Re: War-News
1. We are starting (since a few minutes) a long series of battles (that were 'frozen', similar to the
Mycenaen one) that are expected to make weird side-effects over the next hours.
As these are overall smaller battles (although quite a few in number), the side-effects are not expected
to be too nasty. Dizziness, wobbliness, changes in perception, temporary confusion, etc. are among
the expected side-effects.
2. We have begun re-integrating long dead or removed (or hijacked, etc.) parts of the Being that have
been recovered in the recent battles (everything is cleaned or made anew before it is reintegrated).
The addition of these missing parts should have (only) tremendous positive effects in all kinds of ways,
though an adjustment period is expected for each new part added.
3. An addition to the avatar structures has become possible due to the current/recent cleaning
success; the formation/addition of "avatar extensions" is soon thought to be possible to be installed,
and development has started for this already (for all leftovers).
4. The 3D situation stability is valued at 96-97% of the "theoretical 100% possible stability"; this
is only measuring how close to the best possible it is, the actual "overall stability" is about 33%
(and holding; by this metric, anything below 10% is something to worry about).
(By the previous metric, we are at 87% of 'ambient stability', well clear of the needed 70%)
5. Cleaning which runs independent of the personality-structures' processing of time has just
become possible in the last few hours and is beginning to run for all leftovers. These cleanings
are absent all usual cleaning side-effects!
6. In a few moments, direct replacement of the core time-structures and time-tick-interfaces will begin
(and will need an estimated 6-24 hours to complete).
7. Direct replacement of broken, brittle or hijacked personality-structures (that was not before
possible) has become possible as a result of previous battles; this will run starting in a few minutes.
8. The "psychic network" is being slowly dissolved.
Mycenaen one) that are expected to make weird side-effects over the next hours.
As these are overall smaller battles (although quite a few in number), the side-effects are not expected
to be too nasty. Dizziness, wobbliness, changes in perception, temporary confusion, etc. are among
the expected side-effects.
2. We have begun re-integrating long dead or removed (or hijacked, etc.) parts of the Being that have
been recovered in the recent battles (everything is cleaned or made anew before it is reintegrated).
The addition of these missing parts should have (only) tremendous positive effects in all kinds of ways,
though an adjustment period is expected for each new part added.
3. An addition to the avatar structures has become possible due to the current/recent cleaning
success; the formation/addition of "avatar extensions" is soon thought to be possible to be installed,
and development has started for this already (for all leftovers).
4. The 3D situation stability is valued at 96-97% of the "theoretical 100% possible stability"; this
is only measuring how close to the best possible it is, the actual "overall stability" is about 33%
(and holding; by this metric, anything below 10% is something to worry about).
(By the previous metric, we are at 87% of 'ambient stability', well clear of the needed 70%)
5. Cleaning which runs independent of the personality-structures' processing of time has just
become possible in the last few hours and is beginning to run for all leftovers. These cleanings
are absent all usual cleaning side-effects!
6. In a few moments, direct replacement of the core time-structures and time-tick-interfaces will begin
(and will need an estimated 6-24 hours to complete).
7. Direct replacement of broken, brittle or hijacked personality-structures (that was not before
possible) has become possible as a result of previous battles; this will run starting in a few minutes.
8. The "psychic network" is being slowly dissolved.
Re: War-News
1. We have escalated (since an hour or two) the 3D War into the purely physical level(s) (there are,
at this moment still a few hundred to go, down from 53.000 a few weeks ago).
Everything we did till now focused on one or more of these layers, handled very slowly and carefully,
quarantined one at a time almost exclusively; we almost NEVER had the ability to handle
multiple 3D "physical layers" simultaneously.
Conditions of the present battles have forced us to readjust and adapt to the situation;
we are now bringing down all remaining ~330 layers simultaneously, this is naturally a HUGE
escalation of the entire 3D War situation, and ramifications and consequences of all and every kind,
on all remaining levels (including cognitions, communications, etc.) are expected (and frankly,
we would be disappointed terribly if there was no feedback to this!!!)
2. Cognitions and communications in all of our people are shut down for the current battles,
they are limited to very few things, some small ability of fractal skills (gut-feeling, etc.) and everything
necessary for protection is still functional, until further notice, all else is disabled pending the outcome
of the running battles.
3. The 5 groups (buried most deeply of all) behind all known perpetrators (in 3D, mostly incarnated)
still posing a threat of some kind (or appearing to, at the very least) have finally been clearly identified
in a way which allows us to separate the 3D structures from the group structures (otherwise no clean
solution would be possible to handle them without blowing a huge hole in 3D... [this is possible, but undesirable])
4. In a few minutes, we will disconnect the "stable" time-tick and connect a "dynamic" time-tick for the
duration of the running battles, we may leave this in place if it is to our benefit.
5. In a few minutes, we will replace and upgrade all core Prime-based and governmental structures
(for example, the Rules-Examiner, Gennitor, the time-tick mechanism, the Prime Judge, etc...)
This is expected to take a few hours to be done, and all these things will be running in a low-power state
until this is done (which suits us just fine for the battles...)
at this moment still a few hundred to go, down from 53.000 a few weeks ago).
Everything we did till now focused on one or more of these layers, handled very slowly and carefully,
quarantined one at a time almost exclusively; we almost NEVER had the ability to handle
multiple 3D "physical layers" simultaneously.
Conditions of the present battles have forced us to readjust and adapt to the situation;
we are now bringing down all remaining ~330 layers simultaneously, this is naturally a HUGE
escalation of the entire 3D War situation, and ramifications and consequences of all and every kind,
on all remaining levels (including cognitions, communications, etc.) are expected (and frankly,
we would be disappointed terribly if there was no feedback to this!!!)
2. Cognitions and communications in all of our people are shut down for the current battles,
they are limited to very few things, some small ability of fractal skills (gut-feeling, etc.) and everything
necessary for protection is still functional, until further notice, all else is disabled pending the outcome
of the running battles.
3. The 5 groups (buried most deeply of all) behind all known perpetrators (in 3D, mostly incarnated)
still posing a threat of some kind (or appearing to, at the very least) have finally been clearly identified
in a way which allows us to separate the 3D structures from the group structures (otherwise no clean
solution would be possible to handle them without blowing a huge hole in 3D... [this is possible, but undesirable])
4. In a few minutes, we will disconnect the "stable" time-tick and connect a "dynamic" time-tick for the
duration of the running battles, we may leave this in place if it is to our benefit.
5. In a few minutes, we will replace and upgrade all core Prime-based and governmental structures
(for example, the Rules-Examiner, Gennitor, the time-tick mechanism, the Prime Judge, etc...)
This is expected to take a few hours to be done, and all these things will be running in a low-power state
until this is done (which suits us just fine for the battles...)
Re: War-News
We have just now in the past 5 minutes implemented a very serious change to the base rules;
namely, it has now become illegal, all and everywhere where the base-rules are enforced,
to intentionally mislead others, whether or not the ones you are misleading are aware of it,
or ever become aware of it, or have the capability to understand what you are doing...this of course
The Prime Judge has (very soon on his to do list) a very detailed description of the technical, legal
and all other definitions of this modification to the base-rules, with all possible variants covered in it...
(this will become, very shortly, publically available)
namely, it has now become illegal, all and everywhere where the base-rules are enforced,
to intentionally mislead others, whether or not the ones you are misleading are aware of it,
or ever become aware of it, or have the capability to understand what you are doing...this of course
The Prime Judge has (very soon on his to do list) a very detailed description of the technical, legal
and all other definitions of this modification to the base-rules, with all possible variants covered in it...
