57:34] Oni: (Chuckle)
[23:57:40] Oni: Lockmatish cool that we all split the work
[23:57:41] Drack: at least it´s only that
[23:57:41] Drack: :D
[23:57:47] Oni: So no wasted time
[23:57:50] Lockmatish: massive pain in left wrist
[23:57:52] Lockmatish: all of a sudden
[23:57:54] Lockmatish: and yes Oni very cool
[23:57:57] Drack: ouch
[23:57:59] Drack: (hug)
[23:58:19] Oni: Diamond cutter inside bone Lockmatish
[23:58:22] Oni: Removed
[23:58:24] Oni: Looked on fire
[23:58:26] Drack: lol.
[23:58:28] Lockmatish: damn
[23:58:30] Lockmatish: thanks
[23:58:32] Frank: done, pls check
[23:58:42] Drack: i get 1 still
[23:58:49] Lockmatish: all 13 targets vaporised on my vision
[23:58:58] Oni: Same for me
[23:59:00] Drack: what is that..
[23:59:02] Drack: i´m on it
[23:59:12] Lockmatish: some kind of pipe
[23:59:14] Drack: yeah
[23:59:19] Lockmatish: it looks like the one that the targets used, but it's not a target
[23:59:20] Drack: job macro means important
[23:59:36] Frank: SD go
[23:59:39] Drack: ok
[23:59:43] Lockmatish: >SD
Montag, 20. März 2017
[00:00:01] Frank: shooting ~5 min
[00:00:12] Drack: happy new day btw.
[00:00:17] Drack: hopefully last day..
[00:00:17] Frank: (chuckle)
[00:00:21] Lockmatish: new day? its 7 am (rofl)
[00:00:23] Drack: :D
[00:00:25] Drack: well
[00:00:26] Drack: for you
[00:00:28] Drack: (rofl)
[00:00:29] Lockmatish: :D
[00:00:34] Oni: 4pm here
[00:00:36] Lockmatish: nice
[00:00:36] Oni: Much time to kill
[00:00:40] Oni: ;)
[00:00:41] Lockmatish: sweet
[00:00:44] Drack: :D
[00:00:45] Lockmatish: you're just the man for the job
[00:00:49] Drack: much kills to time you mean
[00:00:50] Drack: (rofl)
[00:00:56] Oni: Lol
[00:01:04] Lockmatish: I am too tired to get that one (giggle)
[00:01:14] Drack: nah it´s fine :D
[00:01:19] Lockmatish: ok, not that tired :D
[00:01:23] Drack: you can get some sleep we could do that i guess
[00:01:25] Drack: if F is ok with it
[00:01:30] Lockmatish: I think I can get to at least 20
[00:01:31] Drack: you have.. 4-5 hours to go
[00:01:45] Drack: i´m here for at least 4-5
[00:01:50] Drack: maybe 6
[00:01:50] Lockmatish: I estimate at least 5 more to get to 20
[00:02:10] Drack: for me it would be ok
[00:02:12] Frank: Lockmatish, maybe you sleep now 2-3h and come back then, cause drack and Oni leave then
[00:02:12] Lockmatish: but my estimate could be totally wrong ..
[00:02:19] Drack: yeah
[00:02:20] Drack: (y)
[00:02:22] Oni: I have a break in ~1 hour for dinner
[00:02:31] Lockmatish: okay.. how about I sleep for 1h ?
[00:02:33] Drack: can´t you eat while writing
[00:02:34] Drack: :D
[00:02:35] Lockmatish: come back when Oni goes dinner
[00:02:39] Lockmatish: I guess you could (giggle)
[00:02:39] Oni: Family dinner
[00:02:40] Lockmatish: maybe
[00:02:45] Lockmatish: ah
[00:02:46] Drack: ah ok
[00:02:51] Oni: Normally yes of course lol
[00:02:57] Oni: I'm not an ape
[00:03:04] Lockmatish: :D
[00:03:05] Oni: (Monkey)
[00:03:07] Drack: or you go in an hour Lockmatish
[00:03:11] Drack: eh
[00:03:13] Drack: 2 ~
[00:03:15] Drack: and then sleep 2 hours
[00:03:21] Frank: or sleep 4
[00:03:26] Drack: yeah or so
[00:03:28] Frank: ...
[00:03:28] Lockmatish: oh man all these options
[00:03:28] Drack: :D
[00:03:34] Drack: free choice :D
[00:03:41] Lockmatish: im going to stay
[00:03:41] Drack: i would recommend you to take the 4
[00:03:42] Lockmatish: as long as I can
[00:03:45] Drack: then you can do the whole day
[00:03:46] Lockmatish: but wait, who is leaving
[00:03:50] Lockmatish: drack, when are you leaving
[00:03:52] Lockmatish: Oni, when are you leaving
[00:03:53] Drack: 5-6 am
[00:03:56] Lockmatish: ohhh okay
[00:03:59] Lockmatish: I see what Frank means
[00:04:00] Frank: 6am drack, and 8am Oni leaving
[00:04:06] Lockmatish: its better that I sleep now and come back later
[00:04:09] Lockmatish: okay
[00:04:10] Drack: yeah
[00:04:14] Drack: 4~hours and you´re fit
[00:04:16] Drack: when i leave
[00:04:18] Drack: then 4 hours later i´m back
[00:04:25] Drack: good shift i guess
[00:04:34] Frank: (y)
[00:04:38] Lockmatish: ok i'll go sleep, as much as I need. be back soon.
[00:04:44] Drack: (wave) good night
[00:04:47] Drack: hopefully not so much attacks
[00:04:48] Oni: (Wave)
[00:04:51] Lockmatish: all the best guys.
[00:04:56] Drack: (like)
[00:05:12] Frank: (wave)
[00:05:51] Frank: done, pls check
[00:06:02] Drack: crater
[00:06:24] Drack: a few things remains
[00:06:25] Drack: as always
[00:06:28] Drack: half houses
[00:06:29] Drack: for example
[00:06:35] Oni: Confirmed
[00:06:45] Frank: ok
[00:06:54] Drack: there might be a bigger tower left
[00:06:55] Drack: check?
[00:07:06] Frank: shootng
[00:07:08] Drack: ok
[00:08:20] Drack: seems good
[00:08:32] Frank: shooting (chuckle)
[00:08:36] Drack: uhm
[00:08:37] Drack: :D
[00:08:37] Drack: ok
[00:08:58] Frank: done...
[00:09:05] Drack: (y)
[00:09:12] Frank: job 9 - lsa3 - 3 host - 3 tar
[00:09:17] Drack: ok
[00:09:39] Drack: 2 out
[00:09:43] Oni: I got 3
[00:09:52] Frank: got all h
[00:09:53] Drack: 3 seems to be harder.
[00:09:54] Drack: mh
[00:10:00] Oni: :D
[00:10:03] Drack: there is a problem with updating on the macro
[00:10:07] Drack: ok
[00:10:09] Drack: good to know
[00:10:11] Oni: Make the refresh rate faster
[00:10:13] Drack: yeah
[00:10:30] Oni: Got spear target
[00:10:45] Oni: Some machine down here too
[00:10:46] Frank: got 1
[00:10:47] Drack: all open
[00:10:49] Oni: Looks like it has teeth
[00:10:49] Drack: mh
[00:11:07] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[00:11:11] Drack: (y)
[00:11:13] Oni: Cool
[00:13:20] Frank: done pls check
[00:13:35] Drack: on it
[00:13:45] Drack: all dust for me
[00:13:47] Frank: SD go
[00:14:02] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[00:14:34] Frank: guys?
[00:14:48] Drack: yeah on SD
[00:14:57] Drack: as soon as you write i jump
[00:15:10] Oni: Me too
[00:15:18] Frank: (y)
[00:16:17] Frank: done, pls check
[00:16:25] Drack: ok checking
[00:16:51] Drack: one house left
[00:16:55] Drack: but crater.
[00:17:20] Frank: now?
[00:17:31] Drack: yeah done
[00:17:38] Frank: job 10 - taurus - 6 host - 1 tar
[00:18:21] Oni: Circular building
[00:18:23] Drack: all out
[00:18:30] Frank: got all
[00:18:34] Drack: (y)
[00:18:37] Oni: Target in middle
[00:18:45] Oni: Big tower thing
[00:18:51] Oni: With blocks and squares
[00:19:01] Drack: should be done
[00:19:02] Oni: Each with engravings
[00:19:05] Drack: target.
[00:19:21] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[00:19:32] Oni: (Clap)
[00:19:37] Drack: (like)
[00:19:49] Oni: At the top of the tower was a silver half ring
[00:20:00] Drack: ok cool
[00:20:05] Drack: vision btw is .. not so super
[00:20:09] Drack: enough for job macro and such
[00:20:11] Oni: Mine just got better
[00:20:12] Drack: but not really good at all
[00:20:30] Oni: This looked like a Native American totem
[00:20:38] Drack: mh
[00:20:42] Drack: taurus and totems
[00:20:43] Drack: :D
[00:20:53] Oni: And torture
[00:20:56] Oni: :/
[00:21:22] Drack: ah..
[00:24:02] Oni: Looks gone
[00:24:21] Drack: yeah
[00:24:27] Frank: SD
[00:24:39] Oni: Yes
[00:24:53] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[00:27:13] Frank: done pls check
[00:27:31] Drack: checking
[00:27:46] Drack: some bigger building
[00:27:53] Oni: No crater but building disappeared
[00:28:02] Drack: i get a bigger building remained
[00:28:12] Oni: Taller and skinny ?
[00:28:16] Drack: yeah
[00:28:21] Oni: Yeah I see that
[00:28:42] Frank: gray slaves inside
[00:28:50] Drack: ok
[00:28:54] Drack: letting them?
[00:28:58] Frank: sure
[00:29:02] Drack: ok so next
[00:29:08] Frank: no time for this today...
[00:29:12] Drack: ok
[00:29:14] Drack: true
[00:29:15] Frank: job 11 - lsa2 - 8 host - 3 tar
[00:29:51] Oni: Warehouse
[00:30:04] Oni: Some hostages here
[00:30:06] Oni: Some down
[00:30:10] Drack: all out
[00:30:16] Frank: got all
[00:30:19] Oni: One target is plane
[00:30:37] Oni: Another really long pipe
[00:30:44] Oni: Then something on roof
[00:30:51] Oni: Satellite maybe
[00:30:57] Frank: got 1
[00:31:14] Drack: should be 2 now
[00:31:19] Oni: Found last key
[00:31:20] Frank: got 2
[00:31:36] Oni: Okay found last
[00:31:38] Oni: Was hidden
[00:31:42] Drack: open
[00:31:51] Oni: Golden orb thing
[00:31:57] Oni: In chest
[00:31:58] Drack: should be unlocked.
[00:32:02] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[00:32:07] Oni: (Clap)
[00:32:09] Drack: (like)
[00:35:23] Oni: Cool plane there hidden mile down
[00:35:31] Oni: They hide their things well (chuckle)
[00:35:33] Frank: ah, there was a"void" inside, that's what takes so long with shooting...
[00:35:42] Oni: Took 4 keys to unlock hidden room
[00:35:46] Oni: Is that new tech frank ?
[00:35:51] Frank: no
[00:36:08] Drack: mh ok
[00:36:13] Frank: but nasty like the dark masses
[00:36:15] Drack: what to do
[00:36:27] Drack: some decrypting?
[00:36:47] Frank: still shoot procedure
[00:36:55] Drack: ok
[00:37:04] Frank: 2~ shooting
[00:37:07] Oni: What is the purpose of the void ?
[00:37:27] Frank: trap kind
[00:38:06] Drack: ah.
[00:38:10] Drack: love traps
[00:38:38] Frank: yes func here, but not the void...(chuckle)
[00:39:20] Drack: :D
[00:39:31] Frank: done pls check
[00:39:45] Drack: ok
[00:40:05] Drack: seems still there
[00:40:16] Drack: not sure which
[00:40:30] Oni: Something about the void ...
[00:40:54] Frank: sure, void was not target...
[00:40:59] Frank: SD
[00:41:04] Oni: Okay
[00:41:04] Drack: ah ok
[00:41:12] Oni: Ready
[00:41:22] Frank: shooting ~7 min
[00:41:27] Drack: oh ok
[00:41:59] Frank: one taret was similar to void, that's why long shooting. now void...
[00:42:16] Drack: ah ..
[00:42:17] Drack: ok
[00:42:18] Frank: and that target made the love traps
[00:42:32] Oni: Is this in US frank ?
[00:42:55] Frank: only in you...(chuckle)
[00:43:02] Frank: so yes, we clean it now
[00:43:02] Drack: :D
[00:43:06] Drack: lol
[00:43:43] Oni: (Chuckle)
[00:44:00] Drack: it´s so quiet
[00:44:03] Drack: not a single attack
[00:44:07] Oni: Drack
[00:44:12] Drack: Oni.
[00:44:13] Oni: Can you do functions of that void
[00:44:14] Oni: In me
[00:44:19] Drack: i could i guess
[00:44:23] Oni: Yes please
[00:45:25] Drack: mixing up your head , stomach whirling, some .. other stuffs i guess you know . kind of tingling in the hands
[00:47:44] Drack: well so.
[00:47:58] Drack: 1min to go
[00:50:55] Frank: done pls check
[00:51:02] Drack: ok
[00:51:23] Drack: a crane left
[00:51:24] Drack: it seems
[00:51:27] Drack: kind of crane
[00:51:34] Oni: Yeah tall thing
[00:51:37] Oni: Maybe just a tower
[00:51:42] Drack: strange tower
[00:52:10] Frank: shooting
[00:52:13] Drack: ok
[00:52:22] Drack: how come that things survive?
[00:52:39] Drack: we havn´t had that problems in the last times.
[00:53:05] Oni: There's also no crater
[00:53:09] Oni: Right drack ?
[00:53:14] Drack: not so really
[00:53:19] Drack: it is but
[00:53:25] Drack: half half somehow
[00:53:25] Drack: :D
[00:54:13] Frank: skib needed new glasses... :D
[00:54:20] Drack: :D
[00:54:22] Drack: (y)
[00:54:36] Drack: maybe i need too :D
[00:54:38] Frank: serious, things have diff status, sometimes may make trouble
[00:54:48] Drack: ok
[00:54:50] Oni: Okay
[00:55:18] Drack: yeah we´re moving in their main structures so there is surely some dangerous stuff around
[00:55:22] Frank: shooting
[00:55:25] Drack: ok
[00:55:47] Frank: ~1 min
[00:56:00] Drack: (y)
[00:56:02] Drack: going well for now
[00:56:12] Drack: hope they shot themselves out already..
[00:56:15] Drack: but that´s dreamthinking
[00:56:16] Drack: :D
[00:56:32] Oni: We haven't faced Orion's yet
[00:56:40] Drack: yes
[00:56:46] Drack: worst to come.
[00:56:50] Oni: Your best friends
[00:56:57] Drack: yeah they surely love me
[00:57:49] Drack: done?
[00:57:57] Frank: think so check pls
[00:58:15] Drack: it stood there in ashes
[00:58:18] Drack: and then fell down
[00:58:35] Frank: (chuckle)
[00:58:51] Drack: but i´m the only one
[00:58:57] Drack: or does it look the underground is there still
[00:58:59] Drack: Oni?
[00:59:12] Oni: Nope looks all good
[00:59:15] Drack: mh
[00:59:23] Drack: ok
[00:59:29] Drack: vision not the best :D
[00:59:56] Frank: get all good...
[01:00:00] Drack: ok
[01:00:00] Frank: job 12 - taurus - A,X,F+28 host - 3 tar
special, no clue why. maybe cause of weapons...
[01:00:11] Drack: seems huge
[01:00:25] Oni: It's a battlefield
[01:00:27] Drack: yeah
[01:00:29] Oni: Much wreckage
[01:00:36] Drack: all black coloured
[01:00:50] Oni: Singzed
[01:00:52] Frank: (chuckle)seems we were here already...
[01:00:57] Drack: :D
[01:00:58] Drack: (y)
[01:01:06] Oni: Hostages below
[01:01:09] Oni: Cave network
[01:01:14] Frank: this was one of their collecting points...
[01:01:19] Drack: going for H
[01:01:34] Oni: Big central chamber drack
[01:01:41] Oni: Many hostages around one main in middle
[01:01:42] Drack: i´m clearing H´s first
[01:01:52] Oni: Yeah H's here
[01:02:04] Oni: All 3 Protoi in middle
[01:02:10] Oni: Electric water around
[01:02:11] Drack: should be done
[01:02:23] Frank: got all 31
[01:02:26] Drack: (y)
[01:02:27] Oni: Great
[01:02:33] Drack: what a maze
[01:02:38] Drack: i won´t follow them again
[01:02:42] Drack: (puke)
[01:02:43] Oni: One staff
[01:02:51] Oni: One golden ruby
[01:02:59] Oni: One big chest
[01:03:03] Frank: got 1
[01:03:17] Drack: 2
[01:03:25] Frank: got 2
[01:03:28] Oni: Black mist out of chest ...
