something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !!

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something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !!

Unread postby Frank » 26 Dec 2012 22:17

I see this very often in different blogs / forums.

I see it from a very different point of view...

The light-side came here to heal and save. Save ALL!

We tried to save them. Many times.

Then the day came, that we had no other choice than to accept that we could not heal or save them.
This was the most painful day in my life and i got very strong crying fits...

We started fighting back and crashed them... On this day we lost what we came here for....

We heal each and everyone who can be healed now. The planet we see will change, too, sooner or later...

But i don't feel winning. Too many we could not save. For me it feels like liquidate a bankruptcy...


Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby Soszkin » 26 Dec 2012 23:04

What you try to say with that? The Light is still after the Dark? All that say about ascession, winning of the Light, etc,. All that is not true? There will be victory of Light.. but somewhere in the unidentified future? Gabriel, whats going on?
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Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby Δύναμις » 27 Dec 2012 00:04

Soszkin wrote:What you try to say with that? The Light is still after the Dark? All that say about ascession, winning of the Light, etc,. All that is not true? There will be victory of Light.. but somewhere in the unidentified future? Gabriel, whats going on?

Nothing at all goes on, Soszkin.

He only tries to explain how he feels about all those lost souls. We are fighting against EQUALS! There are brothers and sisters we lost! No one out there seems to see it this way and this is the difference between Gabriel and the rest of us. A war is never a win! How long will it take until people and ETs realize this?

All those out there that talk about Ascencion, winning of Light etc. have no idea what really goes on. What WE say IS the truth. What they say out there is not our problem. I never believed a word about mass arrests and other rubbish. I don't care what they say, but I do care about what WE say. They give you useless dates, we don't give you anything like that, because we know how the plan works. They don't!
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Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby Frank » 27 Dec 2012 00:24

No worry Soszkin. All is fine.

But we paid a price that 3D mind can not imagine. As i wrote months ago in C's.
If mankind is one grain of sand, we lost more souls as we have sand on earth....
I am only sad, that's all.... But the most people will not understand it, i know this...

But i also know we can save more than we lost. And if we did not stop it right now, we would have lost all.....

Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby Soszkin » 27 Dec 2012 00:40

Ok, understood.. I know the fight has never the winner - the winner is allways one: both... Every war, fight, etc is not good at all.. I got it.. Have nothing to this.. I'm sorry for your lost.. Maybe I shouldn't be here, on this forum, know too less, have no knowledge.. I do not have any one, who think even small like me.. I have to allways check, experience by myself. No one can tell me what is the truth or false. You have that team, group, you can change though between each other. I cannot...
I never take for 100% pure truth, always check, search and think about and then I ask my inner wisdom, what she think/feel. But if you live in such a dream like now how can I know what is the truth if I can't hear others toughts, can't talk to animals or plants, cannot move things using my mind, etc.. All this "things" is some kind of s-f to me. Almost everywhere if talk about ascession there is about such a things. You tell me about angels, earth, mirror earth, oic, etc.. I read this all and it makes some kind of sense to me, but still I doesn't see any angel, even in my dreams.. You know, I'm still ont the same earth I remember..
Sorry for my english (is not my native) and sorry for my dissbelive (again).. You don't have to answer my opinion.. I understand what you tell me.. I want to make you know, that I'm the one of thousands that want the peacful world and I would do something if I knew what can I do to achive this..

Thanks and greetings (you too minglyn ;) )
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Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby Frank » 27 Dec 2012 01:08

Everyone who want's to be here is very welcome. And it is ok that you don't believe. You don't need to belief anyone. Because all is in you. You only have to find it. And on first place this forum shall be a place to get help to find yourself. To get the connection with yourself, with your HS. And we try to give help to get those connections clean from influence. Those who know me know that it is a priority from me that everyone has his/her own path. And must go it alone. But often hints can help to find it. That's what i want. That people find their own path (hopefully a light one) alone.

Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby minglyn » 27 Dec 2012 01:28

I am very glad to be told this, Gabriel. I am glad to know you do not like to crash souls.
Related to the changes:
I feel a difference already in my surroundings, and in my body. I dont need to be convinced anymore, and there WERE doubts in the beginning.

(I can also see a need for a better copy of those comments as I read above. I have been distracted and unable to focus, but I am started again and half done.)

I forget if you call this a rescue or not. It feels like it to me, and I cannot say that I would have lasted much longer. So we dont have a prime for me yet, or I guess I just dont know who or where he/she is, but Im here. Im gonna call that doing the best we can for now. I cried for days too but didnt have good reason. Maybe that was why. I am so grateful you guys let me talk cuz it is so crammed up here inside me. Thank you.

Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby Inspiration » 27 Dec 2012 06:50

Gabriel, Rhea, and all the team, I am so grateful for the work and time you always invest to post this information. What a great service to humanity! I have learned a lot reading your posts and using the information. It resonates profoundly with me. Gabriel, I followed your posts for a long time in Cobra's blog and they were always helpful. When I read your post tonight I felt very sad, I felt your frustration. I will love to know more about what is going on....what is the true reality. What can we do to help?
Love and light to all

Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby ttrasea » 27 Dec 2012 09:38

There is change, i feel, i feel an expectancy,i see, the differences, a few days ago i was very down, was going through depression again, and my hs reasoned, with me, to write a list down, all the changes and experiances i had experianced, in my awakening, all the evidence i have seen with my own eyes, and everything that is happening, is happening for a reason, not all follow a single path, we each, will get there in our own time, all heading in the same direction,smiles, but for some, they have to detour,and learn another way, for their learning, and growth, there are no winners or losers,no wrong or right way, as each way is the right way for that soul s lessons, and those that are lost right now, will find their way back again, onto the path of light, always there is hope in love and light. smiles,
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Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby Δύναμις » 27 Dec 2012 11:44

Soszkin wrote:Ok, understood.. I know the fight has never the winner - the winner is allways one: both... Every war, fight, etc is not good at all.. I got it.. Have nothing to this.. I'm sorry for your lost.. Maybe I shouldn't be here, on this forum, know too less, have no knowledge.. I do not have any one, who think even small like me.. I have to allways check, experience by myself. No one can tell me what is the truth or false. You have that team, group, you can change though between each other. I cannot...
I never take for 100% pure truth, always check, search and think about and then I ask my inner wisdom, what she think/feel. But if you live in such a dream like now how can I know what is the truth if I can't hear others toughts, can't talk to animals or plants, cannot move things using my mind, etc.. All this "things" is some kind of s-f to me. Almost everywhere if talk about ascession there is about such a things. You tell me about angels, earth, mirror earth, oic, etc.. I read this all and it makes some kind of sense to me, but still I doesn't see any angel, even in my dreams.. You know, I'm still ont the same earth I remember..
Sorry for my english (is not my native) and sorry for my dissbelive (again).. You don't have to answer my opinion.. I understand what you tell me.. I want to make you know, that I'm the one of thousands that want the peacful world and I would do something if I knew what can I do to achive this..

Thanks and greetings (you too minglyn ;) )

You keep looking for the truth in the wrong places!!! You won't be able to combine what you read here with the normal life on this planet. You have to change your point of view and stop comparing one situation with another. It is useless as they are different things. Start reading ancient greek mythology or/and the old philosophers. This may help you to understand some things. It isn't just a "coincidence" that all scientific terms and many-many names of planets, stars etc. come from the greek language.
I never watched or read science fiction unlike most of you out there. I never let this kind of things distract my thoughts. I have my own thinking since I remember myself. My family tried hard to make me fit in this society but no luck. I am who I am. I can't deny it, I can't prove it. "You take it or leave it." It is about a year now, I know why I am the way I am. I have never seen any angels or dragons or anything with my own eyes, but I know they are all there waiting for us, because we are very important to them. They are fully aware of what we do here and they try to support as much as possible. There are still many issues to be solved before everything is working properly, but there is nothing we can do about it right now.

The image of a peaceful world is for most of them that wish it, only "wishful thinking" but nothing more. How many of them do something about it? How many of them quit being followers of certain "masters/guides" and follow the flame in their own heart? How many of them kicked their television out of their homes to stop commercials influence them all the time, to stop the cabal tell them what to do, how to live, how to dress etc.? Very few... each one waits for the other to make the first step. This is the wrong way. We have to start changing ourselves to change the world. Take care of yourself and try to find your way. The truth is inside yourself. Use your brain and your heart. You can do it! :)

Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !

Unread postby Massimo » 27 Dec 2012 15:15

I don't know why but I felt the sadness of Gabriel, a couple of days now. I understand him and sometimes similar issues affect me in the same way, like the question "had we to arrive at this point?". I don't have an answer right now, and the feeling of sadness it's quiet strong, but yet I keep on going.
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Re: something personal from me about: VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !!

Unread postby Azra » 03 May 2019 11:37

I understand the sentiment and the true loss you must feel at having to make the decision to fight to keep light for ALL. There was another way and you tried and tried to stop their madness. So it's not a victory but more a salvaging of the situation, a rescuing of as much Light as possible.

I often feel deep sadness and weep when I read the battle chats. The utter waste and senseless destruction the darks have caused is so incredibly overwhelming - we need new words to describe this. You guys have to re-live the trauma each time you find evidence and clear up their filthy garbage and find remnants of beings used for unfit purposes (truly horrifying) :crying-yellow: So, so sick and wrong...

Apologies for digging out this old thread but I really sensed your feeling of loss in these words Frank, I also feel devastated by it some days. But I cannot begin to imagine what you have all experienced via being in the forefront of millions of years of ZTE battles :angelic-cyan:

Thank you, thank you, thank you for being our Protectors :romance-heartsthree:

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