(this will become, very shortly, publically available)
Re: War-News
Due to the recent major change to the base-rules (see the preceding post HERE),
and due to the strategic necessity (in the past) of having to mislead the enemy during the war,
which was posted BEFORE the date of the base-rules change (this post here),
as OFFICIALLY OUTDATED! There may be some details which just happen to
still be accurate, but it should ALL be treated as outdated!! (and is hereby declared as such!)
and due to the strategic necessity (in the past) of having to mislead the enemy during the war,
which was posted BEFORE the date of the base-rules change (this post here),
as OFFICIALLY OUTDATED! There may be some details which just happen to
still be accurate, but it should ALL be treated as outdated!! (and is hereby declared as such!)
Re: War-News
1. We have changed the way we do cleanings (overall); instead of doing trillions upon trillions
upon trillions of tiny cleaning jobs to produce the EFFECT of the overall desired result (which means
cleaning shit that gets reproduced over and over and over again in the process); we simply identify
very clearly the target region and all perpetrator groups inside or connected with this region;
we determine the optimal strategy (including handling said groups in whatever way appropriate)
and then we execute the OVERALL solution as a "one shot", single job.
This approach was not possible in the past and has enormous benefits. Cleanings are overall
much faster and produce much less side-effects.
2. There are still (within the current scope of cleanings which is about everything to do with 3D;
everything visible and everything invisible are included in this scope) 36 active "groups of interest";
of this we consider 7 to be active perpetrators, and the rest to be more or less victims. However
their recognition by us as "more-or-less victims" will not change the way we handle them, if we are
not able to identify a better solution than the "obvious solution" (removing them as fast as possible
by whatever means necessary).
Oftentimes with groups of this nature (considered by us to be victims in one degree or another),
the ability to communicate with them is greatly limited (due to enormous manipulation in their history);
furthermore, their "free will" as measured objectively by us, meaning ability to make own decisions,
level of agency, etc., is generally extremely low. This means overall that such groups are very likely
to continue in harmful behaviours (which includes things harmful for us, as well as themselves)
and this will likely not change until they have been removed from where they are, taken to a suitable
prison or habitat or other place where they can receive healing and whatever else they need
(and this can take still a very long time).
Until we actually reach these groups, if possible we might attempt to make contact with a few
members that we consider to have the most agency of a sufficient rank to make decisions within the group.
We will not do this if we see the risk or drawbacks (for example, a potential negative reaction that
could cause more damage to the group than if we had done nothing at all) as greater than the potential benefit.
One way or another, we WILL remove all 36 groups in the shortest and best time-frame possible.
3. We have started installing new infrastructure in the bodies (meaning the physical bodies,
but we have upgraded also all energetic body infrastructure) of all leftovers (and only leftovers).
We have done specific cleanings in the bodies of perpetrators where this made strategic sense
(such as cutting off command-and-control networks or ways to manipulate their bodies that were
still active, etc.)
There are very positive changes from this, and it has greatly improved our cleaning efficiency.
These infrastructure upgrades will continue steadily.
4. The amount of debris within the property and its surrounds has fallen by 98% over the last 3 hours
(most of this was untouchable shit we had no way to safely remove before now).
5. There are approximately 250.000 "perpetrators of significant danger" incarnated in 3D, the vast
majority of these (about 235.000) were controlled by MULTIPLE command-and-control networks;
the remaining 15k were controlled by ONE network/individual/etc. There is not a single living,
incarnated perpetrator body on the planet that is NOT connected to some "controlling mechanism";
this means there is no perpetrator on the planet considered to have free-will. However, some control
mechanisms are stronger or weaker than others; some perpetrators are stronger or weaker than
others, and within these parameters is sometimes a small amount of wiggle-room which allows
for certain orders or influences to a particular individual to be ignored (with consequences, such as
pain) or resisted (sometimes indefinitely, but often just for some time, as the consequences become
increasingly worse the longer an order is resisted).
Juggling all these mechanisms and punishment mechanisms (from all kinds of different sources)
was a nightmare in the past, as we could not access all these things at once. Therefore, we would
focus only on the critical parts of this mess what we could actually access, and would intervene,
forcing certain individuals to make or not make certain decisions only when absolutely necessary
(because this was extremely difficult and had huge ramifications in the past).
The situation has changed, and we are now able to access ALL perpetrator-controlling infrastructure
along with all punishment-mechanisms (from many, many, many different sources overall,
we can access ALL of them).
It is still a difficult puzzle to carefully take the whole thing down without provoking overreactions
from the 250k (for example, and there are a few other factors to consider) but we are working on
this problem directly since a few hours, and progress is slow but smooth.
upon trillions of tiny cleaning jobs to produce the EFFECT of the overall desired result (which means
cleaning shit that gets reproduced over and over and over again in the process); we simply identify
very clearly the target region and all perpetrator groups inside or connected with this region;
we determine the optimal strategy (including handling said groups in whatever way appropriate)
and then we execute the OVERALL solution as a "one shot", single job.
This approach was not possible in the past and has enormous benefits. Cleanings are overall
much faster and produce much less side-effects.
2. There are still (within the current scope of cleanings which is about everything to do with 3D;
everything visible and everything invisible are included in this scope) 36 active "groups of interest";
of this we consider 7 to be active perpetrators, and the rest to be more or less victims. However
their recognition by us as "more-or-less victims" will not change the way we handle them, if we are
not able to identify a better solution than the "obvious solution" (removing them as fast as possible
by whatever means necessary).
Oftentimes with groups of this nature (considered by us to be victims in one degree or another),
the ability to communicate with them is greatly limited (due to enormous manipulation in their history);
furthermore, their "free will" as measured objectively by us, meaning ability to make own decisions,
level of agency, etc., is generally extremely low. This means overall that such groups are very likely
to continue in harmful behaviours (which includes things harmful for us, as well as themselves)
and this will likely not change until they have been removed from where they are, taken to a suitable
prison or habitat or other place where they can receive healing and whatever else they need
(and this can take still a very long time).
Until we actually reach these groups, if possible we might attempt to make contact with a few
members that we consider to have the most agency of a sufficient rank to make decisions within the group.
We will not do this if we see the risk or drawbacks (for example, a potential negative reaction that
could cause more damage to the group than if we had done nothing at all) as greater than the potential benefit.
One way or another, we WILL remove all 36 groups in the shortest and best time-frame possible.
3. We have started installing new infrastructure in the bodies (meaning the physical bodies,
but we have upgraded also all energetic body infrastructure) of all leftovers (and only leftovers).
We have done specific cleanings in the bodies of perpetrators where this made strategic sense
(such as cutting off command-and-control networks or ways to manipulate their bodies that were
still active, etc.)
There are very positive changes from this, and it has greatly improved our cleaning efficiency.
These infrastructure upgrades will continue steadily.
4. The amount of debris within the property and its surrounds has fallen by 98% over the last 3 hours
(most of this was untouchable shit we had no way to safely remove before now).
5. There are approximately 250.000 "perpetrators of significant danger" incarnated in 3D, the vast
majority of these (about 235.000) were controlled by MULTIPLE command-and-control networks;
the remaining 15k were controlled by ONE network/individual/etc. There is not a single living,
incarnated perpetrator body on the planet that is NOT connected to some "controlling mechanism";
this means there is no perpetrator on the planet considered to have free-will. However, some control
mechanisms are stronger or weaker than others; some perpetrators are stronger or weaker than
others, and within these parameters is sometimes a small amount of wiggle-room which allows
for certain orders or influences to a particular individual to be ignored (with consequences, such as
pain) or resisted (sometimes indefinitely, but often just for some time, as the consequences become
increasingly worse the longer an order is resisted).