[01:03:33] Drack: 3.
[01:03:35] Drack: :D
[01:03:54] Frank: shooting ~6 min
[01:03:57] Drack: (y)
[01:04:13] Oni: What wreckage on the surface ...
[01:04:18] Oni: Jungle is completely wrecked
[01:04:25] Oni: Massive craters
[01:04:26] Frank: (chuckle)
[01:04:35] Drack: it´s all painted black by fires
[01:04:39] Oni: Yeah
[01:04:56] Oni: Far back is the entrance
[01:05:00] Oni: Built into ground
[01:05:02] Oni: Of stone
[01:05:07] Oni: It's ripped open
[01:05:13] Drack: that might be me
[01:05:15] Drack: (rofl)
[01:05:23] Drack: as i stormed for all H
[01:05:37] Oni: Lol
[01:05:41] Oni: I take the down route
[01:05:45] Oni: You take the hulk route
[01:05:49] Oni: (Chuckle)
[01:05:54] Drack: :D
[01:06:39] Drack: F how´s my vision? it´s for me.. not really good at all
[01:06:41] Drack: still
[01:06:41] Drack: :D
[01:07:34] Frank: they are woking all time. attacks-heal-attacks-heal...
[01:07:44] Drack: yeah
[01:07:48] Drack: pretty much like that
[01:07:59] Drack: mostly it´s bad :D
[01:08:03] Drack: sadly
[01:11:36] Drack: shot done?
[01:12:33] Frank: done, pls check
[01:12:42] Drack: ok
[01:13:08] Drack: seems ok
[01:13:11] Frank: SD
[01:13:19] Drack: (y)
[01:13:23] Oni: Yes
[01:13:25] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[01:18:02] Frank: done, pls check
[01:18:07] Drack: ok
[01:18:22] Drack: again
[01:18:24] Drack: some crane
[01:18:28] Oni: Massive crater this time though
[01:18:31] Drack: yeah
[01:18:49] Frank: gray slaves inside
[01:18:54] Drack: ok
[01:18:57] Drack: next then
[01:19:01] Frank: job 13 - lsa3 - 2 host - 1 tar
[01:19:06] Drack: ok
[01:19:20] Oni: Some stadium
[01:19:24] Oni: Football
[01:19:30] Drack: both out
[01:19:31] Oni: Hostages both below
[01:19:54] Drack: unblocked
[01:19:56] Drack: target
[01:19:56] Frank: got 2
[01:19:56] Oni: Target is some weapon towards top
[01:20:11] Drack: was like using 1000 keys lol
[01:20:11] Oni: Reallly large crystal shard
[01:20:27] Oni: Drack the key master lol
[01:20:35] Drack: :D yeah
[01:20:36] Drack: F ?
[01:20:38] Frank: :D
[01:20:43] Frank: NA
[01:20:47] Drack: well
[01:20:53] Oni: Dude
[01:20:56] Oni: You lost the key
[01:20:57] Drack: 1000 wrong keys
[01:20:58] Oni: Lol
[01:20:59] Drack: :D
[01:21:10] Frank: decrypting...
[01:21:11] Drack: generators
[01:21:12] Drack: wait
[01:21:21] Drack: now
[01:21:24] Oni: Okay I think it's good
[01:21:30] Drack: now should be open
[01:21:34] Oni: It's actually just the ring part
[01:21:39] Oni: Other was shield
[01:21:40] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[01:21:45] Drack: mh
[01:21:47] Drack: :D
[01:21:58] Oni: That looked like a fun football stadium
[01:21:59] Drack: throwing a thousand keys onto isn´t the solution all the time
[01:22:02] Oni: To get murdered in
[01:22:06] Drack: mhh..
[01:22:07] Drack: :D
[01:22:14] Oni: (Shake)
[01:22:25] Drack: it´s actually even like a field inside
[01:22:33] Oni: Yeah it's a full on stadium
[01:22:36] Oni: Just empty
[01:22:38] Drack: yeah
[01:22:41] Drack: dead empty
[01:23:31] Frank: most here got moved to main military base yesterday..
[01:23:41] Oni: Ah
[01:23:54] Drack: oh ok
[01:23:57] Drack: the ones we had already?
[01:24:01] Frank: yes
[01:24:04] Drack: ah ok
[01:24:41] Drack: i could imagine some stadium hooligans could be nasty enemies , no wonder they moved those
[01:24:43] Drack: (rofl)
[01:24:55] Oni: What layer is this on frank ?
[01:25:06] Frank: 2
[01:25:09] Drack: you recognize it somehow?
[01:25:20] Oni: Sort of ...
[01:25:27] Oni: Maybe stadiums are like X's caves
[01:25:32] Drack: yeah
[01:25:37] Drack: you´re the stadium man
[01:25:38] Drack: (rofl)
[01:25:43] Oni: Haha
[01:25:44] Drack: you know those all
[01:25:46] Oni: I'll take that
[01:27:11] Drack: [01:21:43] Frank: shooting ~4 min

[01:27:14] Drack: ?
[01:27:28] Oni: Looks good to me
[01:27:41] Drack: nearly
[01:27:41] Frank: SD
[01:27:54] Drack: ok
[01:28:12] Frank: shooting ~6 min
[01:28:31] Frank: must have been a huge city...
[01:28:39] Drack: underground
[01:28:40] Drack: yeah
[01:28:47] Drack: and pretty massive stadium at all
[01:29:03] Drack: any good news?
[01:29:04] Drack: :D
[01:29:06] Drack: couldn´t harm
[01:29:29] Drack: like some stupid darks getting trapped maybe
[01:29:31] Frank: we do good job....
[01:29:37] Drack: (y)
[01:29:42] Oni: lol
[01:29:57] Frank: no, they are in their holes and try to find solutions how to escape...
[01:30:05] Drack: :D
[01:30:10] Drack: yeah i like
[01:30:16] Oni: In other words
[01:30:17] Oni: Trapped
[01:30:21] Drack: more or less
[01:30:25] Drack: dead end
[01:30:27] Drack: no way to go
[01:30:32] Drack: ok one way
[01:30:32] Oni: Sianora
[01:30:32] Drack: prison
[01:30:33] Drack: (rofl)
[01:30:45] Drack: but they will fight hard..
[01:32:03] Drack: oh btw in the morning
[01:32:12] Drack: as i firstly talked again as my mother woke up
[01:32:15] Drack: i had no voice at all
[01:32:28] Drack: was like tossing hot air out..
[01:32:29] Drack: :D
[01:32:34] Drack: they grilled my voice down
[01:32:36] Frank: (chuckle)
[01:32:59] Oni: I'm sure your mom enjoyed that
[01:33:05] Frank: (rofl)
[01:33:15] Drack: she was a bit confused maybe :D
[01:34:24] Drack: i have to say, i still feel not like normal . still like "marked" with that hit
[01:34:37] Drack: especially on head and shoulder. i guess that will last a bit longer
[01:35:53] Frank: done, pls check
[01:35:57] Drack: ok
[01:36:09] Drack: some bigger stuff left
[01:36:15] Drack: like 2 bigger houses
[01:36:21] Drack: skyscraper-ish
[01:36:30] Drack: and crane structure on it
[01:37:11] Frank: it's good. some of our's inside, former prisoned here...
[01:37:17] Drack: ok
[01:37:19] Frank: battle avatars take care
[01:37:24] Drack: (y)
[01:37:29] Frank: job 14 - orion - 3 host - 2 tar
[01:37:35] Oni: Uh oh
[01:37:36] Drack: ah. orion
[01:37:38] Oni: Careful d
[01:37:39] Drack: there they are :D
[01:37:41] Drack: nah
[01:37:45] Drack: no special job
[01:38:03] Oni: Everything is very orange
[01:38:30] Drack: yes
[01:38:31] Drack: it is
[01:38:36] Drack: H´s out?
[01:38:44] Frank: got 1
[01:38:47] Drack: ok
[01:38:54] Oni: 2 below
[01:38:55] Frank: got all
[01:38:57] Oni: Connected
[01:38:59] Drack: ok
[01:38:59] Oni: Okay
[01:39:02] Drack: it needs a bit
[01:39:03] Drack: ouch.
[01:39:04] Drack: sting
[01:39:07] Oni: One target up one down
[01:39:12] Drack: hot burning in chest..
[01:39:19] Frank: i care
[01:39:21] Drack: ok
[01:39:30] Drack: it plopped strangely :D
[01:39:31] Oni: One long rod thing
[01:39:34] Oni: One massive machine
[01:39:39] Oni: Circular
[01:39:44] Drack: (y)
[01:39:47] Oni: Centriputal
[01:39:57] Oni: Many layers here
[01:40:01] Frank: yes
[01:40:19] Drack: 1 open
[01:40:40] Oni: It's these orange hair things
[01:40:44] Oni: I think accessible now
[01:40:51] Drack: both should
[01:40:53] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[01:40:57] Drack: (y)
[01:40:57] Oni: Yay.
[01:41:00] Oni: Good job
[01:41:07] Drack: u too
[01:41:11] Oni: You see this machine d ?
[01:41:17] Oni: Kind of weird
[01:41:22] Oni: Like metallic outside circle
[01:41:25] Drack: like a cube server
[01:41:31] Oni: With orange hair things in middle
[01:41:35] Oni: Yeah with cube floating in middle
[01:41:40] Oni: Above the hairs
[01:41:43] Drack: it´s a server i guess
[01:41:49] Oni: Pretty advanced server
[01:42:05] Drack: orions..
[01:42:10] Drack: :D
[01:42:25] Frank: your skibs are pretty advanced servers... that's just crap
[01:42:33] Drack: lol
[01:42:48] Oni: Lol okay I guess they spend all their tech on looks
[01:43:01] Oni: Or maybe my vision just not normally this detailed
[01:43:17] Drack: yeah maybe
[01:43:20] Drack: mine is meh
[01:43:24] Drack: (unamused)
[01:46:02] Frank: done, pls check
[01:46:07] Drack: ok
[01:46:19] Oni: Gone
[01:46:25] Drack: 2 of 3 done
[01:46:30] Drack: the one is
[01:46:31] Drack: strange
[01:46:40] Oni: Wasn't there only 2 ?
[01:46:50] Frank: yes
[01:46:51] Drack: yeah ok
[01:46:53] Drack: that might be why
[01:46:54] Drack: (rofl)
[01:46:56] Oni: Lol
[01:47:00] Frank: :D
[01:47:02] Frank: SD
[01:47:03] Oni: Sd
[01:47:12] Drack: done
[01:47:17] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[01:47:45] Oni: Frank more attacks on my vision
[01:48:58] Oni: Can you care ?
[01:49:05] Frank: already
[01:49:09] Oni: Thanks
[01:49:09] Drack: (y)
[01:49:22] Oni: I have to take a break in 20 minutes
[01:49:29] Frank: ok
[01:50:15] Drack: ok no problem
[01:50:51] Frank: i use this to do another protection upgrade
[01:51:03] Oni: Sounds good
[01:51:09] Oni: We can do one more first
[01:51:15] Frank: running
[01:51:18] Frank: already
[01:51:20] Oni: Oh
[01:51:25] Drack: good good
[01:51:38] Drack: so a break afterwards
[01:51:39] Frank: give me 3 min. then we could...
[01:51:44] Drack: ok
[01:51:45] Oni: Yeah let's
[01:51:50] Oni: Cause I don't have to get dinner yet
[01:51:56] Oni: Then I'll be off for maybe 1 hr
[01:52:03] Frank: ok
[01:53:21] Frank: done here, pls check
[01:53:32] Drack: ok
[01:53:53] Drack: seems good
[01:54:20] Frank: job 15 - lsa3 - 16 host - 6 tar
[01:54:26] Drack: ok
[01:54:37] Oni: Large circular building
[01:54:40] Oni: Like donut
[01:54:43] Drack: i have vision all white
[01:54:47] Oni: Very big
[01:54:51] Drack: pretty hard to see.
[01:55:01] Oni: I can see drack
[01:55:10] Oni: Hostages evenly placed around
[01:55:20] Oni: And 4 gathered in middle
[01:55:31] Oni: Got the 4
[01:55:40] Drack: H´s should be done
[01:55:42] Oni: Should have all
[01:55:51] Frank: got all
[01:55:58] Drack: (y)
[01:56:08] Oni: Targets are outside
[01:56:11] Oni: In middle
[01:56:15] Drack: ok
[01:56:21] Oni: And 2 below
[01:56:30] Oni: Tubes
[01:56:33] Oni: Like test tubes
[01:56:35] Oni: Very large
[01:56:37] Oni: Some fetus
[01:56:44] Frank: got 4
[01:56:48] Oni: Some blood
[01:56:52] Oni: 2 below
[01:56:58] Oni: 2 chambers
[01:57:00] Drack: all open
[01:57:02] Drack: should be
[01:57:16] Oni: Okay looks good
[01:57:19] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[01:57:20] Oni: Weird area this
[01:57:26] Drack: all white
[01:57:27] Oni: More experiments down below
[01:57:30] Drack: don´t know
[01:57:37] Frank: ok, Oni jump home, then in ~1h +/-...
[01:57:46] Oni: Yes (y)
[01:57:55] Oni: (Clap)
[01:57:58] Drack: (y)
[01:58:06] Drack: too bad i have no real vision now
[01:58:10] Drack: i can work mostly blind here..
[01:58:13] Drack: but that´s shit
[01:58:22] Frank: np. we make a bit break too...
[01:58:26] Drack: ok
[01:58:31] Frank: and protection/visual update running
[01:58:43] Drack: (y)
[02:01:25] Frank: done, pls check
[02:01:35] Drack: ok
[02:01:58] Drack: can´t really check
[02:02:00] Drack: all white..
[02:02:13] Drack: job macro seems to work
[02:02:17] Drack: i get yes
[02:02:24] Frank: SD
[02:02:34] Drack: (y)
[02:03:16] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[02:03:23] Drack: ok
[02:09:12] Frank: done here, check if visual pls
[02:09:22] Drack: i try
[02:09:38] Drack: still something remaining
[02:09:42] Drack: i guess it´s not my vision
[02:09:46] Drack: it´s the avatar here
[02:09:48] Drack: with a problem
[02:09:58] Frank: yes
[02:09:59] Drack: i can have vision on Oni for example
[02:10:02] Frank: so we change
[02:10:04] Drack: ok
[02:10:18] Drack: what about the remaining
[02:10:51] Frank: nothing there
[02:10:56] Frank: jump home
[02:11:02] Drack: ok
[02:11:14] Frank: protection upgrade needs till 3:00
[02:11:20] Drack: oh ok
[02:11:26] Frank: so we have a short break too.
[02:11:33] Drack: yeah.
[02:13:11] Frank:
break till 03:00 CET
[03:13:20] Frank: ok, upgrades done. pls all check visuals
[03:13:25] Lockmatish: checking
[03:13:33] Drack: checking
[03:13:39] Oni: Seems good
[03:13:42] Oni: Detailed again
[03:13:42] Drack: again changed
[03:13:48] Drack: more detailed (y)
[03:14:09] Drack: your right arm is burned Oni
[03:14:20] Oni: Golf (sun)
[03:14:22] Drack: lol
[03:14:23] Drack: :D
[03:14:31] Drack: that looks super nasty
[03:14:31] Drack: :D
[03:14:35] Oni: But my chest is so pale !
[03:14:37] Oni: (Rofl)
[03:14:51] Frank: Lockmatish?
[03:14:54] Lockmatish: There is more detail now for sure
[03:14:57] Lockmatish: But it seems a little bit dark
[03:15:04] Lockmatish: the contrast is a bit low I think
[03:15:09] Drack: use skib
[03:15:10] Oni: Ask for higher resolution / contrast
[03:15:13] Lockmatish: ok
[03:15:16] Drack: optimal options for you
[03:15:32] Drack: 1min~ for that needed on me
[03:15:48] Lockmatish: Wow it's beautiful
[03:15:52] Oni: (celebrate)
[03:15:53] Drack: it is
[03:15:55] Lockmatish: Like it's so vivid and detailed
[03:15:59] Drack: yeah
[03:16:03] Drack: i hope it stays so
[03:16:07] Oni: Very nice for now
[03:16:09] Frank: ok, so that break was a success...(chuckle)
[03:16:09] Lockmatish: I'm seeing a real lifelike jungle scene, and I can hear it too
[03:16:10] Drack: i had that as we reached that beach
[03:16:16] Drack: that was cool
[03:16:19] Frank: we will see, but we can heal it..
