The OIC entrance and it's guardian...

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The OIC entrance and it's guardian...

Unread postby Frank » 12 Mar 2017 01:08

[23:54:33] Frank: one more to go, but we need X
[23:54:39] Drack: ok
[23:54:42] Drack: brb too
[23:55:40] Frank: i go home with my avatar, do not work in OIC anyway...
[23:56:13] Lockmatish: okay :D
[23:57:29] X: I am here
[23:58:02] Frank: ok, so when drack is here we can go fir the last job today...
[23:58:16] X: ok
[23:58:23] Oni: I am here if needed
[23:58:43] Frank: this will be in the cover of the oic game habitat, even below the taurus stasis system
[23:59:06] Frank: ah ok, so with Oni we can go too. drack can follow
[23:59:13] Lockmatish: okay
[23:59:14] Oni: (Y)
[23:59:27] X: ok let us do this
[23:59:48] Frank: you can directly jump with guys to target
Sonntag, 12. März 2017
[00:00:04] X: ok
[00:00:09] X: done
[00:00:40] X: vision problems
[00:00:56] Oni: Mine isn't great but I see big ring structure
[00:01:13] Lockmatish: yes
[00:01:32] Frank: the ring structure is the OIC entrance
[00:01:36] Lockmatish: rings on top of rings, there's a gap between them, and each ring below is larger than the one above it
[00:01:36] X: we are on this structure
[00:02:08] Frank: inside the lowest ring
[00:02:12] X: ok we go down
[00:02:41] X: I am there
[00:02:53] Lockmatish: correction: part way down, the rings start to contract in size again, until they get extremely small
[00:03:01] Oni: Yep
[00:03:06] Oni: Is this entrance ?
[00:03:23] Frank: yes, target is the smallest ring
[00:03:36] X: I am inside it
[00:04:02] X: this is strange
[00:04:14] X: there are millions and millions of
[00:04:23] X: slots here
[00:04:34] X: like when I watch outside from the ring
[00:04:38] X: like through a window
[00:04:57] X: think of the bjorg cubes, but it is like a wall
[00:05:00] X: a cylinder
[00:05:06] Frank: ok
[00:05:16] Frank: you need to find one guy.
[00:05:20] X: and there are people in each space
[00:05:20] Frank: only
[00:05:27] X: ok
[00:05:33] Frank: all are hostages
[00:05:37] Frank: but one
[00:05:47] X: ok scanning
[00:05:49] Frank: he is not in such a space..
[00:06:03] X: he is not on this ring
[00:06:07] X: but on the one above
[00:06:17] Frank: yes
[00:06:19] Frank: went up
[00:06:25] X: there now
[00:06:35] X: nasty looking guy
[00:06:37] X: troll like
[00:06:38] Oni: Yeah
[00:06:42] Oni: Like pig troll
[00:06:49] Oni: 'So you found me'
[00:06:50] Frank: sqeeze him a bit... just for fun
[00:06:51] Frank: bastard
[00:06:52] Lockmatish: yes, very big too
[00:06:53] X: smells too
[00:06:57] Lockmatish: :D
[00:06:58] X: ok
[00:07:10] Oni: Oh he squeaks haha
[00:07:12] Drack: back
[00:07:17] Drack: worked on my sight
[00:07:19] Oni: Just in time for fun drack
[00:07:23] Drack: they set so much blockades in me
[00:07:27] Drack: and illusions
[00:07:28] Drack: it´s crazy
[00:07:28] Lockmatish: damn
[00:07:34] Lockmatish: nice work clearing
[00:07:37] Drack: (y)
[00:07:40] Drack: still ongoing
[00:07:41] Drack: but better already
[00:07:43] Oni: Any macro you created ?
[00:07:44] Lockmatish: good
[00:07:50] Drack: nah just went for it
[00:07:58] Drack: started some procedures for it
[00:07:58] Oni: Try to save that protocol as macro
[00:08:04] Oni: And make it public
[00:08:04] X: "they will come for you"
[00:08:10] X: this guy will threaten me
[00:08:10] Drack: (rofl)