Juggling all these mechanisms and punishment mechanisms (from all kinds of different sources)
was a nightmare in the past, as we could not access all these things at once. Therefore, we would
focus only on the critical parts of this mess what we could actually access, and would intervene,
forcing certain individuals to make or not make certain decisions only when absolutely necessary
(because this was extremely difficult and had huge ramifications in the past).
The situation has changed, and we are now able to access ALL perpetrator-controlling infrastructure
along with all punishment-mechanisms (from many, many, many different sources overall,
we can access ALL of them).
It is still a difficult puzzle to carefully take the whole thing down without provoking overreactions
from the 250k (for example, and there are a few other factors to consider) but we are working on
this problem directly since a few hours, and progress is slow but smooth.
Re: War-News
1. We have started to hijack and modify the base parameters of all fractal and 3D experience
(even some things that were added later to the fractality that were non-fractal things, were
continuously shielded from any kind of fractal transformation effects and what we would
to this day classify as non-fractal things) in all of our people and leftovers (we are carefully
monitoring these things for non-leftovers also but have not made any changes).
It is necessary to make suitable per-individual-appropriate modifications to these parameters
in preparation for "reality-destroying steps" we are preparing to take in the coming hours/days.
2. We have started to remove some "neutral additions" to the fractal "base parameters" of the property.
These include such things as millions of ambient-modifying things (where needed we will replace
these effects from other infrastructure that is far more efficient and takes up less space), millions
upon millions of properties and parameters for all oceans, tidal effects (and trillions of similar
micro-things), animals, plants, birds, etc.
3. Many of our people (and many on the planet in general, it is almost impossible to find someone
on the planet without this completely) have invisible parameter-modifying "effects" whereby they
get some "positive feeling" or other benefit from seemingly innocuous things, such as looking at
certain colours, rubbing certain fabric, smelling certain things, eating certain things or eating in
a certain way (with the bare hands, for example); these are all reality-modifying parameters
that are (directly or indirectly) attached to that specific individual and in general are more-or-less
unique to that particular individual (although many similar variants exist for particular topics
worldwide, nearly 85% of the population of Earth has unconscious or subconscious effects from
being exposed to one or more aspects of Nature, for example, which all come from reality-modifying
In preparation for the aforementioned "reality-destroying procedures/steps", we will (temporarily,
all beneficial things will be restored later by other means and probably enhanced..) begin disconnecting
all (or almost all) reality-modifying parameters from all leftovers (harmful things will not be restored).
This will be a difficult process and a difficult time, both the temporary removal of these parameters
(or permanent for negative things) and the following steps thereafter.
(even some things that were added later to the fractality that were non-fractal things, were
continuously shielded from any kind of fractal transformation effects and what we would
to this day classify as non-fractal things) in all of our people and leftovers (we are carefully
monitoring these things for non-leftovers also but have not made any changes).
It is necessary to make suitable per-individual-appropriate modifications to these parameters
in preparation for "reality-destroying steps" we are preparing to take in the coming hours/days.
2. We have started to remove some "neutral additions" to the fractal "base parameters" of the property.
These include such things as millions of ambient-modifying things (where needed we will replace
these effects from other infrastructure that is far more efficient and takes up less space), millions
upon millions of properties and parameters for all oceans, tidal effects (and trillions of similar
micro-things), animals, plants, birds, etc.
3. Many of our people (and many on the planet in general, it is almost impossible to find someone
on the planet without this completely) have invisible parameter-modifying "effects" whereby they
get some "positive feeling" or other benefit from seemingly innocuous things, such as looking at
certain colours, rubbing certain fabric, smelling certain things, eating certain things or eating in
a certain way (with the bare hands, for example); these are all reality-modifying parameters
that are (directly or indirectly) attached to that specific individual and in general are more-or-less
unique to that particular individual (although many similar variants exist for particular topics
worldwide, nearly 85% of the population of Earth has unconscious or subconscious effects from
being exposed to one or more aspects of Nature, for example, which all come from reality-modifying
In preparation for the aforementioned "reality-destroying procedures/steps", we will (temporarily,
all beneficial things will be restored later by other means and probably enhanced..) begin disconnecting
all (or almost all) reality-modifying parameters from all leftovers (harmful things will not be restored).
This will be a difficult process and a difficult time, both the temporary removal of these parameters
(or permanent for negative things) and the following steps thereafter.
Re: War-News
1. We have begun the aforementioned "reality-destroying steps", in detail this is the dissolution,
and eventual complete removal, of individual "reality bubbles" (which is a real technical thing
what exists to 24/7 shape, warp and distort the individual perception and experience of reality
for every individual on the planet, without exception).
Many of the bubbles had technologies and "skills" (or rather functions) inside which gave the ability
to influence or even modify (even permanently) the bubbles of others.
In a very real sense, the bubbles produced literally the effect that every individual on the planet
has a very unique set of parameters for experiencing the reality. All the things described in the
previous post about reality-modifying parameters came from these bubbles.
Their removal is not fun, but should be over relatively quickly (within about 2 hours for most people).
2. There is huge amounts of "invalid and illegal data" that was stored either inside the bubbles or
directly anchored to and protected by the existence of the bubbles that we are now able to finally
access and remove (none of this stuff is useful).
For perpetrators, this removes the protections of the "bubble functions" and allows them to be
subsequently safely destroyed.
3. There are huge distortions in 3D which worked between the "reality bubbles" to make invisible
structures, influences, avatars, etc. that were literally hidden between the bubbles and kind of
"hidden in plain sight" (anyone not inside a bubble could see these things plain as day).
All this shit and infrastructure is now in full removal, no longer protected by the continued
presence of the defending mechanisms inside each bubble.
and eventual complete removal, of individual "reality bubbles" (which is a real technical thing
what exists to 24/7 shape, warp and distort the individual perception and experience of reality
for every individual on the planet, without exception).
Many of the bubbles had technologies and "skills" (or rather functions) inside which gave the ability
to influence or even modify (even permanently) the bubbles of others.
In a very real sense, the bubbles produced literally the effect that every individual on the planet
has a very unique set of parameters for experiencing the reality. All the things described in the
previous post about reality-modifying parameters came from these bubbles.
Their removal is not fun, but should be over relatively quickly (within about 2 hours for most people).
2. There is huge amounts of "invalid and illegal data" that was stored either inside the bubbles or
directly anchored to and protected by the existence of the bubbles that we are now able to finally
access and remove (none of this stuff is useful).
For perpetrators, this removes the protections of the "bubble functions" and allows them to be
subsequently safely destroyed.
3. There are huge distortions in 3D which worked between the "reality bubbles" to make invisible
structures, influences, avatars, etc. that were literally hidden between the bubbles and kind of
"hidden in plain sight" (anyone not inside a bubble could see these things plain as day).
All this shit and infrastructure is now in full removal, no longer protected by the continued
presence of the defending mechanisms inside each bubble.
Re: War-News
1. We have started cleaning on the fundamental OORP level. If you are located in these levels where
we are cleaning, you will know about it very soon (or feel it already).
All over the place (but perhaps not densely enough), we have posted indications (with public interfaces)
about what we are doing, with instructions (in a "mostly universal language" with translation tools
if you cannot use it) on how to respond to the situation (or surrender if applicable).
Many groups have made contact with these interfaces already (some needed additional help to
communicate, as they were in such weak condition), and many groups have surrendered (where
it was applicable to do so).
When we reach you in the cleaning, you will be removed - there will be no time for discussion.
If you wish to communicate or to surrender or "negotiate the terms of your surrender" (i.e. present
your additional concerns for our consideration to add to the terms of the surrender), please take
the time NOW or very, very soon, because when we reach you, no surrender can be accepted
(there is no time) and you will be (probably in most cases) frozen in a kind of stasis until we can
take the time (probably much later) to "thaw you out" and process your tribe properly. The choice is yours!