[03:16:23] Oni: Great
[03:16:33] Oni: Let us begin
[03:16:45] Frank: yes
[03:16:53] Frank: job 16
[03:17:01] Drack: alright
[03:17:11] Oni: Another dome building
[03:17:16] Oni: Snowy setting
[03:17:21] Drack: damn
[03:17:25] Drack: resolution.
[03:17:26] Drack: :D
[03:17:29] Drack: ok go.
[03:17:31] Oni: Like James Bond
[03:17:34] Oni: Lol
[03:17:38] Oni: Yes go go
[03:17:41] Oni: Many layers down
[03:17:43] Oni: In a spiral
[03:17:48] Oni: And large base under
[03:17:51] Oni: Huge place
[03:17:58] Drack: all out
[03:17:59] Drack: H´s
[03:18:36] Lockmatish: I get all out now
[03:18:51] Lockmatish: if so, 6 targets
[03:18:57] Oni: Large missile in middle
[03:19:00] Frank: got all
[03:19:05] Oni: Hanging by strings
[03:19:05] Drack: targets open
[03:19:07] Lockmatish: (y)
[03:19:11] Drack: you can fire
[03:19:30] Frank: shoot ~5 min
[03:19:32] Lockmatish: (y)
[03:19:35] Drack: (like)
[03:19:46] Oni: Large safe with huge lock
[03:19:54] Frank: so you make a sight seeing tour now?
[03:20:05] Oni: Yes lol
[03:20:06] Frank: (chuckle)
[03:20:08] Oni: Many weapons inside
[03:20:16] Oni: Like automatic weapons
[03:20:23] Lockmatish: Didn't you guys already do job 15?
[03:20:32] Drack: nah
[03:20:41] Lockmatish: ok
[03:20:42] Drack: not that i know of
[03:21:17] Frank: we did...
[03:21:24] Drack: mh
[03:21:28] Lockmatish: ok no worries
[03:21:57] Frank: does it look huge? and lsa2 kind? and many there? (chuckle)
[03:22:02] Lockmatish: looking
[03:22:10] Drack: yeah looking
[03:22:15] Drack: it´s like a super dome
[03:22:18] Drack: a bit religious
[03:22:22] Drack: but black in colour
[03:22:31] Drack: alot of windows and nicely "detailed"
[03:22:40] Drack: there is a little town around
[03:22:45] Frank: i mean whole base
[03:22:45] Drack: and a wall around it
[03:22:56] Drack: the dome itself is huge, the base not so
[03:23:11] Lockmatish: base seems made up of some huge tower buildings
[03:23:19] Lockmatish: and also some big long bunkers
[03:23:24] Lockmatish: and yes, it appears that it used to belong to lsa2
[03:23:29] Lockmatish: but the funny thing is
[03:23:34] Lockmatish: we do appear to have "company"
[03:23:40] Frank: most of base is underground...
[03:23:41] Drack: yeah those..
[03:23:44] Lockmatish: but .... they're all stuck to the walls
[03:23:47] Oni: Very large underground
[03:23:49] Oni: Frank
[03:23:53] Drack: yeah going left
[03:23:59] Drack: down left all the way
[03:24:02] Lockmatish: all the guards don't seem to be able to move farther than a few inches off of the walls ....
[03:24:11] Drack: good..
[03:24:16] Drack: attacks
[03:24:16] Oni: Oh yes that is true
[03:24:16] Drack: ..
[03:24:17] Drack: :D
[03:24:19] Lockmatish: side walls..ceilings...
[03:24:23] Drack: head stings 2/10
[03:24:28] Lockmatish: left wrist stings too
[03:24:37] Frank: job 16 - lsa2 - X,A+1 host - 4 tar
lsa2 main military base - 4,1 billion

so we are indeed here...(chuckle)
[03:24:50] Oni: (Chuckle)
[03:24:55] Lockmatish: huh :^)
[03:24:56] Oni: Main base
[03:24:57] Oni: Oh hey
[03:25:02] Drack: the billion seem not so really
[03:25:06] Drack: millitary
[03:25:08] Drack: i don´t know
[03:25:16] Lockmatish: so job 15 is done - we go to job 16 now?
[03:25:23] Oni: We just did 16
[03:25:25] Frank: we are in 16 already
[03:25:29] Lockmatish: oh (giggle)
[03:25:32] Drack: :D
[03:26:16] Frank: so you see the bilions in underground?
[03:26:20] Lockmatish: yeah btw I see that most of the base is indeed below ground
[03:26:21] Frank: drack?
[03:26:28] Lockmatish: checking for beings belowground
[03:26:32] Oni: Huge chambers down here
[03:26:36] Oni: Very very big
[03:26:49] Oni: Like as big as cities
[03:26:54] Drack: nice firework..
[03:26:59] Lockmatish: yes very long and huge chambers
[03:27:14] Lockmatish: seems to be filled with beings, again, stuck
[03:27:20] Drack: just played a bit with non traceable bombs..
[03:27:22] Oni: Yep small as ants
[03:27:22] Drack: (chuckle)
[03:27:32] Oni: It's like an ant hill
[03:27:42] Drack: [03:26:19] Frank: so you see the bilions in underground?

<<< mostly yes
[03:27:56] Drack: in the air are a few fighting
[03:28:05] Drack: but those are not really much at all
[03:28:05] Frank: (y)
[03:28:15] Drack: and i port bombs inside them now..
[03:28:16] Lockmatish: yeah just a few stragglers
[03:28:16] Drack: (chuckle)
[03:28:20] Frank: done here, pls check
[03:28:33] Lockmatish: all 4 targets exploded
[03:28:38] Lockmatish: >SD
[03:28:43] Frank: SD
[03:28:50] Drack: sd done
[03:29:08] Frank: shooting ~5 min
[03:29:19] Oni: (Yawn)
[03:29:27] Oni: Who was 3rd hostage F ?
[03:29:28] Drack: (unamused)
[03:29:54] Lockmatish: it seems this base had some kind of building compression technology. the aboveground structures had the ability to compress themselves down (with beings inside), all the way down to surface level
[03:29:56] Frank: no clue
[03:29:59] Lockmatish: thus, camouflaging its presence
[03:30:20] Oni: That's interesting
[03:30:21] Drack: mh
[03:30:37] Drack: it´s funny how no one noticed on that dome was a floor missing i bombed away
[03:30:37] Lockmatish: there's also 2 "lightning rods" on either side, which connect far underground to some big reactor
[03:30:58] Oni: Very big reactor
[03:31:06] Oni: It's as big as a town
[03:31:20] Oni: Hundreds of miles down
[03:31:40] Oni: Never seen anything like it before
[03:31:49] Drack: providing energies for weapons
[03:31:54] Drack: not the town at all
[03:32:00] Lockmatish: Yeah..imagine an extremely long elevator shaft downwards, that is also very wide
[03:32:06] Lockmatish: But at certain intervals, like every 50 floors
[03:32:12] Lockmatish: there's a connecting horizontal elevator shaft
[03:32:18] Lockmatish: but the vertical main one keeps going down
[03:32:20] Lockmatish: thats what it looks like
[03:32:24] Lockmatish: and I still havent reached the bottom
[03:32:37] Drack: wee.. free fall
[03:32:39] Drack: (rofl)
[03:32:45] Lockmatish: (facepalm) (rofl)
[03:32:45] Oni: I'm at the bottom it's huge
[03:32:59] Drack: still not the bottom
[03:33:04] Drack: at*
[03:33:19] Frank: i hope you just look there...(chuckle)
[03:33:28] Drack: ok
[03:33:29] Drack: reached it
[03:33:43] Drack: nothing at all here
[03:33:47] Drack: huge empty room
[03:34:03] Drack: ah ok there´s something
[03:34:03] Oni: It's gone now
[03:34:05] Lockmatish: It may be that the actual base, including all this underground part has now been vaporised
[03:34:09] Oni: Yeah
[03:34:11] Lockmatish: So anything that you're looking at, is a past memory or such
[03:34:12] Oni: Exactly
[03:34:19] Drack: yeah.
[03:34:30] Frank: yes :D
[03:34:36] Lockmatish: :D
[03:34:40] Oni: (Flex)
[03:34:42] Drack: the mapping wasn´t really done it seems
[03:34:43] Drack: :D
[03:34:43] Oni: (Bomb)
[03:35:12] Drack: so you catch up the feeling F?
[03:35:13] Drack: :D
[03:35:25] Frank: (chuckle)
[03:35:29] Drack: fleeing*
[03:35:30] Drack: not feeling lol
[03:35:35] Drack: maybe they feel too..
[03:35:36] Drack: :D
[03:35:56] Frank: caught all
[03:35:58] Drack: they´re in agony
[03:36:03] Drack: screaming like hell
[03:36:17] Frank: shooting ~1 min
[03:36:32] Drack: any method to speed those shootings up?
[03:36:35] Drack: with more preparation?
[03:36:38] Frank: no
[03:36:41] Drack: ah.. ok
[03:37:21] Oni: Looking good frank
[03:37:27] Drack: ever watched at music with vision?
[03:37:28] Frank: done
[03:37:31] Drack: it´s super cool.
[03:37:40] Drack: yeah done
[03:37:59] Lockmatish: I see massive tall mushroom cloud and vaporisation
[03:38:10] Frank: job 17 - lsa3 - X host - 1 tar
[03:38:24] Drack: (y)
[03:38:29] Oni: In a lab
[03:38:40] Drack: H done
[03:38:43] Oni: X in basement
[03:39:00] Frank: got 1
[03:39:05] Drack: (y)
[03:39:07] Lockmatish: (y)
[03:39:10] Lockmatish: only 1 hostage
[03:39:11] Oni: Target is this needle
[03:39:12] Lockmatish: 1 target>>
[03:39:17] Oni: Injector
[03:39:18] Oni: Thing
[03:39:28] Drack: should be open
[03:39:28] Lockmatish: I see 3 locations for target
[03:39:31] Lockmatish: in a triangle formation
[03:39:35] Drack: tested the autosolver
[03:39:41] Drack: it made alot
[03:39:58] Drack: in like a splitsecond it moved in 20 directions at the same time, taking, using, destroying
[03:39:58] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[03:40:05] Oni: Nice drack
[03:40:07] Oni: Too easy
[03:40:11] Drack: psh..
[03:40:12] Drack: :D
[03:40:13] Lockmatish: yeah the autosolver seems really nice
[03:40:15] Drack: don´t say that
[03:40:16] Drack: wait for it
[03:40:16] Lockmatish: been using it for a little while
[03:40:27] Drack: yeah . but is a bit slow though
[03:40:28] Oni: This is totally a Russian lab
[03:40:31] Drack: for more at the same time
[03:40:34] Oni: Some mad scientist
[03:40:39] Oni: Who somehow stole X
[03:40:42] Oni: Bastard ...
[03:40:42] Drack: that rather reminds me a bit of a game
[03:40:43] Drack: lol
[03:40:51] Drack: that facillity
[03:41:04] Lockmatish: I see a massive horizontal floor, like one of those connecting shafts from the previous job
[03:41:07] Lockmatish: seems to be where we are
[03:41:14] Lockmatish: theres a thinner vertical tube connecting to it this time
[03:41:28] Lockmatish: we're very high up
[03:41:31] Lockmatish: or at least, I am
[03:41:35] Drack: i´m with you
[03:41:43] Lockmatish: wait, this building connects to about 6 others or so
[03:41:55] Lockmatish: in some kind of pattern
[03:42:06] Drack: swatiska pattern?
[03:42:07] Drack: lol
[03:42:12] Oni: Jewish Star
[03:42:17] Drack: mh
[03:42:17] Oni: Very similar
[03:42:19] Drack: quite the opposite
[03:42:20] Drack: (rofl)
[03:42:21] Lockmatish: yes much more like what Oni said
[03:42:28] Oni: Haha
[03:42:36] Lockmatish: it's a bit hard to make out in detail
[03:42:38] Drack: i just zoomed out of the whole and that looked like that
[03:42:57] Lockmatish: yes it kinda does drack
[03:42:58] Lockmatish: not exactly
[03:42:58] Drack: getting some heat
[03:43:21] Drack: at least the buildings and the pipes are like that shaped
[03:43:33] Drack: with more detail it might be the opposite.. which is like
[03:43:35] Drack: interesting..
[03:43:44] Drack: why ever they use that
[03:43:51] Lockmatish: this is quite a large base
[03:44:02] Lockmatish: that construct of 6-or so buildings together in a little circular pattern
[03:44:04] Lockmatish: is repeated many many times
[03:44:06] Lockmatish: all around
[03:44:07] Frank: done, pls check
[03:44:16] Oni: Needle melted
[03:44:18] Drack: is done
[03:44:22] Frank: SD
[03:44:31] Drack: all there.
[03:44:32] Lockmatish: done
[03:44:34] Oni: Bring in the ninjas
[03:44:35] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[03:44:44] Drack: suddenly tired
[03:44:46] Drack: after that heat
[03:44:52] Drack: they try to let me sleep in
[03:45:12] Oni: Think how warm and cozy your bed would be (rofl)
[03:45:31] Drack: (computerrage)
[03:45:36] Drack: my bed doesn´t know me anymore
[03:45:37] Drack: (rofl)
[03:45:39] Oni: Haha
[03:45:43] Oni: You've broken up
[03:45:46] Frank: :D
[03:46:03] Drack: well it was not because of that bed.. it was because of me you know..
[03:46:04] Drack: (rofl)
[03:46:13] Lockmatish: (giggle)
[03:46:16] Oni: I'm sure she believed that
[03:46:21] Drack: yeah.
[03:46:25] Drack: we are still friends though
[03:47:03] Drack: brb
[03:47:06] Drack: auto follow on Lockmatish
[03:47:13] Lockmatish: ok
[03:48:04] Frank: done, pls check
[03:48:09] Lockmatish: checking
[03:48:24] Lockmatish: all seems exploded
[03:48:30] Lockmatish: another massive explosions and mushroom cloud
[03:48:34] Frank: job 18 - lsa2 - 2 host - 1 tar
[03:48:48] Oni: Brighter station
[03:48:51] Oni: Subway maybe ?
[03:48:54] Oni: Or train
[03:49:01] Oni: Hostages at end
[03:49:05] Oni: Tied
[03:49:18] Oni: Should be good
[03:49:33] Frank: got all H
[03:49:45] Oni: Target in train
[03:49:56] Oni: Long wire running through it
[03:49:59] Lockmatish: ok>1 target
[03:50:17] Oni: Torpedo or something
[03:50:32] Oni: Should be good
[03:50:59] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[03:51:05] Oni: Cool
[03:51:32] Lockmatish: nice
[03:51:55] Lockmatish: base seems to be made up of some gigantic circles/wheel structures
[03:52:37] Drack: back
[03:53:02] Drack: something hit me in the stomach like a box while brushing teeth
[03:53:04] Drack: nearly threw up
[03:53:07] Drack: was quite. unpleasant
[03:53:09] Drack: :D
[03:53:30] Lockmatish: those wheels seem to be connected to a very heavy defensive "nest" of many many many guns
[03:53:35] Lockmatish: that fire when the wheels turn
[03:53:45] Lockmatish: you ok now drack?
[03:53:49] Drack: yeah sure
[03:53:51] Lockmatish: good
[03:53:53] Lockmatish: glad to hear
[03:53:56] Drack: (like)
[03:54:38] Oni: Frank are we disabling 3D weapons here ?
[03:54:57] Frank: oh, get yes... what?
[03:55:03] Drack: oh cool
[03:55:05] Lockmatish: searching too
[03:55:09] Drack: a nuke.?
[03:55:20] Oni: This torpedo I think has to do with it
[03:55:25] Drack: that´s a nuke.
[03:55:35] Oni: Wow
[03:55:45] Lockmatish: I get "many automatic guns"
[03:55:51] Frank: seems all of their's...
[03:56:01] Drack: nice..
[03:56:05] Drack: bye bye world war 3
[03:56:17] Frank: done, pls check
[03:56:23] Oni: It's gone
[03:56:28] Frank: SD
[03:56:31] Lockmatish: vaporised
[03:56:32] Lockmatish: going to SD
[03:56:49] Frank: shooting ~1 min
[03:57:21] Lockmatish: I also get that we are disabling nukes
[03:58:05] Lockmatish: I don't get any more info about more weapons, that seems to be it
[03:58:20] Lockmatish: well.. torpedoes are related to nukes I think
[03:58:26] Lockmatish: and I did see many, many automatic guns connected to those wheels
[03:58:26] Frank: done, pls check
[03:58:29] Lockmatish: checking
[03:58:39] Drack: seems good
[03:58:55] Lockmatish: the whole base is exploded and its reverberating! its shaking!