[00:08:11] X: hahaha
[00:08:16] Drack: and we came for him
[00:08:16] Frank: :D
[00:08:17] Drack: and now
[00:08:18] Drack: :D
[00:08:38] Drack: sorry had to punch him one time
[00:08:41] Frank: ask him who he is. what group he belongs to?
[00:08:42] Drack: :D
[00:08:50] X: taurus
[00:09:09] X: oh I do not need to ask, hahhaa
[00:09:09] Frank: (shake)
[00:09:15] Oni: Look at those teeth they are razed sharp
[00:09:25] Drack: rip it out of him
[00:09:26] Drack: (rofl)
[00:09:29] Oni: I get something about nebadon
[00:09:34] Frank: yes X, you know, but i want him to tell it
[00:09:46] X: ok
[00:09:52] Drack: not sure if he´s able to talk much
[00:10:02] Drack: nvm.
[00:10:15] Drack: he just looks pretty ripped apart
[00:10:25] X: he is talking about Baesilis
[00:10:36] X: whatever they were called
[00:10:43] X: you know who I mean
[00:10:44] Drack: baselics?
[00:10:51] Drack: :D
[00:11:00] Frank: oh, yes, far in the past they were basilis. that makes it even worse..
[00:11:01] Frank: bastards
[00:11:07] X: yes
[00:11:14] Drack: what guy is that now
[00:11:17] Drack: master of nebadon ?
[00:11:25] Frank: let the guy talk
[00:11:44] Frank: this guy keeps rights for nebadon...
[00:11:54] Drack: ah .
[00:11:57] Drack: ok
[00:12:03] Oni: Checks out
[00:12:08] Oni: Bastard
[00:12:12] Frank: rights at the property...
[00:12:26] X: he will give it to us
[00:12:27] Frank: X, he is saying nothing?
[00:12:29] X: if we want
[00:12:35] Frank: :D
[00:12:43] Drack: firstly threating
[00:12:44] Drack: now that
[00:12:48] Frank: if he would have any choice
[00:13:00] X: it is in a vault
[00:13:13] Drack: i´ll have a look
[00:13:19] Frank: we know all about it...
[00:13:26] Drack: ok
[00:13:32] X: should we retrieve?
[00:13:45] Frank: i just want him to talk his real name, and real group he belongs to. basilis was a job, not a name
[00:13:56] X: oh ok
[00:15:19] X: well
[00:15:29] Drack: nothing at all right
[00:15:35] X: wait
[00:15:40] X: I have to do this old school
[00:15:47] Frank: (rofl)
[00:15:48] Drack: i hear how he doesn´t talk
[00:15:50] Drack: :D
[00:16:16] Drack: that´s oldschool way?
[00:16:17] Drack: damn
[00:16:35] Frank: what is he doing? (chuckle)
[00:16:47] X: squirming?
[00:16:59] Drack: yeah pretty much that
[00:17:06] Drack: looks more like ripping him apart..
[00:17:10] Lockmatish: unless Frank meant, what are you doing (giggle)
[00:17:17] X: :D
[00:17:24] Frank: yes
[00:17:25] Drack: i´m just sitting here.. :D
[00:17:30] X: got it
[00:17:38] X: here he talks now
[00:17:39] X: hahahaha
[00:17:42] Drack: no wonder.
[00:17:45] Drack: (rofl)
[00:17:52] Lockmatish: ps skib is recording what prisoner says
[00:18:00] X: "we have the keys"
[00:18:10] Drack: that´s not a name at all
[00:18:12] Drack: or a group
[00:18:12] Drack: :D
[00:18:19] Frank: let him talk
[00:18:36] X: you killed all of them
[00:19:10] Drack: who killed who ?
[00:19:16] Frank: i hope so...(chuckle)
[00:19:22] X: I will make your kind suffer
[00:19:32] Drack: i wonder he still talks like that
[00:19:33] X: you never knew me
[00:19:46] X: I was always there
[00:19:53] X: revenge
[00:19:57] X: you will not win
[00:20:00] Drack: (ttm)
[00:20:09] X: I am the last one
[00:20:46] Drack: well. hopefully he is
[00:20:48] Frank: and does he know what will happen, after the last one is gone? i think he don't ...:D
[00:21:04] Dynamite Δύναμις: the last one and quite stupid as well, if he thinks "he can make your kind suffer" (rofl)