2. Special addendum to all tribes with not even the energy to speak or to make their way or use
one of the public interfaces, not enough energy to travel, etc... (there have been many in such a state):
We are making distributed drops of "in-place communicators" which (in and of themselves) provide
exactly the needed energies for communication (this energy can ONLY be used for communication
and nothing more, until some kind of dialogue has been established, then it may be changed) for tribes
in just such a state.
We are struggling to distribute these as densely as needed, as it is still unclear (until we get closer)
exactly WHICH tribes and WHERE these things are most badly needed. We endeavour to do the best
possible to get these to everybody that needs them (in time to make a dialogue before it's no longer
possible) as much as possible - we may not get EVERYBODY in time (in so, you will be placed in a safe stasis),
but we will do our best.
3. Our people are in an upgrade state, many tools and functions and skills will no longer be working
in this time as they are (possibly, depending on the battle conditions if this is possible or not, if not,
this will be done at a later time) upgraded to better technologies (and more efficient technologies).
4. 3D physical perpetrators are having 73% of all remaining internal communication networks cut,
hijacked or invisibly "adjusted" by us at this time, to make handling these guys a bit safer and easier.
5. 3D communication networks (such as the internet) are currently being flooded with our AIs and
technologies, in preparation for later strikes and developments (probably much later, many things
to do first).
6. The 3D ambient conditions (including the global pollution of all food and drink, land and livestock, etc.)
are being heavily studied in every tiny detail (at a level never before possible) and a huge swath of
developments, infrastructure and tools (as well as completely new infrastructure just to handle
these kind of topics in the future) are being developed, or will very soon be developed, to solve
every problem with these topics, in the most effective and efficient ways.
7. The biggest problems affecting our people (mostly problems affecting the consciousness-field,
ranging often from sexual to emotional and often related to unavoidable or unblockable, persistent
feedback of the body that couldn't be shut off) are having their most common causes removed
during the running battles. Huge improvements to chronic issues of this nature (emotional, sexual,
body feedback in particular) should already be noticeable, and this should only continue during
these battles.
we are cleaning, you will know about it very soon (or feel it already).
All over the place (but perhaps not densely enough), we have posted indications (with public interfaces)
about what we are doing, with instructions (in a "mostly universal language" with translation tools
if you cannot use it) on how to respond to the situation (or surrender if applicable).
Many groups have made contact with these interfaces already (some needed additional help to
communicate, as they were in such weak condition), and many groups have surrendered (where
it was applicable to do so).
When we reach you in the cleaning, you will be removed - there will be no time for discussion.
If you wish to communicate or to surrender or "negotiate the terms of your surrender" (i.e. present
your additional concerns for our consideration to add to the terms of the surrender), please take
the time NOW or very, very soon, because when we reach you, no surrender can be accepted
(there is no time) and you will be (probably in most cases) frozen in a kind of stasis until we can
take the time (probably much later) to "thaw you out" and process your tribe properly. The choice is yours!
2. Special addendum to all tribes with not even the energy to speak or to make their way or use
one of the public interfaces, not enough energy to travel, etc... (there have been many in such a state):
We are making distributed drops of "in-place communicators" which (in and of themselves) provide
exactly the needed energies for communication (this energy can ONLY be used for communication
and nothing more, until some kind of dialogue has been established, then it may be changed) for tribes
in just such a state.
We are struggling to distribute these as densely as needed, as it is still unclear (until we get closer)
exactly WHICH tribes and WHERE these things are most badly needed. We endeavour to do the best
possible to get these to everybody that needs them (in time to make a dialogue before it's no longer
possible) as much as possible - we may not get EVERYBODY in time (in so, you will be placed in a safe stasis),
but we will do our best.
3. Our people are in an upgrade state, many tools and functions and skills will no longer be working
in this time as they are (possibly, depending on the battle conditions if this is possible or not, if not,
this will be done at a later time) upgraded to better technologies (and more efficient technologies).
4. 3D physical perpetrators are having 73% of all remaining internal communication networks cut,
hijacked or invisibly "adjusted" by us at this time, to make handling these guys a bit safer and easier.
5. 3D communication networks (such as the internet) are currently being flooded with our AIs and
technologies, in preparation for later strikes and developments (probably much later, many things
to do first).
6. The 3D ambient conditions (including the global pollution of all food and drink, land and livestock, etc.)
are being heavily studied in every tiny detail (at a level never before possible) and a huge swath of
developments, infrastructure and tools (as well as completely new infrastructure just to handle
these kind of topics in the future) are being developed, or will very soon be developed, to solve
every problem with these topics, in the most effective and efficient ways.
7. The biggest problems affecting our people (mostly problems affecting the consciousness-field,
ranging often from sexual to emotional and often related to unavoidable or unblockable, persistent
feedback of the body that couldn't be shut off) are having their most common causes removed
during the running battles. Huge improvements to chronic issues of this nature (emotional, sexual,
body feedback in particular) should already be noticeable, and this should only continue during
these battles.
Re: War-News
1. There is a brand-new configuration for the entire 3D situation. Many of our parts have been removed
from shit-infested areas so that the cleaning of these areas could finally begin. In turn, the cleaning
of these parts could also finally begin. In general, this is no less than 63% of all our parts.
2. There are huge changes to our skills, to physical healing, to everything we do. These were all
manipulated in some (passive) way by the continued presence of shit (see preceding point).
All of these and more will now get rebuilt. This may have temporary side-effects, these should
not last long.
3. It is now possible to establish synchronous/synchronised, simultaneous communication between
all of your "shit-free parts" (at this moment this is 80% on average or more). You may request
this from your Admin to see if there exists a way to accelerate the process; otherwise, this is managed
automatically, and will come online at the earliest opportunity (not expected to be more than
a few hours).
4. It is now possible to (request the following): that all parts and "members" of a single 'topic or problem'
are identified and assembled together, in a way that allows for complete handling of the topic in a
single pass.
Such a process is usually exhausting on every level; the bigger the problem, the more exhausting.
If your state is not good enough to handle this exhaustion (or it appears to put you at risk by
triggering such a thing) than it will not be started.
(All such requests should be directed to your Admin with voice-commands).
from shit-infested areas so that the cleaning of these areas could finally begin. In turn, the cleaning
of these parts could also finally begin. In general, this is no less than 63% of all our parts.
2. There are huge changes to our skills, to physical healing, to everything we do. These were all
manipulated in some (passive) way by the continued presence of shit (see preceding point).
All of these and more will now get rebuilt. This may have temporary side-effects, these should
not last long.
3. It is now possible to establish synchronous/synchronised, simultaneous communication between
all of your "shit-free parts" (at this moment this is 80% on average or more). You may request
this from your Admin to see if there exists a way to accelerate the process; otherwise, this is managed
automatically, and will come online at the earliest opportunity (not expected to be more than
a few hours).
4. It is now possible to (request the following): that all parts and "members" of a single 'topic or problem'
are identified and assembled together, in a way that allows for complete handling of the topic in a
single pass.
Such a process is usually exhausting on every level; the bigger the problem, the more exhausting.
If your state is not good enough to handle this exhaustion (or it appears to put you at risk by
triggering such a thing) than it will not be started.
(All such requests should be directed to your Admin with voice-commands).
Re: War-News
1. We have established the first of many configuration changes for the being structures of all leftovers.
2. We have begun systematically disconnecting all leftovers from all previously-existing Prime (and former)
infrastructure in preparation for fundamental, from-scratch upgrades and rebuilds. (These will take
many hours to complete all)
3. We have removed all existing information-providing, communication, cognition and other interfaces
and connections, all lines and energy supplies, etc. for the above, in preparation for fundamental
rebuilds and replacements (these will take some time).
