Dear SHEEP... (or fake "realities" of OIC)

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Re: Dear SHEEP... (or fake "realities" of OIC)

Unread postby Frank » 02 Mar 2016 11:46

marie wrote:Do you know who his current incarnation is?


marie wrote: Does it happen to be a man named Paul Tuttle?

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Re: Dear SHEEP... (or fake "realities" of OIC)

Unread postby Evo » 11 Sep 2019 13:11

Frank wrote:Some more infos I found:

The fake 10-realities-system was installed at about the year 307 (linear counting). Btw. I think the years 0-307 are faked...

In original state, it was a 12-realities-system. At about the year 858 some who turned against the LSA1 and LSA2 group (in the chart above they are rebellion/red) destroyed two of the 12 realities, and started cooperating with the orion group. We call this group LSA3.

But now let's come back to the year 307 and focus on the fractal 3D world.
We will now take a look to the biggest criminal, who did the largest damage and harm to all beings in fractal 3D!
I am now talking about the former guardian of the 3D planet! In our wiki, we call this "the soul sitter", but the description of his function there is outdated and incomplete.
The 3D guardian had the function and job to protect the beings in 3D in best possible ways! He got authorities and abilities for this.
The former 3D guardian was a level 1 entity, and he had one executive. This executive had like others a core and an outer-core (OC) down here.
Until the year 307 the 3D guardian cooperated with the Protoi alliance, trying to protect "mankind" and other beings in 3D in best way.
In 307 he sold out mankind to the LSA group! And he did this without having any pressure or blackmailing, he did this only to get personal benefit!

So what he did? As we know already the 10-realities-system has big impact on 3D, because there are man connections from GH into 3D. All of these connections have filters, so that only bad mess can pass them and reach 3D! These connections gave the darks big advantages in 3D against the Protoi and all other lightfull beings! The 3D world before 307 was hard, but not dark. After 307 the 3D world became dark. The harming in the dimensions we know today started there, the final crashing of light beings started there! The selling out of the 3D planet by the 3D guardian was the biggest crime ever in 3D, which made all the others possible!

The entity and the core of the former 3D guardian is already in prison for a while now. The OC is still incarnated down here, and following a dark path (thinking he's doing light things...).

The former 3D guardian entity is well known on this planet as "jesus"........

Anton wrote:

I must have all of this confused with everything but OIC..?
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Re: Dear SHEEP... (or fake "realities" of OIC)

Unread postby Eirenaios » 11 Sep 2019 13:25


Hi! OIC is no more/doesn't exist anymore as far as I know: viewtopic.php?f=132&t=2960&p=19277&hilit=Elysion#p19277
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Re: Dear SHEEP... (or fake "realities" of OIC)

Unread postby Evo » 11 Sep 2019 13:33

Eirenaios wrote:@Evo

Hi! OIC is no more/doesn't exist anymore as far as I know: viewtopic.php?f=132&t=2960&p=19277&hilit=Elysion#p19277

Yes, I was saying I think I was getting this confused with properties. My apologies for wasting time :laughing-rolling:

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