[00:21:07] X: the archons always win!!!!
[00:21:14] Drack: (rofl)
[00:21:15] Drack: hahah
[00:21:16] Drack: wow
[00:21:17] Frank: (rofl)
[00:21:20] Drack: that one was good
[00:21:33] Frank: and i thought it was the last unicorn...(rofl)
[00:21:47] X: now can I rip out his throat?
[00:21:48] Drack: aren´t most archons down for years now
[00:21:52] Drack: :D
[00:22:05] Frank: yes X, take him to prison...
[00:22:10] Frank: (rofl)
[00:22:14] X: (unamused)
[00:22:16] X: done
[00:22:21] Drack: mh.
[00:22:23] Dynamite Δύναμις: Die Nachricht wurde entfernt.
[00:22:27] Drack: am i the only one
[00:22:29] Drack: missing the name
[00:22:31] Drack: (rofl)
[00:22:37] Dynamite Δύναμις: (y)
[00:22:41] X: you do not know about the archons?
[00:22:41] Frank: He was the last archon...
[00:22:49] Frank: seems not..
[00:22:55] Drack: mh.
[00:22:59] Drack: i know about the archons
[00:23:03] Drack: at least a bit
[00:23:12] Drack: and i know they were even seen in 3D someday
[00:23:24] X: there are 3 more of them
[00:23:46] Lockmatish: maybe each of those 3 will say they are the last one ....
[00:23:54] Drack: mhh
[00:23:57] Frank: yes take them, but they don't have rights
[00:24:12] X: okie dokie
[00:24:22] Frank: it was the last one who had rights...
[00:24:27] Frank: now they are vacant
[00:24:38] Frank: going automatic to protoi...
[00:24:42] Lockmatish: in this case, last one means the previous one
[00:24:43] Frank: and now i change rules here...
[00:24:56] Oni: (Dance)
[00:24:57] Lockmatish: I think
[00:24:59] X: some hunting guys
[00:25:00] Drack: 3D
[00:25:02] X: 3 more
[00:25:03] Drack: ?
[00:25:04] X: let us go
[00:25:06] Drack: alright
[00:25:09] Drack: i´ll follow
[00:25:12] X: I marked them
[00:25:17] Drack: let me one please
[00:25:20] Lockmatish: what shall we do with them, prison ?
[00:25:21] Drack: wanna have some fun..
[00:25:24] X: go get them
[00:25:32] X: yes I will show up when you find them
[00:25:37] Lockmatish: okay
[00:25:40] X: have some fun
[00:26:00] Drack: already having..
[00:26:03] Drack: (devil)
[00:26:11] Frank: prison
[00:26:21] X: yes
[00:26:21] Drack: yeah yeah . . wait.
[00:26:36] Lockmatish: my orders given already
[00:26:44] Lockmatish: X should get notified any moment if not already
[00:26:50] X: yes two down
[00:27:02] Oni: (Y)
[00:27:03] Lockmatish: I leave the last one to one of you guys
[00:27:06] Drack: "we are more
[00:27:06] X: Drack?
[00:27:08] Drack: we will come
[00:27:11] Drack: we have all
[00:27:13] Drack: you have nothing
[00:27:19] Drack: that was just the beginning"
[00:27:21] Frank: alexandra's battle avatars are alreay getting all G2+ hostages out
[00:27:27] Lockmatish: niiice
[00:27:37] Frank: but in the exact middle segment we need to care manually
[00:27:42] Drack: yeah .. take him to prison..
[00:27:43] X: Drack hold him
[00:27:46] X: I am coming
[00:27:46] Drack: ok
[00:27:50] Drack: holding
[00:27:51] X: let me see what he knows
[00:28:18] X: ok prison now
[00:28:22] Drack: that
[00:28:24] Drack: was fast.
[00:29:40] Dynamite Δύναμις: I think we should rename the chat protocols in "mass arrests by Protoi Alliance" (cwl)
[00:30:10] Lockmatish: oh boy, that buzzword (rofl)
[00:30:13] X: nah that will get Cobra and those happy
[00:30:20] X: they will say how they are doing it
[00:30:26] X: and we are stealing their thunder
[00:30:27] X: hahaha