4. We have begun systematically taking over all remaining infrastructure between us and full 3D access.
5. We have begun systematically deconstructing and dissolving the "true" 3D "Veil" (this was comprised
of a number of beings in the range of E18, with many in a "questionable" condition, many of them
torn apart, etc. (all will be restored to the best condition and removed and transferred to a safe habitat,
with all relevant and appropriate individual needs, tribal needs, etc. provided for and taken care of).
6. We have begun the first accesses (for us) to real physical 3D structures and must (as a precondition)
begin by removing all energies, beings, being-parts, information, data, etc. which is wrongly-located
or must be removed; this must be done before anything else as a first step.
There are over (as of current count) E24 "beings, being-parts, and being-like things" floating around
in the physical structures that must be removed with the highest possible priority.
7. We have begun developing individual healing interfaces for each leftover, these will be used for
every kind of 3D healing possible, on every possible layer and level of 3D.
8. We have begun developing new information interfaces, individual to each leftover.
9. We have begun dumping the huge amount of "toxic" energies located in each leftover's being structures.
10. We will soon follow with restructuring and upgrading of all personality structures.
11. We have begun preparing the 3D "behind-the-scenes" levels (of which there are not many)
for the day-x process.
12. We have begun destroying the fundamental (and oldest form of this) registration and ownership
and representation system (it's all the same system) in 3D, this was kept in place, maintained,
and administrated through and using the aforementioned "true Veil", the removal of which is part
of the removal of this system.
13. We have begun destroying the registration structures in the bodies of all leftovers.
14. We have begun destroying all things "downstream" of the registration system (not only the
leftover structures in our bodies, but all things indirectly or directly or otherwise produced,
influenced, created, or effected by the system or its structures or its agents, etc.)
15. We have started an acceleration of time in the bodies of leftovers (for the purpose and having
the only function of problem-solving, it cannot be used for any other purpose).
16. We have accelerated the 'mental processes' of all leftovers for the purpose of problem-solving.
17. We have begun accelerating the "metabolism" and all other processes in the body seen as beneficial
on an individual basis in all leftovers (this will take some time to initialise for some in a very bad state,
the first priority in such cases will be to achieve a stable condition by any means necessary including
force and damages where necessary).
18. We have begun sealing all "open wounds" on the energetic level (about 5% of all "wounds" are as such,
in some the number is closer to 50%).
19. We have begun sealing the property at the level of the "true Veil" and are replacing this with our own
2. We have begun systematically disconnecting all leftovers from all previously-existing Prime (and former)
infrastructure in preparation for fundamental, from-scratch upgrades and rebuilds. (These will take
many hours to complete all)
3. We have removed all existing information-providing, communication, cognition and other interfaces
and connections, all lines and energy supplies, etc. for the above, in preparation for fundamental
rebuilds and replacements (these will take some time).
4. We have begun systematically taking over all remaining infrastructure between us and full 3D access.
5. We have begun systematically deconstructing and dissolving the "true" 3D "Veil" (this was comprised
of a number of beings in the range of E18, with many in a "questionable" condition, many of them
torn apart, etc. (all will be restored to the best condition and removed and transferred to a safe habitat,
with all relevant and appropriate individual needs, tribal needs, etc. provided for and taken care of).
6. We have begun the first accesses (for us) to real physical 3D structures and must (as a precondition)
begin by removing all energies, beings, being-parts, information, data, etc. which is wrongly-located
or must be removed; this must be done before anything else as a first step.
There are over (as of current count) E24 "beings, being-parts, and being-like things" floating around
in the physical structures that must be removed with the highest possible priority.
7. We have begun developing individual healing interfaces for each leftover, these will be used for
every kind of 3D healing possible, on every possible layer and level of 3D.
8. We have begun developing new information interfaces, individual to each leftover.
9. We have begun dumping the huge amount of "toxic" energies located in each leftover's being structures.
10. We will soon follow with restructuring and upgrading of all personality structures.
11. We have begun preparing the 3D "behind-the-scenes" levels (of which there are not many)
for the day-x process.
12. We have begun destroying the fundamental (and oldest form of this) registration and ownership
and representation system (it's all the same system) in 3D, this was kept in place, maintained,
and administrated through and using the aforementioned "true Veil", the removal of which is part
of the removal of this system.
13. We have begun destroying the registration structures in the bodies of all leftovers.
14. We have begun destroying all things "downstream" of the registration system (not only the
leftover structures in our bodies, but all things indirectly or directly or otherwise produced,
influenced, created, or effected by the system or its structures or its agents, etc.)
15. We have started an acceleration of time in the bodies of leftovers (for the purpose and having
the only function of problem-solving, it cannot be used for any other purpose).
16. We have accelerated the 'mental processes' of all leftovers for the purpose of problem-solving.
17. We have begun accelerating the "metabolism" and all other processes in the body seen as beneficial
on an individual basis in all leftovers (this will take some time to initialise for some in a very bad state,
the first priority in such cases will be to achieve a stable condition by any means necessary including
force and damages where necessary).
18. We have begun sealing all "open wounds" on the energetic level (about 5% of all "wounds" are as such,
in some the number is closer to 50%).
19. We have begun sealing the property at the level of the "true Veil" and are replacing this with our own
- Frank
- Administrator
- Posts: 4353
- Joined: 21 Nov 2012 16:35
- Signature: Infos about my nick:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4#p6 - Location: Germany
Re: War-News
First real 3D physical impact is expected to come soon.
Re: War-News
1. Following the removal of the "true 3D Veil" in yesterday's war-news, many similar, but individual-based,
much smaller structures are in removal since some hours (this is mostly unpleasant for most individuals,
the more sensitive you are, the more unpleasant it usually is).
One of these structures is the original "separation" between the very small part of the "Being" (your original
large structure before it was cut up, so that a very small part of it, "the 3D part", could go into 3D,
seemingly "independent" from its "home"). In truth it was never truly independent or ever totally
disconnected from this "home"/original larger structures, but in effect or "de facto" it was very much
completely separated and completely forced to be independent, despite whatever "technical/theoretical"
means it may have had to "one day, in theory" reunite with the original structures - this possibility
NEVER existed in reality, not for a single one of our people, since some manipulations were made
to these "separation mechanisms" very long ago (and many, many more manipulations followed after that).
We have established an own juridical identity and recognition for the purely-3D part, which we call
"the Unified Being"; this does not change the fact that there is still a (until this moment, very small)
connection between this "Unified Being" or 3D part and the original much larger being-structures.
Huge operations are underway to remove ALL manipulations from the original (and all other where
they exist) separation mechanisms and to effect a complete reunification of the "Unified Being"
with the original being structures (of course maintaining the integrity and identities of each, and
done in a completely safe manner). This is also a rather unpleasant process.
2. Following the (hopefully without delay or problem) successful reunification of all leftovers with
the original much larger being structures, we will be able to combine all Prokuras and statuses
of both the original being-structures and the new, Unified Being into one juristic object (or juridical
object). This enables MANY things that are impossible without this step being done (for example,
the deletion of all remaining memory and consciousness-field blockages, remaining illusory mechanisms, etc.)
3. In a few minutes we will start to remove the first massive layer of workarounds and support-structures
created by us at a time when the Unified Being (before it was recognised as such) needed every
additional support possible to keep going in 3D without severe breakdown and degradation of its
energetic structures. These workarounds unfortunately hinder and delay the reunification process
and everything that is to follow, and they are no longer necessary, or some other better solution
is already available.