[03:58:58] Frank: job 19 - lsa1 - 12 host - 4 tar
[03:59:03] Lockmatish: and maybe all those guns inside that got destroyed, are going poppoppoppop
[03:59:05] Lockmatish: going job 19
[03:59:14] Drack: freeing H
[03:59:18] Oni: More Vatican stuff
[03:59:23] Drack: seems done
[03:59:31] Oni: It's a circle square
[03:59:34] Oni: Surrounded by churches
[03:59:37] Lockmatish: I get 1 left
[03:59:38] Oni: H's underneath
[03:59:42] Oni: Chambers
[03:59:45] Oni: Medieval
[03:59:50] Oni: Chains and shackles
[03:59:59] Oni: One is hanging almost crucified
[04:00:04] Drack: H done
[04:00:06] Frank: got 10
[04:00:11] Lockmatish: ok so 2 left
[04:00:13] Drack: ok
[04:00:14] Frank: got all
[04:00:18] Lockmatish: oh (y)
[04:00:21] Lockmatish: 4 targets
[04:00:27] Drack: done
[04:00:27] Oni: Further down
[04:00:30] Oni: And one above
[04:00:30] Drack: H done now
[04:00:40] Oni: Yeah T's
[04:00:42] Frank: got 3T
[04:00:56] Oni: This top one is another weird statue
[04:00:56] Drack: open
[04:00:59] Oni: Made of metal
[04:01:08] Oni: 4 connections
[04:01:13] Drack: you should be able to shoot
[04:01:15] Oni: Generators in each building
[04:01:26] Lockmatish: I think last target is accessible
[04:01:36] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[04:01:39] Oni: It has a web that extends down and touched all the hostages
[04:01:46] Oni: Like a web of pain / torture
[04:01:52] Lockmatish: yes I see that web
[04:01:53] Frank: look for nukes...(chuckle)
[04:01:59] Oni: Lol
[04:02:00] Lockmatish: the web goes quite some ways around
[04:02:00] Frank: in france maybe...
[04:02:04] Lockmatish: looking
[04:02:10] Drack: can we.. combine all our macros , like letting all macros autosolve at the same time and getting all free much faster by that?
[04:02:37] Frank: will not be faster...
[04:02:40] Drack: ok
[04:02:41] Lockmatish: I get that we are disabling nukes
[04:02:44] Lockmatish: I seem to find the nukes in the base
[04:02:45] Lockmatish: in some kind of coffin
[04:02:50] Lockmatish: do you see that too Oni?
[04:02:51] Oni: Yep I see too
[04:02:55] Lockmatish: ok
[04:02:56] Oni: Good find
[04:02:59] Lockmatish: :)
[04:03:00] Frank: submarine?
[04:03:12] Oni: Um
[04:03:17] Lockmatish: checking
[04:03:22] Oni: Actually yeah
[04:03:25] Oni: At end of H chambers
[04:03:29] Oni: I tagged
[04:03:32] Drack: those
[04:03:33] Drack: are alot
[04:03:45] Drack: 1000+ i get
[04:03:55] Drack: if not even way more
[04:04:07] Lockmatish: they must have been hidden
[04:04:12] Lockmatish: my skib didn't find them right away
[04:04:19] Oni: I plugged into one and dl'd info's
[04:04:20] Lockmatish: only some "lookalike sub" on the surface
[04:04:23] Lockmatish: nice
[04:04:34] Drack: infos from nukes?
[04:04:35] Drack: mh
[04:04:41] Oni: Sub
[04:04:47] Drack: ah ok
[04:05:02] Oni: Nuke too why not lol
[04:05:05] Lockmatish: they appear to be nuclear submarines
[04:05:48] Oni: I got info's for all of them over the world
[04:05:58] Oni: Guessing nothing new F
[04:06:02] Lockmatish: which I think means, nuclear powered
[04:06:05] Lockmatish: not that they fire nuclear warheads
[04:06:13] Frank: i bet both
[04:06:24] Lockmatish: will double check
[04:06:25] Drack: yeah
[04:06:31] Drack: attacks.
[04:06:31] Drack: meh
[04:06:32] Frank: done, pls check
[04:06:56] Oni: Targets are gone
[04:06:57] Drack: seems done
[04:06:59] Frank: SD
[04:07:08] Lockmatish: all 4 targets vaporised. there seems to be part of their bases remaining, of all 4 targets
[04:07:10] Lockmatish: >sd
[04:07:20] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[04:07:25] Drack: some semi bigger attack on me maybe
[04:07:30] Drack: getting a bit worse
[04:07:39] Drack: like dizzy and such
[04:07:53] Frank: i care
[04:07:56] Drack: ok (y)
[04:08:59] Lockmatish: yes, it appears they are also nuclear-firing submarines
[04:09:02] Lockmatish: but this info was also hidden
[04:09:06] Lockmatish: Oni's info revealed it I think
[04:09:10] Frank: done, pls check
[04:09:22] Drack: Lockmatish was no big secret for me somehow
[04:09:29] Drack: done
[04:09:35] Drack: a few buildings maybe
[04:09:38] Lockmatish: all vaporised
[04:09:40] Lockmatish: I see
[04:09:45] Drack: marked
[04:09:56] Frank: shooting
[04:09:59] Oni: I see one big one
[04:10:03] Oni: Okay
[04:10:07] Lockmatish: yeah a tower
[04:11:14] Oni: Gone now
[04:12:16] Frank: job 20 - lsa2 - 3 host - 4 tar
[04:12:22] Lockmatish: all is dust/vaporised
[04:12:27] Lockmatish: going job 20
[04:12:35] Oni: Inside ornate building
[04:12:49] Oni: Hostages in back
[04:12:51] Oni: One below
[04:12:52] Drack: should be out
[04:13:09] Oni: Very large cieling
[04:13:21] Oni: Glass chandelier
[04:13:25] Oni: Royal chambers ?
[04:13:47] Drack: vision blacked out for a few minutes
[04:13:47] Drack: back
[04:13:56] Oni: Book shelves around walls
[04:14:01] Lockmatish: I think all H out
[04:14:09] Frank: got all
[04:14:13] Oni: Underneath was test chamber
[04:14:14] Lockmatish: 4 targets
[04:14:16] Oni: Torture actually
[04:14:22] Drack: on targets
[04:14:23] Oni: Chandelier is one
[04:14:25] Drack: might be done already
[04:14:35] Oni: Hidden room behind book shelves
[04:14:54] Oni: Fireplace oven here
[04:15:02] Oni: Like a furnace
[04:15:05] Oni: But for bodies ?
[04:15:17] Oni: There is ship on other side
[04:15:19] Oni: Long and slender
[04:15:26] Oni: Like old school UFO
[04:15:31] Frank: got 1
[04:15:36] Drack: mh ok
[04:15:38] Drack: on it
[04:15:49] Oni: Book in furnace
[04:15:57] Frank: got 3
[04:16:04] Oni: Something in ship as well
[04:16:19] Oni: Nope it's up
[04:16:23] Oni: Target on roof
[04:16:27] Oni: In top room
[04:16:30] Oni: Telescope ?
[04:16:37] Lockmatish: yep top room
[04:16:50] Drack: should be open
[04:16:52] Oni: Frank that good ?
[04:16:53] Drack: last.
[04:17:07] Oni: Nice night up here ...
[04:17:08] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[04:17:14] Oni: English countryside
[04:17:24] Oni: Not a bad ship to have when you need to bounce
[04:17:24] Drack: F they´re playing on my vision
[04:17:32] Frank: yes, british nukes...
[04:17:40] Oni: (Clap)
[04:17:45] Lockmatish: great spot and knowledge of what an english countryside looks like Oni (chuckle)
[04:17:45] Drack: one after another.
[04:17:47] Drack: i llike
[04:17:49] Drack: :D
[04:17:52] Frank: on it
[04:17:56] Drack: (y)
[04:18:03] Oni: Thanks Lockmatish (chuckle)
[04:18:06] Lockmatish: :D
[04:18:19] Drack: you locate nukes through their countrysides
[04:18:20] Drack: lol
[04:18:21] Lockmatish: I see plenty of nukes
[04:18:25] Lockmatish: yes
[04:18:30] Lockmatish: they're lining the walls
[04:18:32] Oni: Yeah there's a bunker of them
[04:18:36] Oni: Tons
[04:18:42] Oni: It's huge too
[04:18:42] Lockmatish: ah, theres that bunker too
[04:18:45] Lockmatish: yes
[04:18:50] Lockmatish: plenty and plenty of them
[04:18:58] Drack: they´re stacked
[04:18:59] Frank: seems the steerings of physical nukes don't work without these energetic parts...
[04:19:01] Drack: there are more
[04:19:05] Lockmatish: nice..
[04:19:08] Oni: Okay makes sense frank
[04:19:09] Drack: perfect.
[04:19:13] Oni: What layer are we disabling on ?
[04:19:25] Frank: layer 1)
[04:20:18] Lockmatish: Just now I thought I smelled something getting singed/burning in 3d
[04:20:22] Lockmatish: but it seems to have passed already
[04:20:56] Frank: done, pls check
[04:21:09] Oni: Looks good
[04:21:19] Drack: (y)
[04:21:22] Lockmatish: all 4 targets are destroyed, remains are mangled
[04:21:25] Frank: SD
[04:21:27] Lockmatish: but theres a fair bit of target 2 left
[04:21:28] Lockmatish: >SD
[04:21:33] Drack: yes
[04:21:34] Drack: it is
[04:21:41] Drack: but not sure if enough at all
[04:21:45] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[04:21:48] Drack: (y)
[04:22:20] Lockmatish: Of interest in this base
[04:22:24] Lockmatish: there appears to be some key in the wall somewhere
[04:22:27] Lockmatish: and when activated
[04:22:51] Lockmatish: this would have activated, sequentially (and in more than one at a time), ALL THE NUKES
[04:23:20] Drack: ouch
[04:23:47] Drack: just found a place we were in a mission earlier
[04:23:52] Drack: Saturn's Moon Mimas https://hugelolcdn.com/hugewoah.com/i/6415.jpg
[04:23:57] Drack: looks familiar?
[04:23:58] Drack: (rofl)
[04:24:04] Drack: the crater there
[04:24:06] Lockmatish: yeah..somehow
[04:24:15] Drack: one of the first jobs
[04:24:21] Oni: Yeah with X
[04:24:27] Drack: yep
[04:24:29] Frank: done, pls check
[04:24:30] Oni: When he was in crazy mode
[04:24:35] Drack: :D
[04:24:40] Drack: dust.
[04:24:43] Oni: Dust
[04:24:53] Drack: something remained..
[04:25:07] Drack: it always looks the same btw
[04:25:10] Drack: what remains
[04:25:12] Lockmatish: All the nukes were safely contained and detonated it seems, but there's some small little "rocket" standing
[04:25:21] Drack: that too
[04:25:29] Lockmatish: apart from that
[04:25:34] Frank: gray hostages...
[04:25:41] Lockmatish: what do you call dust which has been vaporised a thousand times or more .....
[04:25:42] Drack: taking them?
[04:25:44] Drack: or not
[04:25:49] Drack: would take.. seconds
[04:25:51] Frank: no
[04:25:53] Drack: ok
[04:25:57] Drack: next then
[04:25:59] Lockmatish: ready for next
[04:26:05] Frank: job 21 - lsa3 - 3 host - 1 tar
[04:26:18] Drack: in space
[04:26:21] Drack: cool
[04:26:26] Lockmatish: I see an entire wall of an army
[04:26:33] Lockmatish: a massive defensive wall
[04:26:39] Drack: nevermind, not space
[04:26:42] Lockmatish: I mean to say, the wall is made up of bodies
[04:26:43] Oni: Not space
[04:26:46] Drack: :D
[04:26:58] Oni: I'm in another ballroom type
[04:27:04] Oni: Hostages below
[04:27:16] Oni: Connected together with wires from head
[04:27:27] Oni: Should be free
[04:27:33] Frank: got all
[04:27:36] Drack: yes
[04:27:44] Oni: Target is above
[04:27:46] Oni: Roof I think
[04:27:47] Lockmatish: there were many defensive weapons that would have killed the hostages if they tried to escape
[04:27:53] Oni: Huge spotlight ?
[04:28:09] Drack: targets open
[04:28:14] Drack: or close to
[04:28:15] Oni: We're in Moscow
[04:28:16] Lockmatish: only 1 target
[04:28:22] Drack: ah.
[04:28:24] Drack: were parts
[04:28:29] Drack: but should be open
[04:28:35] Frank: NA
[04:28:39] Drack: ok
[04:28:40] Oni: There's something lining the ceiling
[04:28:44] Oni: Disabling
[04:28:47] Oni: Try now
[04:28:54] Frank: 3 L
[04:29:05] Oni: Many wires hanging down too
[04:29:13] Drack: should be open
[04:29:17] Oni: Yep
[04:29:22] Drack: they´re always making it hard..
[04:29:36] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[04:29:58] Frank: russian nukes...
[04:30:06] Oni: Yep
[04:30:07] Lockmatish: I see nukes down below
[04:30:10] Oni: All underground
[04:30:10] Lockmatish: an entire clusterfuck of them
[04:30:19] Oni: Layers and layers
[04:30:24] Drack: yeah
[04:30:28] Drack: they have the worst nukes btw
[04:30:30] Drack: satan 2 called
[04:30:37] Lockmatish: there's something down here
[04:30:40] Lockmatish: a massive nuclear submarine
[04:30:46] Lockmatish: it seems, that ALL nukes could be loaded on it at once ?
[04:31:02] Drack: energetically maybe yeah
[04:31:06] Drack: i would wonder if they have that in 3D
[04:31:10] Lockmatish: no idea
[04:31:13] Drack: that´s like
[04:31:14] Drack: too huge
[04:31:20] Lockmatish: yeah probably
[04:31:20] Frank: yes
[04:32:13] Oni: (Clap)
[04:32:20] Oni: Good use of brilliant minds
[04:32:46] Frank: hope you mean us...(chuckle)
[04:32:51] Drack: (rofl)
[04:33:00] Drack: in that way i would agree.
[04:33:52] Drack: i always have something in near here which is overly annoying
[04:34:01] Drack: on my right in my room
[04:34:17] Frank: done, pls check
[04:34:23] Drack: checking
[04:34:34] Lockmatish: gone but part of the frame still standing
[04:34:35] Lockmatish: >SD
[04:34:40] Frank: SD
[04:34:56] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[04:35:01] Drack: it´s strange, is it only for me or is all black but the base itself
[04:35:03] Drack: ?
[04:35:24] Lockmatish: this base doesn't seem as big as the others
[04:35:28] Lockmatish: its mainly vertical
[04:35:31] Lockmatish: very tiny horizontal parts
[04:35:32] Drack: yeah
[04:36:33] X: Today guys I was prepared to die, really thought I would die today, never experienced anything like this before and at times I even felt this was the best option such was the manipulation. I can honestly say by a mile it was the worst day of my life. I have never cried this much in my life and I still do not know why I cried, I have never experienced so much emotional turmoil ever and this totally shut me down physically. For a guy like me who never experienced emotional pain, this was totally unbearable and a real eye opener in many respects for me. I had no emotional control today and none over my own thoughts (which I never have) and I was totally out of character. But today I understood what those with emotional problems go through, today I can honestly say I get it now, I truly do. I can categorically say, we will stop this, all of it, it is a matter of time.

I am thanking all of you here today for the support and help given to me in my darkest hours, if I did not have such strong support from you all, I probably will not be writing this. So thank you guys for everything today, it means a lot to me because it is in times like these you really need your friends, I know I was not easy to put up with today but thank you for standing by me like this. My heartfelt thank you for being there in my time of need.
[04:36:54] X: so THANK YOU for this
[04:37:49] Lockmatish: (hug)(hug)(hug)(hug) SO glad you are better now.. it was rough, the little I was aware of
[04:37:51] Drack: (hug)
[04:38:16] Drack: we will do that once and for all.. glad you seem to be better finally
[04:38:17] Frank: (hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)
[04:38:23] Lockmatish: I could see you shaking incredibly violently before
[04:38:24] Frank: hope you are better now?
[04:38:27] Drack: was pretty worried about you
[04:38:30] Lockmatish: (hug)(hug)(hug)
[04:39:00] Lockmatish: @X: you meant, that you never have thoughts?