[00:31:01] Dynamite Δύναμις: we are faster and cleverer than the resistance movement (=bunch of darks) (chuckle)
[00:31:07] Drack: :D
[00:31:30] Drack: alex we need some fancy greek name for that group
[00:31:32] Drack: go for it
[00:31:33] Drack: (rofl)
[00:31:50] Frank: go take the remaining ~20 archons to prison
[00:31:58] Drack: ok
[00:32:11] Frank: then we need to care about the middle section
[00:32:21] Dynamite Δύναμις: let me think ...
[00:32:26] Lockmatish: X, you want to mark? ill brb
[00:32:31] X: ok I will wrap this archon thing up quickly
[00:32:35] X: going after them now
[00:32:40] Lockmatish: okay, all yours
[00:32:41] Lockmatish: brb
[00:34:03] Drack: meh.
[00:34:12] Drack: you pushed me away from the last.
[00:34:14] Drack: (rofl)
[00:34:15] X: done
[00:34:19] Drack: nasty you
[00:34:24] X: sorry time is short
[00:34:25] X: hahaha
[00:34:28] Frank: (rofl)
[00:34:29] Drack: i´ve beaten up 3
[00:34:31] Drack: (rofl)
[00:34:39] Drack: before you took them
[00:34:40] Dynamite Δύναμις: (rofl) well done
[00:35:14] Frank: those nasty archon bugs really thought they are stronger than all those fallen dark lvl1s...:D
[00:35:19] Dynamite Δύναμις: What about the "ektelestes" as name for the group?
[00:35:31] Drack: what does it mean?
[00:35:35] X: :D
[00:35:37] Drack: @frank , they were nothing
[00:35:40] Dynamite Δύναμις: executors :D
[00:35:44] Drack: ok . fits
[00:35:45] Drack: (rofl)
[00:36:24] Drack: i vote for this one.
[00:36:34] Frank: so i think all archons and all hostages are gone
[00:36:39] Frank: go to middle section now
[00:36:41] Dynamite Δύναμις: thanks :D
[00:36:56] Drack hat das Chat-Thema in „Ektelestes“ geändert.
[00:37:02] Drack: (y)
[00:37:21] Dynamite Δύναμις: (y)
[00:37:28] Frank: middle section...
[00:37:29] X: middle section?
[00:37:32] Drack: middle.
[00:37:33] Drack: :D
[00:37:35] Frank: the ring in the middle
[00:37:39] Drack: i´ll follow up as always
[00:37:41] X: oh ok
[00:37:41] Lockmatish: yeah, X been there for a while
[00:37:47] Lockmatish: I think
[00:37:50] X: there now
[00:37:53] Lockmatish: ok
[00:37:57] Frank: what do you see?
[00:38:09] X: blackness
[00:38:12] Drack: yes
[00:38:13] Drack: (rofl)
[00:38:14] Drack: exactly
[00:38:27] X: oh I light it up
[00:38:36] Drack: mh
[00:38:53] Lockmatish: okay ... yes, there was "blackness" like a black hole in the center of the middle section
[00:38:56] Drack: some surgery room
[00:38:57] Drack: somehow
[00:38:58] Lockmatish: X has now "lit it up"
[00:38:59] Frank: there is exactly 1 control room
[00:39:11] Lockmatish: but there's also tiny little black dots on the ring .. they're not people, not sure, trees ??
[00:39:19] X: shall I push the buttons?
[00:39:19] Drack: on OIC?
[00:39:19] Frank: next room
[00:39:29] Drack: always pushing the buttons
[00:39:30] Drack: :D
[00:39:37] Frank: no
[00:39:41] Drack: "world destruction button" click
[00:39:44] Drack: (rofl)
[00:39:50] Frank: (facepalm)
[00:39:51] Frank: (rofl)
[00:39:54] X: hahahhaa
[00:40:10] Lockmatish: I'm sure X knows what the buttons he presses does
[00:40:15] X: ok what do we need here
[00:40:20] Drack: no i´m not sure
[00:40:22] Drack: at all
[00:40:22] Drack: :D
[00:40:25] Lockmatish: :D
[00:40:31] Frank: find out the function of this middle ring
[00:40:36] Frank: and describe
[00:40:45] X: the middle ring moves outwards
[00:40:52] X: expands outwards
[00:40:56] X: so gets bigger
[00:41:02] Drack: yep.