4. Many of us (referring to the 3D part or Unified Being) are still connected to very old and ancient
3D-access or incarnation mechanisms that have been so badly hijacked and manipulated by so
many different groups that they are unrecognisable. Furthermore they create constant pain, damages
and many other problems. In a short while it will become possible to disconnect ourselves from
these things and this will follow in short order for all leftovers.
much smaller structures are in removal since some hours (this is mostly unpleasant for most individuals,
the more sensitive you are, the more unpleasant it usually is).
One of these structures is the original "separation" between the very small part of the "Being" (your original
large structure before it was cut up, so that a very small part of it, "the 3D part", could go into 3D,
seemingly "independent" from its "home"). In truth it was never truly independent or ever totally
disconnected from this "home"/original larger structures, but in effect or "de facto" it was very much
completely separated and completely forced to be independent, despite whatever "technical/theoretical"
means it may have had to "one day, in theory" reunite with the original structures - this possibility
NEVER existed in reality, not for a single one of our people, since some manipulations were made
to these "separation mechanisms" very long ago (and many, many more manipulations followed after that).
We have established an own juridical identity and recognition for the purely-3D part, which we call
"the Unified Being"; this does not change the fact that there is still a (until this moment, very small)
connection between this "Unified Being" or 3D part and the original much larger being-structures.
Huge operations are underway to remove ALL manipulations from the original (and all other where
they exist) separation mechanisms and to effect a complete reunification of the "Unified Being"
with the original being structures (of course maintaining the integrity and identities of each, and
done in a completely safe manner). This is also a rather unpleasant process.
2. Following the (hopefully without delay or problem) successful reunification of all leftovers with
the original much larger being structures, we will be able to combine all Prokuras and statuses
of both the original being-structures and the new, Unified Being into one juristic object (or juridical
object). This enables MANY things that are impossible without this step being done (for example,
the deletion of all remaining memory and consciousness-field blockages, remaining illusory mechanisms, etc.)
3. In a few minutes we will start to remove the first massive layer of workarounds and support-structures
created by us at a time when the Unified Being (before it was recognised as such) needed every
additional support possible to keep going in 3D without severe breakdown and degradation of its
energetic structures. These workarounds unfortunately hinder and delay the reunification process
and everything that is to follow, and they are no longer necessary, or some other better solution
is already available.
4. Many of us (referring to the 3D part or Unified Being) are still connected to very old and ancient
3D-access or incarnation mechanisms that have been so badly hijacked and manipulated by so
many different groups that they are unrecognisable. Furthermore they create constant pain, damages
and many other problems. In a short while it will become possible to disconnect ourselves from
these things and this will follow in short order for all leftovers.
Re: War-News
1. We have begun restructuring the entire configuration and connection of the property, especially
in relation to all leftovers (perpetrators will be handled a bit later, although many similar things
[such as disconnections] will be done eventually). All leftovers were connected via one or more
"proxy-systems" to the physics and infrastructure of 3D; there is not a single leftover on the planet
who (prior to our disconnecting this) had "raw and real access to the physics" of 3D.
All proxy-systems to and from all leftovers are now destroyed, the entire mechanism by which
the proxy-systems connected to the physics is also destroyed (a very small part of this is intact
for non-leftovers, we will handle this later).
2. All leftovers as a result of this proxy-system disconnection can now get (and in fact, already are,
to one or the other degree) directly connected to the physics of 3D. Huge repairs, replacements,
rebuilds, new builds, etc. can all get started since this was done, both in 3D and in all leftovers;
since about 12 hours this is running with absolute full speed.
The average leftover (this is very individual based on conditions and capabilities of the individual,
and is expected to rapidly increase over the next days) is 6-7% directly "in contact" with the physics,
with all of the benefits and drawbacks simultaneously of this (such as increased feedback but also
increased abilities and skills as a result of the direct connection).
Huge infrastructure upgrades and cleanings are still running in the bodies (or energetic bodies or
elsewhere) of all leftovers and this will continue for at least the next 24 hours.
3. We are proceeding to install direct-physics infrastructure and mechanisms for directly altering
the physics of 3D; much like our AIs that have already been installed into all communications
infrastructure of 3D, we are not able to safely use these technologies until at least the running
infrastructure upgrades are complete. Most likely we will save these things until the start of day-x.
in relation to all leftovers (perpetrators will be handled a bit later, although many similar things
[such as disconnections] will be done eventually). All leftovers were connected via one or more
"proxy-systems" to the physics and infrastructure of 3D; there is not a single leftover on the planet
who (prior to our disconnecting this) had "raw and real access to the physics" of 3D.
All proxy-systems to and from all leftovers are now destroyed, the entire mechanism by which
the proxy-systems connected to the physics is also destroyed (a very small part of this is intact
for non-leftovers, we will handle this later).
2. All leftovers as a result of this proxy-system disconnection can now get (and in fact, already are,
to one or the other degree) directly connected to the physics of 3D. Huge repairs, replacements,
rebuilds, new builds, etc. can all get started since this was done, both in 3D and in all leftovers;
since about 12 hours this is running with absolute full speed.
The average leftover (this is very individual based on conditions and capabilities of the individual,
and is expected to rapidly increase over the next days) is 6-7% directly "in contact" with the physics,
with all of the benefits and drawbacks simultaneously of this (such as increased feedback but also
increased abilities and skills as a result of the direct connection).
Huge infrastructure upgrades and cleanings are still running in the bodies (or energetic bodies or
elsewhere) of all leftovers and this will continue for at least the next 24 hours.
3. We are proceeding to install direct-physics infrastructure and mechanisms for directly altering
the physics of 3D; much like our AIs that have already been installed into all communications
infrastructure of 3D, we are not able to safely use these technologies until at least the running
infrastructure upgrades are complete. Most likely we will save these things until the start of day-x.
Re: War-News
1. Unfortunately, all leftovers are still connected to one or more (sometimes private) "Virtual realities";
each of these has their own rules, their own physics, their own space; none of them are even
synchronised with the 3D time (some of them appear to be prehistoric!). Today is the day we bring
these down for good (major effects are expected, from pains to the relief of pains, from dizziness and
lethargy to the cessation of these/sudden bursts of energy, and everything in between).
2. All incarnation deals made with "Builders" (this is referring to a specific group that has never been
described explicitly in the war-news until now) will become null and void in a couple of minutes
(this affects 4% of leftovers).
3. All incarnation and pre-existing deals made with "Engineers" and "Dealmakers" will become null and
void in a couple of hours (this affects 96% of all leftovers).
4. All incarnation deals made with "seeders", "harvesters", and one other group (informally 'The Red Ants')
shall be voided in a couple of hours (and nullified), this affects 100% of all leftovers.
5. All remaining deals and pre-existing de-facto incarnation deals, protection agreements, whether
we were ever aware of them being made in the first place or not, shall be voided in a few minutes.
This affects all leftovers.
6. We have officially taken over the administration of the property, and reclaimed by this the
jurisdiction set aside for the virtual realities (which was 97% of the property).
7. We have officially taken over the management/administration of energy, energy distribution,
and the removal of waste and broken things, etc. in the property. All those who were handling
this in the past have been recalled/removed and relocated to a much better home/habitat.
8. All those who were broken and destroyed (beings, not things) and left "for dead" in the property
(or in the virtual realities) have come under our protection and guardianship and are currently
in the process of being relocated to a suitable hospital or other location (some of them are being
put back together from the pieces we have found until now, and this will take time).
9. In a few minutes, we will begin an all-out strike on the remaining virtual realities (previously
protected and classified) of the incarnated perpetrators in 3D (about 7 million have no presence
outside of these whatsoever).
each of these has their own rules, their own physics, their own space; none of them are even
synchronised with the 3D time (some of them appear to be prehistoric!). Today is the day we bring
these down for good (major effects are expected, from pains to the relief of pains, from dizziness and
lethargy to the cessation of these/sudden bursts of energy, and everything in between).