[04:39:04] X: slowly but surely, still not there yet, not sure how long I will take to recover fully but yeah I am on the mend
[04:39:13] Lockmatish: good..great..(party)(hug)
[04:39:16] Drack: finally..
[04:39:20] Drack: (hug)
[04:39:25] X: no I never have thoughts, I am empty
[04:39:28] Lockmatish: understood
[04:39:28] Frank: (whew) (party) \o/
[04:39:57] X: (hug) (hug) (hug) (hug) (hug) (hug) (hug) (hug) (hug) (hug) (hug)
[04:40:07] Lockmatish: (hug)(hug)(hug)(hug)<3
[04:40:21] Drack: that´s getting me a bit emotionally now. :D
[04:40:35] X: yeah it happens, though it is a first for me
[04:40:38] Frank: we seriously had a safety loop today for X, but luckily we are still in 1st run
[04:41:07] X: (y)
[04:41:13] Drack: hope that stays this way
[04:41:20] Frank: i am sure
[04:41:21] Frank: now
[04:41:23] Lockmatish: thats close ....
[04:41:38] Lockmatish: (hug)
[04:41:43] Frank: ok, back to job...
done, pls check (chuckle)
[04:41:48] Lockmatish: checking :)
[04:42:08] Lockmatish: base is vaporised in a kind of
[04:42:14] Drack: seems done
[04:42:16] X: I am calm for the first time in maybe 14 hours, but my chest feels like crap and my body is weak, yes back to the job :D
[04:42:16] Lockmatish: weird shape made of 2 half-globes
[04:42:21] Lockmatish: but theres a number of podestals standing
[04:42:25] Lockmatish: with globes or something on them
[04:42:26] Lockmatish: they are spread around
[04:42:31] Drack: maybe get some rest now X
[04:42:32] Lockmatish: perhaps they are standing in midair
[04:42:47] Oni: Lockmatish I see that
[04:42:51] Oni: Sorry just got back
[04:42:54] Lockmatish: nws
[04:42:56] Drack: np
[04:43:03] Oni: What are those ?
[04:43:07] Lockmatish: I dunno
[04:43:10] Lockmatish: ps read X's message above..
[04:43:14] Oni: I did ....
[04:43:17] Lockmatish: oh
[04:43:29] Oni: I am very happy he is back
[04:43:29] Drack: get habitats
[04:43:37] Lockmatish: same here
[04:43:38] Drack: i´m very happy he´s alive.
[04:43:42] Oni: Frank can you check these ?
[04:43:51] Oni: Tagged them
[04:44:22] Frank: ok
[04:44:46] Frank: whatever ...shooting....(chuckle)
[04:44:52] Lockmatish: (giggle)
[04:45:06] Drack: shoot first ask questions later..
[04:45:07] Drack: :D
[04:45:36] Frank: i checked, and THEN shot....(chuckle)
[04:45:44] Lockmatish: (y)
[04:46:01] Lockmatish: else you wouldn't have given the order to fire
[04:46:19] Lockmatish: ready for next
[04:46:22] Frank: else i would not even be able to shoot...
[04:46:28] Lockmatish: nice..
[04:46:28] Frank: job 22 - taurus - 7 host - 4 tar
[04:46:52] Oni: Gold dome building
[04:47:02] Oni: Huge spiral stairs going down
[04:47:03] Lockmatish: I see that
[04:47:07] Lockmatish: hostages are to the right
[04:47:07] Oni: All the way the outside
[04:47:17] Oni: Massive missile in the middle
[04:47:19] Oni: Like huge
[04:47:21] Drack: all out
[04:47:25] Lockmatish: wait, one hostage seems below
[04:47:28] Lockmatish: checking if out
[04:47:32] Frank: got all H
[04:47:40] Lockmatish: ok
[04:47:43] Lockmatish: 4 targets
[04:47:46] Oni: This looks like a spaceship
[04:47:49] Oni: It's so big
[04:48:08] Drack: all targets open
[04:48:31] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[04:48:48] Lockmatish: I see it Oni
[04:48:57] Lockmatish: looks like your typical 2-part spaceship
[04:49:00] Oni: Be back in 5 minutes
[04:49:02] Oni: Yeah
[04:49:03] Lockmatish: a massive missile
[04:49:04] Lockmatish: no worries
[04:49:11] Drack: updating macro quickly
[04:49:14] Drack: making it faster
[04:49:49] Drack: an autosolve without any clue about generators and keys isn´t that much worth
[04:49:50] Drack: :D
[04:49:56] Lockmatish: of interest in this base, there seems to a number of innocuous/innocent-looking candles around the place
[04:49:58] Lockmatish: in different areas
[04:50:10] Lockmatish: it seems that any one of these candles, when lit, would activate the massive missile above
[04:50:53] Drack: that´s .. interesting
[04:51:03] Drack: i´ve heard that before somewhere
[04:51:09] Lockmatish: really?
[04:51:10] Drack: light up a light for the end of the world
[04:51:16] Lockmatish: wow
[04:51:19] Lockmatish: thats one way to put it
[04:51:23] Drack: yeah..
[04:53:08] Frank: done, pls check
[04:53:23] Lockmatish: 4 targets obliterated
[04:53:25] Drack: yes
[04:53:30] Lockmatish: some remains especially target 1
[04:53:31] Drack: sd
[04:53:32] Lockmatish: >SD
[04:53:35] Frank: SD
[04:53:49] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[04:53:52] Drack: we´re really fast today
[04:53:53] Drack: (y)
[04:54:22] Lockmatish: a little faster than before, I think
[04:54:33] Drack: which job are we
[04:54:34] Drack: 22?
[04:54:39] Lockmatish: this is 22
[04:54:39] Lockmatish: yes
[04:54:46] Drack: yeah last time we needed 12 hours
[04:54:49] Drack: for 22 jobs
[04:54:55] Lockmatish: ah, thats what you mean
[04:54:57] Drack: yeah
[04:55:00] Drack: it´s way faster.
[04:55:05] Drack: 5~ hours faster
[04:55:39] Drack: and we even had like 30min break
[04:55:40] Drack: (rofl)
[04:55:45] Drack: or a hour?
[04:55:49] Drack: i don´t know anymore
[04:55:50] Frank: 1h break
[04:55:54] Drack: oh. yeah.
[04:56:42] Frank: done, pls check
[04:56:47] Drack: ok
[04:56:58] Drack: remains
[04:57:03] Drack: round shaped whatever
[04:57:07] Lockmatish: base looks like an apple after you eat it
[04:57:10] Lockmatish: all vaporised
[04:57:12] Drack: :D
[04:57:15] Lockmatish: except some things flying around
[04:57:29] Drack: and that mini building there
[04:57:37] Lockmatish: ah yes
[04:57:42] Frank: grays
[04:57:44] Drack: ok
[04:57:48] Drack: next.
[04:57:49] Frank: job 23 - lsa2 - 3 host - 4 tar
[04:58:09] Drack: H´s out
[04:58:21] Frank: got all
[04:58:22] Drack: Targets down
[04:58:25] Drack: lol
[04:58:25] Drack: fast.
[04:58:31] Drack: was worth updating
[04:58:43] Oni: Back
[04:58:46] Drack: (wave)
[04:58:48] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[04:58:53] Oni: (Monkey)
[04:58:58] Lockmatish: wow that was fast
[04:59:00] Drack: :D
[04:59:02] Drack: yes it was
[04:59:16] Drack: just 2 definitions of keys and generators needed
[04:59:22] Drack: and the autosolver does a wonder
[04:59:22] Drack: :D
[04:59:23] Lockmatish: nice
[04:59:33] Lockmatish: I see 2 extremely tall vertical "piles" of nukes, hidden in the walls
[05:00:12] Frank: i don't think nukes. other shit...
[05:00:25] Oni: This seems like chemical weapons
[05:00:29] Lockmatish: okay, I guess they look similar
[05:00:38] Lockmatish: theres also a handful of them in horizontal positions too along the wall
[05:00:39] Oni hat einen Anruf gestartet.
[05:00:42] Lockmatish: :D
[05:00:44] Oni: Oops
[05:00:45] Oni: Lol
[05:00:47] Drack: ..
[05:00:48] Oni: Hahahaha
[05:00:53] Lockmatish: sure, but not right now (rofl)
[05:00:53] Oni: My bad
[05:00:53] Drack: you just smashed my song i hear
[05:00:54] X: you all tried to call
[05:01:00] Oni: Lol.
[05:01:01] Drack: nope
[05:01:01] Drack: ..
[05:01:03] Drack: (rofl)
[05:01:05] Oni: Sloppy fingers
[05:01:06] Drack: Oni again
[05:01:08] Lockmatish: but really, if you wanted to
[05:01:09] Lockmatish: we can do that
[05:01:14] Oni: X still waiting for everyone ....
[05:01:16] Oni: Hello
[05:01:18] Oni: Hello
[05:01:18] Lockmatish: :D
[05:01:19] Oni: Hello
[05:01:21] Drack: that would make the battle chats obsolte
[05:01:26] Lockmatish: oh right
[05:01:27] Lockmatish: the battle chats
[05:01:30] Lockmatish: written transcripts..
[05:01:32] Oni: Yeah we can do later time
[05:01:37] Gruppen-Anruf, Dauer 00:59.
[05:01:43] Oni: Sorry about that
[05:01:45] Lockmatish: nws
[05:01:53] Frank: that would crash X's bandwidth....:D
[05:01:58] Drack: true .
[05:01:58] Drack: :D
[05:01:59] Lockmatish: :D
[05:02:00] X: :D
[05:02:03] Lockmatish: we do audio only
[05:02:05] Lockmatish: (giggle)
[05:02:05] Oni: .D
[05:02:10] Lockmatish: unless its even that bad
[05:02:19] Lockmatish: no wonder we have battle chats (giggle)
[05:02:21] Frank: not good in battle...
[05:02:23] Drack: his internet is nothing else than swiss cheese
[05:02:25] Drack: so yeah
[05:02:27] Drack: would be bad
[05:02:27] Drack: :D
[05:02:36] Lockmatish: fair point..
[05:02:41] Lockmatish: swiss cheese (giggle)
[05:02:51] Frank: done, pls check
[05:03:07] Lockmatish: all exploded and vaporised
[05:03:13] Lockmatish: some kind of circle frame of target 2 is left
[05:03:13] Lockmatish: >SD
[05:03:13] Frank: SD
[05:03:31] Frank: shooting ~2 min
[05:03:47] Oni: I'll be touch and go for next 30 minutes
[05:03:49] Oni: On train
[05:03:54] Lockmatish: ok
[05:03:56] Oni: Then available for 2.5 hours
[05:04:03] Lockmatish: I feel good now
[05:04:05] Frank: (y)
[05:04:08] Lockmatish: so I'll be here as much as possible
[05:04:14] Lockmatish: I may need to answer some questions in 3d or such
[05:04:22] Frank: (chuckle)
[05:04:26] Lockmatish: :D
[05:04:44] Lockmatish: of interest, in this base
[05:04:49] Lockmatish: is some kind of twirling vortex of vapor
[05:04:58] Drack: i´ll be here for an hour
[05:04:59] Lockmatish: that seems to run all the way through the entire vertical length of the base
[05:05:00] Lockmatish: from top to bottom
[05:05:02] Drack: then i´ll take a nap
[05:05:06] Lockmatish: theres a couple of these vapors
[05:05:06] Drack: but maybe we´re done by then
[05:05:08] Lockmatish: ok no worries drack
[05:05:12] Lockmatish: in an hour? I dont think so
[05:05:15] Lockmatish: but I'll be here
[05:05:22] Drack: ah.. it goes way faster now
[05:05:32] Drack: as long as we don´t go into super huge fights now
[05:05:32] Drack: :D
[05:05:34] Oni: I'll be available when you nap drack
[05:05:34] Lockmatish: I don't think it goes THAT fast
[05:05:38] Frank: some big ahaed...
[05:05:39] Drack: (y)
[05:05:44] Lockmatish: ok
[05:05:44] Drack: well
[05:05:52] Drack: we´ll see.
[05:05:55] Drack: i´m optimistic
[05:05:56] Drack: :D
[05:06:01] Lockmatish: i`m realistic (giggle)
[05:06:07] Drack: yeah..
[05:06:09] Drack: that´s a point
[05:06:10] Drack: :D
[05:06:12] Lockmatish: :D
[05:06:18] Drack: normally i was the realist here all the time
[05:06:20] Drack: :D
[05:06:22] Lockmatish: :D
[05:06:29] Frank: done, pls check
[05:06:46] Lockmatish: base is totally vaporised
[05:06:50] Drack: some stuff
[05:06:50] Lockmatish: but theres some kind of upwards flow
[05:06:52] Drack: yeah
[05:06:54] Lockmatish: theres some kind of things moving upwards
[05:06:56] Lockmatish: some kind of.. I dunno
[05:06:58] Drack: marked.
[05:07:05] Drack: some building again
[05:07:23] Frank: L ones
[05:07:26] Lockmatish: yeah some kind of building on the right too
[05:07:30] Drack: oh
[05:07:32] Drack: something new
[05:07:37] Drack: ok next.
[05:07:44] Frank: battle avatars take them
[05:07:47] Lockmatish: ok
[05:07:48] Drack: (y)
[05:07:53] Frank: job 24 - taurus - F host - 3 tar
[05:08:14] Drack: H done
[05:08:23] Drack: targets up
[05:08:44] Lockmatish: I think H out
[05:09:33] Frank: got me... (am i shizo now...? :D)
[05:09:38] Lockmatish: :D
[05:09:39] Drack: :D
[05:09:41] Drack: nothing new.
[05:09:42] Drack: (rofl)
[05:09:48] Frank: (rofl)
[05:09:48] Lockmatish: (giggle)
[05:10:36] Oni: This is like a sand cove
[05:10:40] Oni: Like inverted donut
[05:10:49] Oni: Big cone shape in middle
[05:10:54] Drack: you shoot F?
[05:10:58] Lockmatish: yeah I see it Oni
[05:11:00] Oni: With very well crafted shape
[05:11:05] Frank: 2
[05:11:07] Oni: Clearly housing base underneath
[05:11:13] Lockmatish: 1 target remains to access
[05:11:17] Drack: ok
[05:11:18] Drack: mh
[05:11:22] Oni: There's a fan in middle of funnel
[05:11:26] Oni: For torture maybe
[05:11:28] Oni: Or crashing
[05:11:35] Drack: updating macro in meanwhile
[05:11:36] Drack: solving
[05:11:48] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[05:12:00] Oni: (celebrate)
[05:12:17] Lockmatish: this base contains, "jump pillars"
[05:12:17] Oni: Yay torture machines
[05:12:18] Drack: (party)
[05:12:23] Lockmatish: you stand in it and it zooms you upwards very fast
[05:12:36] Oni: I see those
[05:12:39] Oni: They were hidden
[05:12:41] Oni: Good find
[05:12:45] Lockmatish: nothing else of interest
[05:12:48] Oni: All the way to space
[05:12:48] Lockmatish: oh nice
[05:12:55] Oni: They end at little bubbles
[05:12:57] Drack: 1 man space program?
[05:13:00] Lockmatish: yeah they do
[05:13:57] Oni: They're almost like hotel rooms
[05:13:59] Oni: Are those beds ?
[05:14:01] Oni: Lol
[05:14:05] Drack: oh nice
[05:14:12] Lockmatish: I think so
[05:14:12] Drack: nope
[05:14:13] Drack: torture
[05:14:18] Drack: once you lay in
[05:14:19] Lockmatish: lined along the vertical shaft
[05:14:20] Drack: it closes
[05:14:23] Drack: and shit comes up
[05:14:28] Oni: Ouch
[05:14:30] Lockmatish: yeah
[05:14:30] Drack: yeah.
[05:14:32] Lockmatish: you're right
[05:14:36] Lockmatish: didn't realise that
[05:14:36] Drack: but they can´t harm me
[05:14:38] Drack: (rofl)
[05:14:42] Oni: Drack ain't fooled
[05:14:42] Drack: good*
[05:14:46] Oni: By dem views
[05:14:49] Lockmatish: no, but that doesn't mean you should lie in them (giggle)
[05:14:55] Drack: too late? :D
[05:14:58] Lockmatish: (facepalm)
[05:15:00] Lockmatish: :D
[05:15:05] Oni: Lol
[05:15:07] Oni: (Monkey)
[05:15:08] Lockmatish: No Oni, he just had to try it
[05:15:10] Lockmatish: :D
[05:15:15] Drack: yeah.
[05:15:16] Oni: Just once
[05:15:18] Frank: (facepalm)
[05:15:19] Lockmatish: yep
[05:15:26] Drack: i´ll build up my own bed..
