Iran alliance against USA

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Iran alliance against USA

Unread postby Azra » 08 Feb 2020 13:50

Iran calls for "new alliance" - proposing that Russia, China, Pakistan and Turkey form a bloc with Iran (against US). This would bring orion/lsa3 allies into collaboration with taurus & lsa2 v lsa1 (USA/others). New deals being made. As darks struggle and weaken in 3d battles there looks to be an attempt to reshuffle the power dynamics/flex muscle for fear of a WW3 scenario (although I do wonder if all dark groups are getting weak and are really more likely to be averting the possibility of war). Anyway they are insane so they play continue to play their games.
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Re: Iran alliance against USA

Unread postby MikeyMo » 09 Feb 2020 19:40

Goldenmilk wrote:Iran calls for "new alliance" - proposing that Russia, China, Pakistan and Turkey form a bloc with Iran (against US). This would bring orion/lsa3 allies into collaboration with taurus & lsa2 v lsa1 (USA/others). New deals being made. As darks struggle and weaken in 3d battles there looks to be an attempt to reshuffle the power dynamics/flex muscle for fear of a WW3 scenario (although I do wonder if all dark groups are getting weak and are really more likely to be averting the possibility of war). Anyway they are insane so they play continue to play their games.

:greetings-waveyellow: If I understand this correctly, the infighting among the darks is about who is going control or get the lions share of the available energy that sustains them. And that is becoming less available to them because of the cleaning by the P/P. Even the groups that are aligned now will be at each others throats soon. When there is no energy left for sustenance for the darks that will be the end of them. And freedom for us :happy-smileyflower:
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Re: Iran alliance against USA

Unread postby Azra » 10 Feb 2020 21:19

Yes, that's a clearer summary of where it's at ... :text-goodpost:
Freedom beckons :banana-angel: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :banana-angel:

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