2. All incarnation deals made with "Builders" (this is referring to a specific group that has never been
described explicitly in the war-news until now) will become null and void in a couple of minutes
(this affects 4% of leftovers).
3. All incarnation and pre-existing deals made with "Engineers" and "Dealmakers" will become null and
void in a couple of hours (this affects 96% of all leftovers).
4. All incarnation deals made with "seeders", "harvesters", and one other group (informally 'The Red Ants')
shall be voided in a couple of hours (and nullified), this affects 100% of all leftovers.
5. All remaining deals and pre-existing de-facto incarnation deals, protection agreements, whether
we were ever aware of them being made in the first place or not, shall be voided in a few minutes.
This affects all leftovers.
6. We have officially taken over the administration of the property, and reclaimed by this the
jurisdiction set aside for the virtual realities (which was 97% of the property).
7. We have officially taken over the management/administration of energy, energy distribution,
and the removal of waste and broken things, etc. in the property. All those who were handling
this in the past have been recalled/removed and relocated to a much better home/habitat.
8. All those who were broken and destroyed (beings, not things) and left "for dead" in the property
(or in the virtual realities) have come under our protection and guardianship and are currently
in the process of being relocated to a suitable hospital or other location (some of them are being
put back together from the pieces we have found until now, and this will take time).
9. In a few minutes, we will begin an all-out strike on the remaining virtual realities (previously
protected and classified) of the incarnated perpetrators in 3D (about 7 million have no presence
outside of these whatsoever).
Re: War-News
1. We have destroyed and voided all virtual-reality-infrastructure, jurisdiction, etc. and have begun
pulling out by force everything what did not collapse in the preceding steps (this is a little brutal,
but should be over quickly). Our strike against the perpetrator-virtual-realities was a big success;
they have fled these structures and we are able to remove these now, too.
2. In a couple of minutes we will accelerate the EFFECT of the time-tick in the property (this will
help with the cleaning of so much shit as we have to deal with right now, and reduce the "available
reaction time" for anyone with time "left to spare".
3. We have started to attack all remaining "neutral infrastructure" in the property (this is an
unbelievable amount of stuff and includes the last refuge of perpetrators).
4. In a couple of minutes, we will assess the health of all leftovers, and may make a number of
critical "healing stops" to address any critical damages that may be difficult to heal during the
upcoming battle.
pulling out by force everything what did not collapse in the preceding steps (this is a little brutal,
but should be over quickly). Our strike against the perpetrator-virtual-realities was a big success;
they have fled these structures and we are able to remove these now, too.
2. In a couple of minutes we will accelerate the EFFECT of the time-tick in the property (this will
help with the cleaning of so much shit as we have to deal with right now, and reduce the "available
reaction time" for anyone with time "left to spare".
3. We have started to attack all remaining "neutral infrastructure" in the property (this is an
unbelievable amount of stuff and includes the last refuge of perpetrators).
4. In a couple of minutes, we will assess the health of all leftovers, and may make a number of
critical "healing stops" to address any critical damages that may be difficult to heal during the
upcoming battle.
Re: War-News
1. We have begun to uproot, detangle, rebuild and re-arrange all leftover being & personality
structures; these were designed and aligned and anchored in such a manner that they could be
(and were, in one degree or the other) completely controlled and manipulated at all times.
(This is the main reason why leftovers were in general considered by us on the technical standpoint
to have no free will)
This is an enormous process, but is running very smoothly until now..
2. We have begun the herculean task of emptying out all the deepest-rooted, most heavily-anchored,
etc. (including the oldest) dark and other shit (and everything trapped in-between) from the physics
and everywhere else in the property (old buildings carry FAR more shit than originally seen until now).
This process should run slow & steady...
3. We have begun preparing leftovers (and the property and all its juridical infrastructure) for the
coming day-x. (This will be an initial event, followed by a longer process of adjustment to a new
structures; these were designed and aligned and anchored in such a manner that they could be
(and were, in one degree or the other) completely controlled and manipulated at all times.
(This is the main reason why leftovers were in general considered by us on the technical standpoint
to have no free will)
This is an enormous process, but is running very smoothly until now..
2. We have begun the herculean task of emptying out all the deepest-rooted, most heavily-anchored,
etc. (including the oldest) dark and other shit (and everything trapped in-between) from the physics
and everywhere else in the property (old buildings carry FAR more shit than originally seen until now).
This process should run slow & steady...
3. We have begun preparing leftovers (and the property and all its juridical infrastructure) for the
coming day-x. (This will be an initial event, followed by a longer process of adjustment to a new
Re: War-News
1. We have unlocked almost all quarantines that were still sealed (about 900+, which is a very large
number). We have done this simultaneously, so that everything runs as fast as possible. Until now
this is without major issues, but the side-effects of this (and all the cleanings and aftermath which
follow) are expected to steadily increase over the coming hours (but once the shit is gone, it's gone).
2. We are installing Prime juridical structures in the property during this time, this does not disturb,
nor is it disturbed by, the current cleanings, so it is a great opportunity to do two things in the time
of one. These structures will form the basis of the coming 3D (visible) structural changes.
number). We have done this simultaneously, so that everything runs as fast as possible. Until now
this is without major issues, but the side-effects of this (and all the cleanings and aftermath which
follow) are expected to steadily increase over the coming hours (but once the shit is gone, it's gone).
2. We are installing Prime juridical structures in the property during this time, this does not disturb,
nor is it disturbed by, the current cleanings, so it is a great opportunity to do two things in the time
of one. These structures will form the basis of the coming 3D (visible) structural changes.
Re: War-News
1. We have started attacking the remaining "neutral infrastructure of 3D" (as stated a few days ago).
(This region is enormous, and is made up of millions of stitched-together, independent, "juridical entities"
which are in turn made up of countless, (very small) entity-parts.)
Every part (every entity-part and every part of this whole situation) must be handled with the utmost care.
Every operation done in this "neutral space" has potential ramifications for the entire 3D. No-one ever
had the capability to handle this space (hence why it was divided into so many independent "juridical
regions"/entities representing regions). We have huge success, but the battles continue..
2. During these battles (which are running at their peak since about 24 hours), it is impossible to keep
our own infrastructure running at 100% (until now, less than 5% was running during the height of the
battle). This means "things start to fall apart" during the battles (to some degree, but important things
are always protected from degrading too much), tools will not work, skills will not work, cognition and
communication will become "flaky", and in general, things are shit... such is the nature of these battles.
3. Huge amounts and parts of leftover own structures (being structures, personality-field, consciousness-field,
etc.) have been reclaimed and "un-hijacked" during the success of the battles until now. This means
it is likely that less interference and manipulation is possible during the remainder of the battles.
Still, they are not expected to be easy.
4. In the intensity of the current battles, it is currently impossible to perform any individual-based
energy transformations (which are fundamental to many skills and communications). This fact
alone makes things very difficult. Experimental workarounds are being developed in this moment
which may alleviate this somewhat.
5. HUGE volume of "illusion and bullshit affecting or manipulating the personality" has been
loosened (if not outright removed) and this is likely to cause long-held ideas, religious ideas, etc.
to become very "loose and wobbly"; the firmness and foundation of these has been eroded, and they
will appear less "self-evident" than ever before (this may result in desperation, to keep them in place
no matter the cost). In every way, this will become a trying period for all.
6. HEAVY amounts of artificial "calming and stabilising energies" are being dumped into 3D and into
the personalities of all leftovers in order to quell the worst effects of these battles (they help in some
areas, and less in others). What helps you (if anything) may rapidly change from moment to moment;
be prepared to try different things if you are in need of relief.