[05:15:26] Frank: :D
[05:15:28] Drack: :D
[05:15:42] Frank: done pls check
[05:15:44] Lockmatish: might want to pick alternative real estate
[05:15:53] Lockmatish: all exploded
[05:15:56] Oni: Things are melted
[05:15:57] Lockmatish: all vaporised
[05:15:59] Frank: SD
[05:16:04] Lockmatish: done
[05:16:11] Drack: (y)
[05:16:16] Frank: shooting ~1 min
[05:16:18] Drack: laying into me energetical bed now.
[05:16:20] Drack: (rofl)
[05:16:28] Oni: Knew it !!
[05:16:37] Drack: did that before too
[05:16:41] Oni: This little puny place
[05:16:42] Drack: as i fell down that floor
[05:16:44] Oni: (Yawn)
[05:16:49] Drack: was funny
[05:16:52] Drack: free fall in bed
[05:16:59] Lockmatish: I don't know how you're gonna sleep through this firing
[05:17:05] Oni: No chance mate
[05:17:15] Drack: ah .. that´s fine.
[05:17:19] Drack: i´m just laying around here
[05:17:23] Lockmatish: (rofl)
[05:17:25] Drack: it´s actually
[05:17:26] Drack: comfy
[05:17:27] Drack: somehow
[05:17:29] Lockmatish: good
[05:17:31] Lockmatish: maybe it helps you a bit
[05:17:31] Drack: like relaxing
[05:17:40] Frank: done, pls check
[05:17:44] Oni: Done frank
[05:17:57] Lockmatish: base vaporised in a big sphere
[05:17:58] Drack: a bit more over
[05:18:01] Lockmatish: some structures remaining on left and right
[05:18:02] Drack: more buildings
[05:18:03] Lockmatish: and things flying around too
[05:18:23] Drack: 3-4 buildings
[05:19:33] Frank: L-ones in each
[05:19:40] Drack: nice.
[05:21:00] Frank: job 25 - lsa2 - A+2 host - 8 tar
special - no clue why...
[05:21:05] Drack: ok
[05:21:08] Drack: let´s see
[05:21:09] Lockmatish: here
[05:21:15] Drack: well
[05:21:17] Drack: big
[05:21:22] Oni: Very big
[05:21:25] Oni: Open field ?
[05:21:29] Drack: for now
[05:21:33] Lockmatish: as I got here
[05:21:37] Lockmatish: many many weapons directed at my head
[05:21:40] Oni: Hostages far in front
[05:21:41] Lockmatish: but I fooled them with a clone
[05:21:42] Drack: alot of H done
[05:21:51] Drack: all done
[05:21:52] Drack: i guess
[05:21:52] Oni: Only 3
[05:22:01] Oni: Another underground base
[05:22:07] Oni: It's one long tube connecting to main part
[05:22:13] Lockmatish: below the hostages is many layers of vertical rooms
[05:22:16] Oni: And then connecting again on other side of field
[05:22:37] Oni: Dinosaur bones ?
[05:22:41] Oni: Like whole skeleton
[05:22:44] Oni: Is this museum ?
[05:22:47] Drack: mh
[05:22:51] Drack: in that part maybe
[05:22:53] Oni: I tagged
[05:23:01] Oni: Yeah it's like the New York museum
[05:23:03] Oni: Interesting
[05:23:10] Frank: got all H
[05:23:16] Lockmatish: 8 targets
[05:23:16] Drack: ok
[05:23:28] Oni: This wooly mammoth tusk
[05:23:35] Oni: Whale skeleton
[05:23:36] Drack: all but 1 target done
[05:23:46] Oni: Under water
[05:23:48] Oni: At bottom
[05:23:51] Drack: is there a hostage attached to the target?
[05:23:52] Drack: F?
[05:23:58] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[05:24:04] Drack: mhh
[05:24:12] Oni: There was a huge chest
[05:24:22] Oni: Inside after drack brought 100 keys
[05:24:25] Lockmatish: I see a massive
[05:24:26] Oni: Was helmet
[05:24:26] Lockmatish: control room
[05:24:30] Drack: :D
[05:24:31] Lockmatish: and its showing many many many monitors
[05:24:35] Oni: Key master D
[05:24:36] Lockmatish: its basically showing that theres a ton of specified people
[05:24:41] Drack: yeah, now maybe
[05:24:41] Lockmatish: with weapons/guns aimed at their head
[05:24:42] Drack: :D
[05:24:46] Oni: Ohh I think this is celebrities
[05:24:50] Oni: And politicians
[05:24:54] Oni: Good find Lockmatish
[05:24:57] Lockmatish: Ah is that what it is
[05:24:58] Lockmatish: :)
[05:24:59] Oni: I see Obama
[05:25:01] Oni: Trump
[05:25:12] Drack: interesting
[05:25:17] Oni: Kanye
[05:25:22] Oni: John Mayer
[05:25:30] Oni: Britney Spears
[05:25:40] Drack: washington?
[05:25:41] Drack: lol
[05:25:43] Oni: I dl'd all info
[05:25:43] Frank: not them. their control sticks...
[05:25:48] Lockmatish: also, theres more weapons or such aiming at them from above, but its pouring some kind of ... black goo ? on top of their heads?
[05:25:57] Lockmatish: control sticks?
[05:25:57] Oni: What's a control stick frank ?
[05:25:59] Lockmatish: huh
[05:26:11] Frank: to control the celbrities
[05:26:21] Lockmatish: ohh
[05:26:22] Oni: Interesting
[05:26:22] Lockmatish: I see
[05:26:23] Drack: interesting
[05:26:27] Drack: what will happen without those..
[05:26:31] Oni: Lol
[05:26:33] Oni: Drack
[05:26:35] Oni: Always so serious
[05:26:38] Drack: complete meltdown
[05:26:39] Lockmatish: theres another part to this
[05:26:40] Drack: :D
[05:26:43] Drack: who´s serious
[05:26:47] Lockmatish: theres more hidden underground weapons aimed at their feet
[05:26:51] Lockmatish: but they're attached to their feet somehow
[05:26:54] Lockmatish: with a mechanism
[05:26:54] Drack: i´m the most non-serious person ever maybe
[05:26:56] Drack: (rofl)
[05:26:59] Lockmatish: or with machinery
[05:27:03] Lockmatish: right..(giggle)
[05:27:30] Lockmatish: next, there's a ton of horizontal - facing weapons
[05:27:42] Lockmatish: these seem to fill almost their entire bodies with many harsh waves
[05:28:39] Frank: done, pls check
[05:28:57] Drack: done
[05:29:04] Lockmatish: all done but one target is like half left
[05:29:08] Drack: yeah
[05:29:11] Lockmatish: >SD
[05:29:14] Frank: SD
[05:29:34] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[05:29:47] Drack: so, what was so special?
[05:29:51] Lockmatish: the celebrities I guess
[05:29:53] Frank: the weapons
[05:29:54] Drack: lol.
[05:29:56] Drack: yeah
[05:30:00] Drack: rather the weapons
[05:30:03] Lockmatish: right
[05:30:06] Lockmatish: the celebrity manipulation weapons
[05:33:45] Frank: done, pls check
[05:33:52] Lockmatish: checking
[05:34:02] Drack: done.
[05:34:11] Lockmatish: the base peeled apart
[05:34:12] Lockmatish: like a flower
[05:34:16] Drack: stuff left
[05:34:17] Drack: as always
[05:34:23] Lockmatish: exposing this thin glass layer in the middle
[05:34:23] Lockmatish: which shattered everywhere
[05:34:25] Drack: longer buildings
[05:34:33] Lockmatish: yes some buildings left
[05:34:39] Lockmatish: but base is vaporised
[05:34:52] Frank: shooting
[05:34:57] Drack: ok
[05:35:10] Drack: random nausea
[05:35:12] Drack: cleaning?
[05:35:27] Drack: have that like all 4-5 jobs
[05:35:42] Lockmatish: seems to be external attacks
[05:35:46] Drack: ok
[05:35:59] Drack: yeah pains
[05:36:04] Drack: right hand
[05:36:24] Frank: seem to be cleaning
[05:36:36] Drack: ok (y)
[05:36:56] Frank: nausea = attack, hand = cleaning
[05:37:08] Lockmatish: right, I got nausea as attack too
[05:37:08] Drack: ok
[05:37:13] Oni: Same
[05:37:19] Oni: We'll survive
[05:37:23] Drack: surely
[05:37:23] Frank: sure
[05:37:24] Lockmatish: (y) we got this
[05:37:36] Lockmatish: here comes 26/30
[05:37:37] Frank: done, pls check
[05:37:44] Lockmatish: oh, right
[05:37:50] Drack: done
[05:38:02] Lockmatish: base is still vaporised but now so are the buildings
[05:38:06] Frank: job 26 - orion - 1 host - 4 tar
[05:38:23] Oni: Sphere
[05:38:28] Oni: Almost Death Star like
[05:38:36] Lockmatish: I see it
[05:38:37] Drack: H out
[05:38:38] Oni: Is this underground ?
[05:38:47] Oni: Targets on 4 corners
[05:38:55] Drack: targets up
[05:38:58] Oni: Machine like arms
[05:39:02] Drack: guys i can´t do it anymore
[05:39:05] Drack: i´ll be back at 10am
[05:39:08] Lockmatish: ok no worries
[05:39:11] Oni: Like a manufacturer facility
[05:39:11] Frank: got H
[05:39:13] Oni: No worries mate
[05:39:15] Oni: I'm here
[05:39:18] Drack: ok
[05:39:22] Oni: (Clap)
[05:39:22] Drack: good night (wave)
[05:39:32] Frank: good night, THAAANNNXXX
[05:39:36] Lockmatish: see ya drack
[05:39:37] Frank: (wave)
[05:39:41] Lockmatish: (wave)
[05:39:48] Oni: It's cause he got too comfy in that torture bed trap thing (rofl)
[05:39:49] Lockmatish: 4 targets
[05:39:51] Lockmatish: :D
[05:40:04] Oni: I got 1
[05:40:16] Oni: One on this level 2 below
[05:40:29] Oni: This is massive manufacturing facility
[05:40:40] Oni: Very dark below
[05:40:51] Lockmatish: more targets accessible ?
[05:40:51] Oni: Monitor here
[05:41:02] Oni: Okay I lit the place up
[05:41:07] Oni: Robotics everywhere
[05:41:20] Oni: It's huge
[05:41:23] Oni: Floor is right white now
[05:41:30] Oni: Looks like out of clone wars
[05:41:36] Oni: AI manufacture facility ?
[05:41:46] Frank: yes
[05:41:57] Lockmatish: (y)
[05:42:05] Oni: How we doing on T's ?
[05:42:06] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[05:42:10] Oni: Good
[05:42:14] Oni: (Clap)
[05:42:25] Oni: Me and you Lockmatish we got this
[05:42:28] Oni: Going for the gold tonight
[05:42:32] Lockmatish: we got this
[05:42:33] Lockmatish: all of us
[05:42:44] Oni: All
[05:42:47] Oni: (Y)
[05:42:56] Lockmatish: (y)
[05:43:40] Frank: my blind working is also working good now...
[05:43:48] Lockmatish: awesome
[05:43:51] Oni: Good
[05:44:01] Lockmatish: you, me, and blind man frank
[05:44:04] Lockmatish: we got this
[05:44:05] Lockmatish: :D
[05:44:12] Oni: He must be the one ...
[05:44:16] Oni: (Cwl)
[05:44:17] Lockmatish: (rofl)
[05:44:17] Frank: :D
[05:44:36] Lockmatish: I see many drills or lasers
[05:44:42] Lockmatish: scattered around in a roughly rectangular pattern
[05:44:46] Lockmatish: all aiming at some rectangular box
[05:44:48] Lockmatish: I dunno what it is
[05:45:06] Oni: I see that too
[05:45:10] Oni: Why don't we look inside
[05:45:20] Lockmatish: also it seems this place "mines" cranial fluid ........ ?
[05:45:26] Oni: Some shiny yoda things
[05:45:26] Frank: done, pls check
[05:45:30] Lockmatish: I'm just looking for "macro" things of interest, feel free to look in detail
[05:45:40] Lockmatish: all 4 targets obliterated
[05:45:45] Frank: SD
[05:45:50] Lockmatish: >sd
[05:45:59] Oni: So this is like in a mountain
[05:46:03] Oni: It seems
[05:46:07] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[05:46:21] Oni: Pretty well camouflaged
[05:46:30] X: guys I am going to bed now, thanks again, good night (wave)
[05:46:35] Oni: Night !
[05:46:37] Lockmatish: Night X, (hug) take care!
[05:46:39] Lockmatish: rest well
[05:46:46] X: (hug)
[05:46:49] Lockmatish: On a side note, it appears that the work we are doing
[05:46:51] Lockmatish: takes tremendous energy
[05:46:54] Lockmatish: and if you don't "down shift" a bit
[05:46:57] Lockmatish: you will burn out pretty fast
[05:47:02] Lockmatish: if that makes any sense to you guys
[05:47:05] Lockmatish: at least, it seems that way for me
[05:47:11] Oni: Interesting
[05:47:17] Oni: I think frank can override that
[05:47:23] Lockmatish: maybe
[05:48:34] Frank: i feel nothing. took a big spoon of guarana...(rofl)
[05:48:42] Lockmatish: (cwl)
[05:48:45] Oni: (Flex)
[05:48:47] Lockmatish: so THATS the trick
[05:48:51] Lockmatish: (giggle)
[05:48:57] Oni: Yeah step your game up Lockmatish lol
[05:49:00] Lockmatish: hahaha
[05:49:06] Lockmatish: Guarana, why didn't I think of it (giggle)
[05:49:10] Frank: coffee, guarana, 40 min rest, and begin new...(rofl)
[05:49:24] Lockmatish: damn, 490 sounded so perfect
[05:49:26] Lockmatish: (hug)
[05:49:32] Frank: (rofl)
[05:49:40] Lockmatish: :D
[05:50:20] Frank: you forgot some to activate some energy supply some where...(chuckle)
[05:50:33] Lockmatish: I guess I never got the manual ..
[05:50:39] Lockmatish: or forgot it or whatever
[05:50:40] Frank: in skib capsule
[05:50:47] Lockmatish: oh, thanks. ill try to activate now
[05:51:05] Frank: done, pls check
[05:51:26] Lockmatish: its again, like an eaten apple shape
[05:51:30] Oni: Mountain is caput
[05:51:30] Lockmatish: all vaporised and dust
[05:51:33] Lockmatish: but theres some kind of "things"
[05:51:36] Lockmatish: kind of like structures
[05:51:39] Lockmatish: but they didn't look that solid
[05:51:41] Lockmatish: hazy structures
[05:51:43] Lockmatish: on left and right I think
[05:52:17] Oni: Btw can we take 5 minute break before next job
[05:52:20] Oni: Just getting home
[05:52:36] Frank: ok
[05:52:45] Lockmatish: ok
[05:52:59] Oni: Brb
[05:53:28] Lockmatish: I turned it on ... felt some kind of energy going to my head
[05:53:31] Lockmatish: (love)
[05:53:37] Frank: (y)
[05:53:39] Lockmatish: Is this job done?
[05:53:49] Frank: think so
[05:53:51] Frank: shot again
[05:53:53] Lockmatish: ok
[05:53:55] Lockmatish: checking again
[05:54:24] Lockmatish: all vaporised. buildings are mangled
[05:54:31] Lockmatish: be right back
[05:54:35] Frank: ok
[05:59:01] Lockmatish: bk
[06:00:24] Oni: Bk
[06:00:25] Lockmatish: btw, I don't mean that i am getting burnt out - not at all. Whatever we need to do today, i'm here. But, it seems that I have a "low power mode" and a "high power mode" for what we're doing. And until now, the "high power mode" was pretty much unusable
[06:00:44] Oni: The skib capsule is da (bomb)
[06:00:51] Oni: Good looking out F
[06:00:58] Lockmatish: :D
[06:01:00] Lockmatish: (y)
[06:01:07] Oni: (trampoline)
[06:02:21] Frank: there are 12 more things like capsule power supply.
got deactivated by status change a few days ago. you need to reactivate them. no clue what...
[06:02:45] Lockmatish: okay, thanks, I will note that and try to find them
[06:02:52] Oni: 1. Reserve supply
[06:02:53] Frank: yes, do now
[06:03:00] Oni: 2. Capsule supply
[06:03:10] Lockmatish: ok
[06:03:20] Oni: 3. Creation?