[00:41:06] Drack: spins fast
[00:41:17] Drack: beam comes out of the bottom?
[00:41:24] Frank: ok. i thnk this controlls the OIC entrance
[00:41:42] Drack: mh..
[00:41:54] Frank: all comm, all lines in and out
[00:41:56] Lockmatish: but doesn't it come back too? I think the middle ring pulsates
[00:41:58] Lockmatish: outwards and inwards
[00:42:09] Lockmatish: but I think itll kill you if you happen to be on the inside of it when it is coming back inwards
[00:42:10] Drack: a bit
[00:42:17] Drack: nah
[00:42:20] Lockmatish: okay
[00:42:21] Frank: X?
[00:42:29] Drack: pushing buttons
[00:42:31] Drack: (rofl)
[00:42:51] X: no it will not kill us
[00:42:56] Lockmatish: not us
[00:43:05] X: I have no idea what is this
[00:43:06] Frank: sure not
[00:43:11] X: I can get nothing here
[00:43:14] Drack: same
[00:43:20] Drack: but it´s not the enterance i guess
[00:43:22] Drack: somethign more
[00:43:28] Drack: there is a beam coming out of the bottom
[00:43:42] Frank: turn on some screens (push buttons for that...(chuckle))
skib knows
[00:43:59] Drack: activated the whole
[00:43:59] Frank: i build the station
[00:44:11] Drack: oh. ok
[00:44:12] Frank: it's a pitty, i rember nothing... (headbang)
[00:44:20] Lockmatish: :(
[00:44:26] Lockmatish: it's okay, that just means 1 min build time?
[00:44:29] Drack: gathering info
[00:44:30] Drack: via skib
[00:44:32] Drack: check it
[00:44:52] Lockmatish: i'm seeing something strange
[00:44:52] X: I just feel I could blow this up
[00:45:01] Frank: sure you could...
[00:45:01] Lockmatish: like, the middle ring has a spot where it opens up
[00:45:06] Lockmatish: and curves away to leave a big gap
[00:45:09] X: no I have that urge
[00:45:12] Lockmatish: and then, all the rings below it come up and inside
[00:45:13] Frank: are the screen working?
[00:45:17] Lockmatish: and collapse inside, and then the middle ring seals it shut
[00:45:19] Drack: yeah
[00:45:24] Drack: frank my skib should have the info
[00:45:28] Drack: it read all out
[00:45:29] Frank: ok, there should be a being somewhere...
[00:45:39] Frank: yes drack, i sent
[00:45:43] Drack: ok
[00:45:44] Drack: (y)
[00:46:10] Drack: found
[00:46:15] X: I marked the being
[00:46:25] Drack: already found
[00:46:27] Drack: here take it
[00:46:27] Lockmatish: yeah, by your location (giggle)
[00:46:37] Lockmatish: actually maybe not
[00:46:47] Frank: ok. be carefull, we owe much...
[00:46:50] Drack: do your squeeze stuff.
[00:46:55] Lockmatish: nah, you weren't on the being
[00:46:55] Drack: mh
[00:46:56] Frank: nooo!!!
[00:47:01] Drack: ok
[00:47:01] Lockmatish: this one's all yours X
[00:47:18] Drack: Lockmatish i found it and took him to X
[00:47:24] Lockmatish: ok
[00:47:38] Drack: why do we owe him much
[00:47:47] X: what do we do with this guy?
[00:47:53] Frank: because it's our best guardian...
[00:47:58] Drack: oh.
[00:48:04] Drack: good i didn´t punched him at al
[00:48:24] X: I see what they are doing
[00:48:25] Frank: take bryon to hospital...
[00:48:29] X: I cannot see him
[00:48:36] Drack: ohh....
[00:48:39] Drack: :O
[00:48:39] X: I can only see the darks and stuff
[00:48:40] Lockmatish: :o
[00:48:42] Drack: plottwist
[00:48:47] X: they block me from seeing the light
[00:48:51] Drack: wait.
[00:48:56] X: that is why I do not see you all at all
[00:49:17] Drack: should i take him then
[00:49:23] X: go ahead
[00:49:26] Drack: ok