[06:03:35] Oni: I dunno can you read Lockmatish
[06:03:42] Oni: I just activated all 12
[06:03:49] Frank: Lockmatish, your skib knows
[06:04:14] Oni: Skib use optimal according to my needs
[06:04:26] Lockmatish: yes, I just went through and activated all, I think it will take a few minutes
[06:04:34] Lockmatish: my skib called #1 "battery pack" (giggle)
[06:04:42] Oni: Nice :)
[06:04:47] Lockmatish: same thing ;)
[06:05:11] Oni: Okay frank next ?
[06:05:14] Lockmatish: 80%, 2 mins remaining
[06:05:34] Oni: I have ~2 hours
[06:05:42] Frank: we wait 2 min
[06:05:49] Lockmatish: 95%, 30 seconds
[06:06:09] Lockmatish: 99%, 10 sec
[06:06:19] Lockmatish: 100%
[06:06:20] Frank: job 27 - taurus - 7 host - 12 tar
[06:06:33] Oni: Desert
[06:06:37] Oni: Sphyinx
[06:06:43] Oni: They are underneath
[06:06:51] Oni: 6 in circle 1 in middle
[06:06:55] Oni: All linked to middle
[06:07:10] Oni: Okay should be good
[06:07:12] Lockmatish: all H out ?
[06:07:20] Frank: got all
[06:07:23] Lockmatish: and if so, are some targets accessible already?
[06:07:25] Oni: Good
[06:07:36] Frank: NA
[06:07:38] Frank: 0
[06:07:41] Oni: 2 targets up
[06:07:42] Lockmatish: ok
[06:07:44] Oni: 10
[06:07:47] Oni: Goes way down
[06:07:51] Oni: Sphynix eye
[06:07:54] Lockmatish: understood
[06:07:56] Oni: Heart
[06:08:06] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[06:08:10] Oni: Nice
[06:08:28] Oni: Find anything interesting down there I
[06:08:39] Oni: It's a diamond mine
[06:08:41] Oni: With carts
[06:08:49] Lockmatish: A whole bunch of little beans ... related to the targets
[06:08:53] Lockmatish: I'll look after targets are secured
[06:09:01] Oni: Targets are secured
[06:09:03] Lockmatish: oh, lol, I missed the shooting message
[06:09:06] Lockmatish: checking now
[06:09:14] Oni: I see massive jewel mines
[06:09:19] Oni: Africa maybe
[06:09:22] Lockmatish: I see a glittering diamond mine
[06:09:23] Lockmatish: underground
[06:09:26] Oni: Yep
[06:09:32] Oni: Look at this huge stack
[06:09:34] Oni: Golden
[06:09:38] Oni: And at top massive diamond
[06:09:44] Oni: Huge cavern
[06:09:47] Lockmatish: Of interest in this base
[06:09:48] Oni: With cart tracks all around
[06:09:56] Lockmatish: On the left side, there's a MASS of diamonds pouring in !
[06:09:59] Lockmatish: like an entire mass !
[06:10:13] Lockmatish: But on the right side, it seems, if their "slaves" try to take just 1 diamond, they will immediately shoot and kill them
[06:10:14] Frank: KHG-(coffee) (party)
[06:10:20] Lockmatish: nice....!!
[06:10:27] Lockmatish: KHG-coffee :D
[06:10:31] Oni: Lol
[06:10:43] Oni: Lockmatish track where that diamond flow comes from
[06:10:57] Lockmatish: Wilco, looking for more macro stuff first
[06:11:03] Lockmatish: I see a pipe with many diamonds flowing through
[06:11:06] Lockmatish: It goes straight to an incinerator ...
[06:11:12] Lockmatish: On the one hand, they're dumping diamonds in
[06:11:15] Lockmatish: Shooting people for taking them
[06:11:20] Lockmatish: but also burning them up ?
[06:11:29] Oni: Yeah I see that
[06:11:31] Oni: Furnace
[06:11:35] Lockmatish: yes
[06:11:43] Oni: It blows as dust up top
[06:11:51] Oni: Massive dunes of diamond dust
[06:12:03] Frank: done, pls check
[06:12:03] Lockmatish: I see now also, like glass panes behind which you see "falling/raining diamonds"
[06:12:08] Lockmatish: soo many raining diamonds, but you can't touch them
[06:12:10] Lockmatish: checking
[06:12:40] Lockmatish: one of the targets is half-electrifying-shocking-functioning, but rest are all completely obliterated
[06:12:51] Frank: SD
[06:12:58] Lockmatish: >SD
[06:13:05] Lockmatish: seems that big dump of diamonds comes from a plane above Oni
[06:13:06] Frank: shooting ~4 min
[06:13:14] Oni: Weird
[06:13:17] Lockmatish: and that rain of diamonds
[06:13:17] Oni: Odd place
[06:13:22] Lockmatish: it lands in a sort of U-tube
[06:13:28] Lockmatish: and it goes right back up again and repeats the cycle
[06:13:31] Lockmatish: its the same diamonds over and over..
[06:13:36] Oni: Why though lol
[06:13:40] Lockmatish: No idea
[06:14:05] Lockmatish: "to give them hope and motivation", the slaves, maybe ?
[06:14:22] Oni: Yeah just one big trap
[06:14:26] Lockmatish: right
[06:14:30] Oni: How long have other layers like this been built on I wonder
[06:14:42] Oni: Crazy how much shit there is so close to IR
[06:14:46] Lockmatish: yeah
[06:14:54] Lockmatish: can pretty much bump your head on it it seems
[06:14:57] Oni: With like real life's being lived out
[06:15:02] Lockmatish: yeah
[06:15:38] Oni: Less physical constraints so maybe tech was developed faster here ?
[06:16:05] Lockmatish: I think youre right about that
[06:17:30] Frank: done, pls check
[06:17:49] Lockmatish: base is totally toast
[06:17:54] Lockmatish: basically crumbling into dust
[06:17:58] Lockmatish: theres a structure on the right intact
[06:18:19] Frank: grays...
[06:18:22] Lockmatish: ok
[06:18:37] Frank: job 28 - lsa3 - 6 host - 3 tar
[06:19:47] Oni: Okay
[06:19:54] Lockmatish: H seems all out
[06:19:59] Lockmatish: confirm?
[06:20:02] Frank: got all
[06:20:06] Lockmatish: 3 targets now
[06:20:10] Oni: Long marketplace type area
[06:20:18] Oni: Wood on either side
[06:20:30] Oni: Targets stacked going down in middle
[06:20:35] Oni: Fountain area
[06:20:45] Oni: Fountain
[06:20:46] Oni: Pen
[06:20:53] Oni: Scroll ?
[06:21:03] Lockmatish: a green pyramid
[06:21:13] Lockmatish: with fancy engraving on it
[06:21:23] Lockmatish: seems another layer
[06:21:25] Frank: schooting ~4 min
[06:21:32] Lockmatish: oh, great
[06:21:36] Oni: Is this underground Lockmatish ?
[06:21:47] Oni: It's like limestone
[06:21:49] Lockmatish: I think my green pyramid find was aboveground
[06:21:53] Lockmatish: oh, what youre looking at
[06:21:53] Lockmatish: sec
[06:22:06] Lockmatish: yeah its aboveground but I think it flows all the way down
[06:22:12] Oni: Interesting
[06:22:30] Lockmatish: Of interest, is a limestone-dual-channel
[06:22:33] Lockmatish: from above, flows down below
[06:22:37] Lockmatish: into some kind of .. limestone "vat"
[06:22:52] Lockmatish: where people are boiled alive
[06:23:20] Lockmatish: also, the "limestone" seems to power their "ships" somehow
[06:23:33] Oni: Can you see this fountain ?
[06:23:38] Oni: I marked
[06:23:43] Lockmatish: yeah, big fountain
[06:23:46] Lockmatish: aboveground
[06:23:46] Oni: Okay good
[06:23:49] Oni: Yeah
[06:23:55] Oni: In like a marketplace setting ?
[06:23:56] Lockmatish: seems its water in there
[06:23:58] Oni: Clay ground
[06:23:59] Lockmatish: that mixes with the limestone
[06:24:01] Lockmatish: before going down
[06:24:08] Oni: Interesting
[06:24:09] Lockmatish: I see that
[06:24:22] Oni: Water comes from
[06:24:25] Oni: I marked
[06:24:30] Oni: Big wheel
[06:24:32] Lockmatish: I see , following far to the left
[06:24:39] Lockmatish: yeah a big water wheel
[06:24:44] Lockmatish: lets trace what gives that its water
[06:24:47] Oni: Yeah
[06:24:57] Oni: I see like a rabbit lol
[06:25:00] Lockmatish: some kind of waterslide attached to an aircraft ?
[06:25:09] Lockmatish: a rabbit? :D
[06:25:10] Oni: Okay haha
[06:25:14] Oni: Same difference ?
[06:25:24] Lockmatish: thats quite some imagination :D but ill see if I see that
[06:25:33] Oni: In the wheels
[06:25:35] Oni: Is a rabbit
[06:25:37] Oni: No joke
[06:25:45] Lockmatish: oh thats what you mean
[06:25:45] Lockmatish: looking
[06:25:47] Oni: Doing something to the water
[06:25:55] Oni: Or just drinking it
[06:25:57] Oni: But seems random
[06:26:09] Oni: Could just be illusion
[06:26:13] Lockmatish: its powering it, and drinking ?
[06:26:15] Frank: done, pls check
[06:26:22] Lockmatish: its kinda weird but remember, things arent what they seem alot
[06:26:24] Lockmatish: checking
[06:26:24] Oni: (Chuckle)
[06:26:36] Lockmatish: 3 targets went ka-boom
[06:26:37] Lockmatish: >SD
[06:26:40] Frank: SD
[06:26:51] Oni: Oh there's the pyramid
[06:26:53] Oni: It's big
[06:26:59] Frank: shooting ~3 min
[06:27:07] Oni: Half a click from fountain
[06:27:47] Lockmatish: yeah seems half a click away
[06:27:51] Lockmatish: but maybe im zoomed out cos it looks small
[06:27:55] Lockmatish: I see a couple of them though
[06:28:01] Oni: Oh good point
[06:28:02] Lockmatish: a few pyramids
[06:28:08] Oni: Shape again
[06:28:20] Lockmatish: Shape?
[06:28:26] Oni: Jewish Star ?
[06:28:30] Oni: Or is that just me
[06:28:32] Lockmatish: of what exactly
[06:28:34] Lockmatish: the pyramids?
[06:28:38] Oni: Yeah
[06:28:40] Oni: Together
[06:28:43] Lockmatish: looking
[06:28:56] Lockmatish: I see 3 pyramids above and 3 below
[06:29:02] Oni: Seems the fountain is right in the middle
[06:29:04] Lockmatish: together, yes, they would make the points of a jewish star
[06:29:10] Oni: Interesting
[06:29:16] Oni: Why so much Jewish in LSA3
[06:29:23] Lockmatish: wait a sec, that fountain you see in the middle
[06:29:23] Oni: Back deals ?
[06:29:25] Lockmatish: seems to be a different fountain
[06:29:47] Frank: lsa3 has an own jewish fraction
[06:29:51] Lockmatish: ah.
[06:29:53] Oni: Oh
[06:30:02] Frank: done, pls check
[06:30:21] Lockmatish: with an explosion that can be heard for thousands of miles away
[06:30:23] Lockmatish: the base is in dust
[06:30:26] Lockmatish: no remains appear to be anywhere
[06:30:31] Frank: (chuckle)
[06:30:35] Oni: Lol
[06:30:36] Lockmatish: (giggle)
[06:30:54] Frank: last 2 specials...
[06:30:59] Lockmatish: ok
[06:31:00] Oni: Okay
[06:31:31] Frank: job 29 - orion - X,F +4 host - 3 tar
orion 2nd main city - India fraction

[06:31:49] Oni: Okay in city
[06:31:55] Lockmatish: big army here or at least im firing at a lot of stuff
[06:31:55] Oni: On streets
[06:32:06] Oni: You're in courtyard
[06:32:10] Oni: In front of palace
[06:32:17] Oni: They're all inside
[06:32:19] Oni: Let's go
[06:32:24] Oni: Battle yes
[06:32:40] Oni: 2 free
[06:32:55] Oni: Illusions
[06:32:57] Oni: Blast them
[06:33:31] Oni: How we doing frank
[06:33:45] Frank: 33E12 outside battle - first big today
[06:33:57] Frank: got 0
[06:34:01] Oni: Pretty crazy in here too
[06:34:04] Oni: Lockmatish where are you
[06:34:10] Lockmatish: hostages got stuck part way
[06:34:11] Oni: Many layers
[06:34:12] Lockmatish: investigating
[06:34:24] Frank: yes, send more battle avatars in
[06:34:38] Oni: Okay better
[06:34:45] Oni: Some peace and quiet lol
[06:34:51] Oni: Hostages are in tanks
[06:34:56] Lockmatish: massive firefight up here
[06:35:04] Oni: I've got 100 avatars
[06:35:12] Lockmatish: sent in more battle avatars
[06:35:22] Oni: Okay got one H
[06:35:26] Oni: Check please
[06:35:28] Frank: got 5H
[06:35:33] Oni: Good
[06:35:42] Oni: One more
[06:35:43] Oni: Below
[06:35:48] Oni: Got him
[06:35:50] Frank: got all
[06:36:00] Oni: Targets
[06:36:05] Oni: Roof
[06:36:07] Oni: Weapon
[06:36:08] Lockmatish: good
[06:36:09] Lockmatish: that was complicated..
[06:36:13] Oni: Rail gun type
[06:36:24] Oni: Canon
[06:36:28] Oni: And dome
[06:36:32] Oni: Should be all 3
[06:36:35] Frank: 73E12 attacks on me...:D
[06:36:44] Lockmatish: yeah some kind of dome structure
[06:36:45] Lockmatish: :D
[06:36:52] Oni: Ruby in here
[06:36:57] Oni: It's good
[06:37:11] Oni: Did that just explode
[06:37:12] Lockmatish: I got a green gem
[06:37:13] Lockmatish: emerald
[06:37:14] Oni: You okay
[06:37:21] Lockmatish: yeah it did
[06:37:22] Lockmatish: but im okay
[06:37:30] Oni: Dome exploded
[06:37:33] Oni: Am I okay ?
[06:37:34] Lockmatish: yeah
[06:37:38] Lockmatish: you're okay
[06:37:44] Lockmatish: massive blast though
[06:37:47] Lockmatish: but you shielded it
[06:37:48] Oni: How we doing frank
[06:37:53] Lockmatish: (phew)
[06:37:55] Frank: 2T
[06:37:57] Oni: Yeah wow
[06:38:00] Lockmatish: 1 target remains
[06:38:05] Oni: Yes
[06:38:09] Oni: Underneath courtyard
[06:38:13] Lockmatish: yes
[06:38:14] Frank: all that attacked me in prison...
[06:38:14] Oni: Big craft
[06:38:15] Lockmatish: deep down
[06:38:18] Lockmatish: nice
[06:38:21] Oni: Tagged
[06:38:25] Oni: 4 securities
[06:38:28] Oni: Disabled
[06:38:32] Oni: Frank try
[06:38:48] Frank: shooting ~5 minutes
[06:38:54] Lockmatish: okay great
[06:38:55] Oni: Phew
[06:39:00] Oni: That was hot
[06:39:09] Lockmatish: yeah it was
[06:39:09] Oni: Good work
[06:39:14] Lockmatish: I see many "indian space rockets"
[06:39:15] Frank: (y)
[06:39:18] Lockmatish: all over the place
[06:39:28] Oni: I touched the ruby and it instantly exploded
[06:39:35] Oni: Booby trap
[06:39:37] Lockmatish: seems those rockets get their energies from a cave filled with gas far down below
[06:39:41] Lockmatish: :o
[06:39:47] Oni: Yep see that
[06:39:56] Oni: Lots of gas producing creature down here
[06:39:57] Lockmatish: it also seems
[06:40:01] Lockmatish: that they can flood the city with this green gas
[06:40:03] Lockmatish: and what it does
[06:40:09] Lockmatish: it subdues or pacifies the population
[06:40:16] Lockmatish: I guess thats what the rockets are for too ?
[06:40:19] Lockmatish: for use on other places..
[06:40:22] Lockmatish: maybe
[06:40:27] Oni: Sure
[06:40:49] Lockmatish: Nothing else of interest here
[06:40:58] Oni: Look at courtyard now
[06:41:00] Oni: Wreckage
[06:41:02] Oni: Lol
[06:41:05] Oni: Wasteland
[06:41:09] Lockmatish: yeah I see a trail of flames
[06:41:12] Lockmatish: big scorch mark
[06:41:16] Lockmatish: make that scorch marks
[06:41:24] Lockmatish: stuff still burning
[06:41:27] Lockmatish: stuff dropping out of the sky
[06:41:31] Lockmatish: (phew)
[06:41:51] Oni: I started in an alley and jumped up to see you engaging like thousands at once
[06:41:54] Oni: Pretty great
[06:41:57] Lockmatish: hahaha
[06:42:02] Lockmatish: :D
[06:42:05] Oni: Then I charged straight in
[06:42:09] Lockmatish: Awesome
[06:42:11] Oni: Spawned 100 avatars
[06:42:15] Lockmatish: (y)
[06:42:17] Oni: Lol
[06:42:28] Oni: The tanks were tough to decode
[06:42:31] Oni: Had to drain them
[06:42:33] Oni: Geeen liquid
[06:42:37] Lockmatish: I didnt see them until now
[06:42:47] Oni: Yeah many layers
[06:42:59] Oni: Nice looking palace huh
[06:42:59] Lockmatish: still have a fraction of dust in my lungs ..
[06:43:03] Lockmatish: yeah
[06:43:04] Lockmatish: fancy
[06:43:04] Oni: Who needs vacation lol
[06:43:08] Lockmatish: they do
[06:43:10] Lockmatish: a long one
[06:43:13] Oni: (Rofl)
[06:43:17] Lockmatish: ;)
[06:43:17] Oni: Hahahaha
[06:43:21] Oni: Lol.
[06:43:21] Frank: (rofl)
[06:43:25] Oni: Got them
[06:43:27] Lockmatish: :D
[06:43:34] Lockmatish: got what?
[06:43:35] Frank: (chuckle)
[06:43:50] Oni: (Like)
[06:43:56] Lockmatish: Ohhh
[06:43:57] Lockmatish: Got them !
[06:43:59] Lockmatish: We sure did
[06:44:06] Oni: :D
[06:44:10] Lockmatish: :D
[06:44:17] Frank: done, pls check
[06:44:23] Lockmatish: Im so used to you guys saying got this key got that thing
[06:44:25] Lockmatish: checking
[06:44:31] Oni: Haha
[06:44:31] Lockmatish: 3 targets exploded high into the air
[06:44:37] Oni: Got what ?
[06:44:39] Lockmatish: :D
[06:44:39] Oni: That's hilarious
[06:44:42] Lockmatish: (rofl)
[06:44:53] Lockmatish: >SD
[06:45:04] Frank: SD
[06:45:30] Lockmatish: btw those creatures down below producing the gas
[06:45:32] Frank: shooting ~6 min
[06:45:33] Lockmatish: do not look very friendly
[06:45:38] Lockmatish: never looked at them before
[06:45:41] Oni: Not at all ...
[06:45:43] Frank: (chuckle)
[06:45:47] Lockmatish: :D
[06:45:53] Oni: Should we take a soverneir
[06:45:59] Lockmatish: nah more like take a photo
[06:46:02] Lockmatish: if you want a souvenir (giggle)
[06:46:03] Frank: (shake)
[06:46:10] Oni: Lol
[06:46:15] Lockmatish: no photo?
[06:46:20] Oni: No take I think
[06:46:21] Oni: Haha
[06:46:24] Lockmatish: Makes sense
[06:46:30] Oni: Bad joke
[06:46:48] Lockmatish: No worries
[06:51:29] Oni: Take a look
[06:51:54] Frank: done, pls check
[06:52:00] Lockmatish: I see a huge rolling ball, kinda like a sun. Lots of "searing" and molten stuff going on
[06:52:02] Lockmatish: checking
[06:52:17] Lockmatish: that ball exploded
[06:52:26] Lockmatish: just "fire debris" falling down
[06:52:32] Lockmatish: nothing is standing at all
[06:52:55] Frank: job 30 - orion - X,A,F +9 host - 7 tar
orion main military base of India fraction

[06:53:06] Oni: Here we go
[06:53:09] Oni: Strap in Lockmatish
[06:53:14] Lockmatish: Im under heavy fire
[06:53:16] Lockmatish: more than before
[06:53:24] Oni: Darker here
[06:53:26] Oni: Beach area
[06:53:28] Oni: And jungle
[06:53:30] Lockmatish: bringing in help to defend me
[06:53:31] Lockmatish: getting arm aches
[06:53:32] Oni: Hostages quite far
[06:53:49] Lockmatish: yes very far away
[06:53:57] Lockmatish: its much more quiet now, ill search for them
[06:54:24] Oni: In facilities
[06:54:24] Oni: Turning on lights
[06:54:29] Oni: Two main corridors
[06:54:44] Oni: Hostages underneath
[06:54:45] Lockmatish: wait, what, there was some kind of illusion barrier in front of the hostages
[06:54:51] Lockmatish: I thought I was freeing them, but I think it was an illusion
[06:54:57] Oni: They are hanging
[06:54:57] Lockmatish: or at least partially
[06:54:58] Frank: extern attack: 160E12
[06:55:01] Oni: Underneath
[06:55:02] Lockmatish: wow
[06:55:05] Lockmatish: okay Oni thx
[06:55:07] Oni: Yeah
[06:55:10] Oni: It's a factory
[06:55:11] Lockmatish: I see that
[06:55:14] Lockmatish: hanging from the ceiling
[06:55:15] Oni: With fire underneath
[06:55:17] Oni: Yeah
[06:55:19] Oni: Not good
[06:55:28] Oni: Freeing now
[06:55:30] Oni: Frank ?
[06:55:35] Lockmatish: Gotta fight in the factory
[06:55:38] Lockmatish: You take them out
[06:55:43] Oni: Yeah
[06:55:48] Oni: They are hanging way high up
[06:55:48] Frank: got 0
[06:55:50] Oni: Big room here
[06:55:58] Oni: Okay layers
[06:56:05] Oni: Using mainframe
[06:56:09] Oni: Terminal
[06:56:11] Lockmatish: okay, room is "cooler" now
[06:56:12] Frank: extern 173E12
[06:56:26] Oni: 16 generators
[06:56:27] Oni: Wow
[06:56:29] Oni: Disabling
[06:56:36] Oni: Try now f
[06:56:42] Frank: got all
[06:56:46] Lockmatish: awesome
[06:56:46] Oni: Great
[06:56:47] Lockmatish: 7 targets
[06:57:01] Lockmatish: going back up
[06:57:02] Oni: Pretty far again
[06:57:09] Lockmatish: yes
[06:57:11] Oni: Yeah back in original room
[06:57:13] Oni: That I lit
[06:57:17] Oni: Machines here
[06:57:25] Oni: Oh wow.
[06:57:29] Oni: Another huge room
[06:57:30] Oni: Come here
[06:57:34] Oni: What is that ?
[06:57:37] Oni: Some massive cage
[06:57:50] Lockmatish: a "black seed"
[06:57:50] Oni: Targets in here
[06:57:56] Lockmatish: coming
[06:58:02] Lockmatish: yeah I think im here already
[06:58:06] Oni: Very tall room
[06:58:09] Oni: Yeah you're here
[06:58:11] Lockmatish: yeah
[06:58:17] Oni: Black seed sounds about right
[06:58:22] Frank: 12 layer
[06:58:30] Oni: Okay
[06:58:41] Oni: Mainframes down
[06:58:50] Oni: Generator underneath
[06:58:52] Lockmatish: a "green seed"
[06:58:55] Frank: 2L
[06:58:59] Lockmatish: ok
[06:59:05] Oni: Cage
[06:59:08] Oni: Field
[06:59:13] Oni: Done
[06:59:19] Frank: 1L
[06:59:43] Lockmatish: a very very fancy golden engraved key
[06:59:52] Oni: Nice
[06:59:55] Lockmatish: resulted eventually from that green seed before
[07:00:00] Oni: It's for the energy layer
[07:00:03] Lockmatish: ah okay
[07:00:04] Lockmatish: all yours
[07:00:09] Oni: Done
[07:00:18] Oni: That thing is gross
[07:00:20] Oni: And massive
[07:00:21] Frank: shooting ~7 min
[07:00:27] Lockmatish: I see what youre talking about
[07:00:27] Frank: (party)
[07:00:29] Lockmatish: No idea what it is
[07:00:34] Lockmatish: its related to the targets right
[07:00:38] Lockmatish: great!
[07:00:41] Lockmatish: checking for items of interest
[07:00:44] Oni: (Clap)
[07:00:48] Lockmatish: (like)
[07:01:03] Oni: Check for functions on seed Lockmatish
[07:01:06] Oni: That thing is important
[07:01:12] Oni: 12 layers
[07:01:13] Lockmatish: Okay, wilco
[07:01:19] Lockmatish: One thing first
[07:01:35] Lockmatish: Those seeds ARE an item of interest
[07:01:39] Lockmatish: they grow "bases and weapons" it seems
[07:01:43] Lockmatish: an entire base can sprout out of a seed
[07:01:53] Oni: Wow
[07:02:08] Oni: I'm
Guessing that's not that impressive frank ?
[07:02:16] Lockmatish: Okay, you don't want this one - this is nasty
[07:02:20] Frank: it's stolen and reprogrammed protoi gold
[07:02:21] Lockmatish: The seeds can also be used as a weapon
[07:02:27] Lockmatish: if you can somehow implant it into someone's head
[07:02:32] Lockmatish: it will start growing downwards
[07:02:36] Lockmatish: a massive structure, inside them
[07:02:39] Lockmatish: sounds very very bad
[07:02:44] Lockmatish: interesting @frank!
[07:02:50] Oni: Very interesting
[07:03:39] Lockmatish: Okay, also
[07:03:44] Lockmatish: The seeds can be used in a different way
[07:03:47] Lockmatish: if placed on the surface
[07:03:52] Lockmatish: they sprout some "vine things" downwards
[07:03:54] Lockmatish: green coloured I think
[07:03:57] Lockmatish: and this leads all the way down into a cave
[07:04:05] Lockmatish: and I think they actually create those gas-producing monsters from before
[07:04:13] Oni: Oh wow
[07:04:42] Lockmatish: Also
[07:04:45] Lockmatish: can be used as a utility weapon
[07:04:49] Lockmatish: "Up in space"
[07:04:53] Lockmatish: you can use the seed to make a gigantic vine
[07:05:04] Lockmatish: which you can climb to assault unsuspecting enemy bases from below
[07:05:18] Frank: btw. all but lsa2 have now "fallen" status...
[07:05:26] Lockmatish: Great !!!!!!(party)
[07:05:29] Oni: (celebrate)
[07:05:32] Oni: Yes.
[07:05:37] Oni: Yes!
[07:05:38] Lockmatish: (party)
[07:05:45] Frank: \o/
[07:05:47] Lockmatish: Checking for any more items of interest here
[07:05:56] Oni: Time to raid Israel ?
[07:06:12] Lockmatish: Guys, I just had a weird sensation
[07:06:25] Lockmatish: As though my "visions" were actually "more real" than the "3d life" ive known
[07:06:30] Lockmatish: brb
[07:07:24] Frank: done, pls check
[07:07:42] Oni: All targets gone
[07:07:44] Lockmatish: checking
[07:08:03] Lockmatish: all targets exploded
[07:08:05] Lockmatish: the last one exploded several times
[07:08:06] Oni: Except seed cage
[07:08:06] Lockmatish: >SD
[07:08:10] Frank: SD
[07:08:16] Lockmatish: I think thats the last one
[07:08:20] Lockmatish: multiple explosions but still standing
[07:08:24] Lockmatish: or nearly the last one
[07:08:26] Lockmatish: around there
[07:08:31] Oni: Yeah
[07:08:37] Frank: shooting ~9 min
[07:09:10] Lockmatish: The seed can again be used as a weapon in another way
[07:09:19] Lockmatish: If you can "sniper fire" the seeds onto enemy bases from very far away
[07:09:26] Lockmatish: they will covertly grow an underground base of yours for you
[07:09:29] Lockmatish: in their enemy territory
[07:09:32] Lockmatish: which you can then teleport to
[07:09:35] Lockmatish: or come out from and surprise them from
[07:10:18] Lockmatish: No more items of interest here....
[07:10:35] Frank: and now after 30th job has status done...
they dropped me 28 cycles to run.... 28!!!!
2-3 days only 30 min nap sleeps now... (angry)
[07:10:50] Oni: (Hug)
[07:10:51] Lockmatish: :( (hug)
[07:10:59] Lockmatish: If you need me awake still more, I'm here
[07:11:06] Oni: (Dance)
[07:11:09] Oni: Was that 30 ?
[07:11:13] Lockmatish: I think its still in progress
[07:11:16] Frank: min
[07:11:36] Frank: yes, still shooting base away, but main was the inside shootng
[07:11:43] Lockmatish: ah okay
[07:12:12] Lockmatish: 28 cycles :o (hug)
[07:12:14] Frank: Oni in cycles i can often only sleep 30 min. needto do a protocol each 30...
[07:12:16] Frank: or 40
[07:12:19] Frank: or 20
[07:12:21] Frank: ....
[07:12:24] Lockmatish: or 5
[07:12:30] Oni: I see
[07:12:39] Lockmatish: wow, so you have 28 cycles
[07:12:47] Lockmatish: each with protocols .. lasting for who knows how long
[07:12:47] Lockmatish: wow
[07:12:49] Frank: yes (facepalm)
[07:12:53] Lockmatish: (hug)(hug)(hug)
[07:13:00] Lockmatish: We are here to do whatever you need us for (giggle)
[07:13:10] Oni: (polarbear)
[07:13:21] Oni: How are we final ko'ing LSA2 ?
[07:14:00] Lockmatish: checking this status ...
[07:14:23] Lockmatish: massive explosions but nearly all pulverised. still appears to be shots towards the base
[07:19:24] Oni: (Wave)
[07:19:27] Frank: done, pls check
[07:19:34] Lockmatish: checking
[07:19:56] Lockmatish: massive massive explosions
[07:19:58] Lockmatish: leading to more explosions
[07:20:01] Lockmatish: leading to fireworks!
[07:20:04] Lockmatish: a pattern of fireworks!
[07:20:08] Lockmatish: you finishing off with a finale again frank? (giggle)
[07:20:11] Lockmatish: and if I am not mistaken
[07:20:15] Lockmatish: the fireworks end in a pattern that looks like a smiley face: :)
[07:20:20] Lockmatish: Do you see that Oni?
[07:20:26] Oni: :)
[07:20:28] Oni: Yes I do
[07:20:30] Lockmatish: (rofl)
[07:20:32] Lockmatish: (rofl)
[07:20:33] Lockmatish: (y)
[07:20:35] Lockmatish: (party)(dance)(party)
[07:20:39] Oni: (Clap)
[07:20:40] Lockmatish: Frank, all the best. We'll be here if necessary.
[07:20:47] Lockmatish: KHG-coffee, I hope, helps. Its the best you can get.
[07:20:54] Frank: :D
[07:20:57] Lockmatish: :D(y)
[07:20:57] Oni: Anything else before I turn in F ?
[07:21:22] Frank: so we finished it!!!!
[07:21:29] Oni: Yeah!
[07:21:31] Frank: (party)(party)(party)(party)(party)(party)(party)(party)(party)(party)
[07:21:46] Lockmatish: More fireworks still going (giggle)
[07:21:47] Frank: mega great work of all!!!!!!!!
[07:21:54] Lockmatish: (party)(party)(party)(party)(party)(Party)(party)(Party)
[07:21:55] Frank: (chuckle)
[07:21:57] Lockmatish: :D (dance)
[07:22:00] Lockmatish: great work all
[07:22:05] Lockmatish: see you all soon
[07:22:15] Frank: ok, you like to watch fireworks....:D
[07:22:31] Lockmatish: :D I do! but I was just checking on the base again to make sure we were done (giggle)
[07:22:39] Frank: and?
[07:22:41] Lockmatish: fireworks cooling off now :D
[07:22:55] Lockmatish: there's not even any dust left
[07:22:57] Lockmatish: I dunno where it went
[07:23:01] Frank: (rofl)
[07:23:10] Lockmatish: theres I think a little spaceship in the upper left corner
[07:23:14] Lockmatish: dunno who that is
[07:23:18] Frank: do THHHAAAANNNNXXXX, and all home
[07:23:29] Oni: (Bow)
[07:23:33] Oni: It's been a pleasure
[07:23:34] Oni: Truly
[07:23:36] Lockmatish: spaceship is ok?
[07:23:41] Lockmatish: Always
[07:23:47] Lockmatish: today was especially hard
[07:23:56] Lockmatish: Had some bad attacks beforehand
[07:24:05] Frank: i did not expect to finish so soon
[07:24:07] Lockmatish: Stupid dust
[07:24:09] Lockmatish: :D
[07:24:31] Lockmatish: seems ok to leave the spaceship alone
[07:25:01] Oni: Good night! Speak soon!

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