[00:49:28] Lockmatish: I think i'm already taking
[00:49:34] Frank: ok guys take bryon to X, so that he can take save
[00:49:40] Lockmatish: feel free to defend as well
[00:49:40] Drack: ok
[00:49:49] Lockmatish: bryon was already at X
[00:49:50] Drack: but i guess i have him already.
[00:49:53] Drack: yeah
[00:50:03] Drack: i lay him into your hands X
[00:50:22] Drack: bring him to hospital now
[00:50:25] Frank: he did guardian OIC for thousands of years, mostly keeping these bastards inside...
how the hell knows would have happened in the past, if he didn't...
And he is worst damaged of all of us!
[00:50:35] Lockmatish: :'(
[00:50:40] Lockmatish: time for him to heal?
[00:50:42] X: yes I will take him
[00:50:43] Lockmatish: good
[00:50:51] Drack: the real hero here.
[00:51:06] Drack: he´s really badly in shape
[00:51:16] Lockmatish: Real skill there X
[00:51:17] Drack: like nearly dissapearing
[00:51:19] Lockmatish: moving someone you can't see
[00:51:42] Lockmatish: Carefully too
[00:51:55] Drack: (y)
[00:52:42] Frank: ok, you can leave now
[00:53:00] Frank: we will destroy this, and make a "plug" inthere...
[00:53:11] Drack: it´s about time
[00:53:14] X: yes
[00:53:18] Drack: deathstar mode F?
[00:53:18] Lockmatish: nice
[00:53:19] Drack: (rofl)
[00:53:30] Frank: no, not now...(rofl)
[00:53:36] Drack: :D ok
[00:53:40] Frank: i'm a bit emotional now... sry...
[00:53:46] Drack: same.
[00:53:51] Drack: i have nothign to do with it
[00:53:52] Drack: but i´m
[00:54:34] X: you want me to blow this up then?
[00:54:39] Drack: do it.
[00:54:47] Drack: make a big firework
[00:55:09] Lockmatish: No summary for this one
[00:55:11] Lockmatish: Gotta read it ..
[00:55:12] Drack: archons down
[00:55:12] Frank: yes, blow it up, and alex build the new one
[00:55:18] X: ok done
[00:55:27] Drack: 9/10 firework
[00:55:29] Drack: (y)
[00:55:34] Lockmatish: nice firework
[00:55:39] Dynamite Δύναμις: ok
[00:55:41] X: (fireworks)
[00:55:46] Lockmatish: :D
[00:55:49] Frank: i think she already starts to build the new one
[00:55:51] Lockmatish: (hug)
[00:57:00] Dynamite Δύναμις: (hug) for everyone
[00:57:01] X: Alex, put in a masterbedroom please
[00:57:04] Drack: pretty busy here
[00:57:07] Drack: :D
[00:57:18] Drack: (party)
[00:57:27] Drack: feels like a good day.
[00:57:52] Frank: (y)
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Re: The OIC entrance and it's guardian...

Unread postby jonas » 12 Mar 2017 16:41

So touching and happy to read... :romance-grouphug: :text-thankyoublue: bryon :romance-grouphug:
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Re: The OIC entrance and it's guardian...

Unread postby Ribo » 14 Mar 2017 12:53

I see you attacked the Guardian. But did you heal him back so he looks much better than before ? I read he looked like dissapearing :scared-eek: .
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Re: The OIC entrance and it's guardian...

Unread postby jonas » 14 Mar 2017 13:06

I don't believe there was any attack from Protoi team? But he has been doing the job and thus withstanding attacks from the darks for thousands of years. And as a result has received a lot of damages. :angry-cussingblack:
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Re: The OIC entrance and it's guardian...

Unread postby Ribo » 14 Mar 2017 13:37

Oh missunderstanding. Just looked at the chat again.

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