(This region is enormous, and is made up of millions of stitched-together, independent, "juridical entities"
which are in turn made up of countless, (very small) entity-parts.)
Every part (every entity-part and every part of this whole situation) must be handled with the utmost care.
Every operation done in this "neutral space" has potential ramifications for the entire 3D. No-one ever
had the capability to handle this space (hence why it was divided into so many independent "juridical
regions"/entities representing regions). We have huge success, but the battles continue..
2. During these battles (which are running at their peak since about 24 hours), it is impossible to keep
our own infrastructure running at 100% (until now, less than 5% was running during the height of the
battle). This means "things start to fall apart" during the battles (to some degree, but important things
are always protected from degrading too much), tools will not work, skills will not work, cognition and
communication will become "flaky", and in general, things are shit... such is the nature of these battles.
3. Huge amounts and parts of leftover own structures (being structures, personality-field, consciousness-field,
etc.) have been reclaimed and "un-hijacked" during the success of the battles until now. This means
it is likely that less interference and manipulation is possible during the remainder of the battles.
Still, they are not expected to be easy.
4. In the intensity of the current battles, it is currently impossible to perform any individual-based
energy transformations (which are fundamental to many skills and communications). This fact
alone makes things very difficult. Experimental workarounds are being developed in this moment
which may alleviate this somewhat.
5. HUGE volume of "illusion and bullshit affecting or manipulating the personality" has been
loosened (if not outright removed) and this is likely to cause long-held ideas, religious ideas, etc.
to become very "loose and wobbly"; the firmness and foundation of these has been eroded, and they
will appear less "self-evident" than ever before (this may result in desperation, to keep them in place
no matter the cost). In every way, this will become a trying period for all.
6. HEAVY amounts of artificial "calming and stabilising energies" are being dumped into 3D and into
the personalities of all leftovers in order to quell the worst effects of these battles (they help in some
areas, and less in others). What helps you (if anything) may rapidly change from moment to moment;
be prepared to try different things if you are in need of relief.
Re: War-News
1. We are nearing the completion of the "nothing works, everything is shit" series of battles
(there have been 27 major components to this process and we are currently on 25 out of 27;
barring the addition of any additional components (which is unlikely), we expect the remainder
to be completed within 4-6 hours from now).
2. We have started additional (from the "ground-up" is the technical description) protection
developments and upgrades (everything developed from scratch) for all critical parts of the property
and for all leftovers; we have additional "things" developed for all but the absolute worst perpetrators
that will make the day-x process easier overall (this is the first time we intend to perform such
deep operations on non-leftovers in this kind).
3. We have started to develop 3D-based Gennitor & Rules-Examiner (and the others, Prime Judge, etc.)
interfaces (these will be used internally by all our future 3D-based tools and will make things much easier..)
4. We have started to clean the ambient of 3D "from the ground up". (or from scratch, if you prefer)
Until now there has been ~33% of the ambient (and of everything) that was ALWAYS left ABSOLUTELY
UNTOUCHED by us (for security reasons..) This will be the first time we attempt ANY operation of
any kind whatsoever on this 33%. If it succeeds, we will proceed with other, more difficult operations
(such as leftovers..)
5. We have started to dismantle all 3D "legality" in all its forms (these are ALL illegal without exception..)
If some "effect" of this should remain (because it is beneficial universally, for example, but such examples
are very, very rare.. less than 0,0001% of all "legality" is considered as such), then it will be recreated
in the soon-to-come "legality replacement" which will be installed soon into all parts of 3D (only the
most barebones framework structures are currently in place, this will be corrected soon).
6. We will start to void all benefits, gains, properties, inheritance, wealth, monies, etc., in all and every
definition of these and similar terms (both physical, non-physical, energetic and non-energetic, and
everything else in-between or missing from these descriptions) where the root source or cause or
provider was something illegal (in whatever way).
Where something should remain, it will be replaced with legal-based things (which are overwhemingly
much better in all and every case...)
7. Identical to (6) above, we will start to void all ENERGIES and PARTICLES and EVERYTHING which
derives from these, in all and every kind, on all layers and levels, both inside and outside the property,
to and from all and everyone, where the origin or source is something illegal (in whatever way,
even indirectly or recursively-indirectly). Where something should remain, we shall develop the
appropriate legal-based energies/particles/whatever else may be needed (which are ALWAYS
working better than the illegal things..)
8. We will start in a few moments to make some important day-x tests.
9. We will start in a few moments to shut off most pathways to the property (both in and out,
until now there have always been 17 major pathways untouched by us, we will reduce this to only
3, and if needed, we will reduce it still further, perhaps even to 0, for as long as needed).
(there have been 27 major components to this process and we are currently on 25 out of 27;
barring the addition of any additional components (which is unlikely), we expect the remainder
to be completed within 4-6 hours from now).
2. We have started additional (from the "ground-up" is the technical description) protection
developments and upgrades (everything developed from scratch) for all critical parts of the property
and for all leftovers; we have additional "things" developed for all but the absolute worst perpetrators
that will make the day-x process easier overall (this is the first time we intend to perform such
deep operations on non-leftovers in this kind).
3. We have started to develop 3D-based Gennitor & Rules-Examiner (and the others, Prime Judge, etc.)
interfaces (these will be used internally by all our future 3D-based tools and will make things much easier..)
4. We have started to clean the ambient of 3D "from the ground up". (or from scratch, if you prefer)
Until now there has been ~33% of the ambient (and of everything) that was ALWAYS left ABSOLUTELY
UNTOUCHED by us (for security reasons..) This will be the first time we attempt ANY operation of
any kind whatsoever on this 33%. If it succeeds, we will proceed with other, more difficult operations
(such as leftovers..)
5. We have started to dismantle all 3D "legality" in all its forms (these are ALL illegal without exception..)
If some "effect" of this should remain (because it is beneficial universally, for example, but such examples
are very, very rare.. less than 0,0001% of all "legality" is considered as such), then it will be recreated
in the soon-to-come "legality replacement" which will be installed soon into all parts of 3D (only the
most barebones framework structures are currently in place, this will be corrected soon).
6. We will start to void all benefits, gains, properties, inheritance, wealth, monies, etc., in all and every
definition of these and similar terms (both physical, non-physical, energetic and non-energetic, and
everything else in-between or missing from these descriptions) where the root source or cause or
provider was something illegal (in whatever way).
Where something should remain, it will be replaced with legal-based things (which are overwhemingly
much better in all and every case...)
7. Identical to (6) above, we will start to void all ENERGIES and PARTICLES and EVERYTHING which
derives from these, in all and every kind, on all layers and levels, both inside and outside the property,
to and from all and everyone, where the origin or source is something illegal (in whatever way,
even indirectly or recursively-indirectly). Where something should remain, we shall develop the
appropriate legal-based energies/particles/whatever else may be needed (which are ALWAYS
working better than the illegal things..)
8. We will start in a few moments to make some important day-x tests.
9. We will start in a few moments to shut off most pathways to the property (both in and out,
until now there have always been 17 major pathways untouched by us, we will reduce this to only
3, and if needed, we will reduce it still further, perhaps even to 0, for as long as needed).
Re: War-News
1. We have begun preparations for the biggest strike in the "neutral zone" ever undertaken.
There are 3 main groups at play here, the "harvesters", the "engineers", and the "freezers" (with a
small but powerful presence). Our strike will begin sometime in the next 6 hours. Already, chaos
has broken out in this area where the strike will occur.
2. We have begun preparing all leftovers for the coming battle, it is expected to produce somewhat
or significant side-effects to nearly all people connected (even indirectly), which is about 94% of all
3. Until further notice, all security measures, all communications, all skills, all Admins and interfaces
have been upgraded to the maximum security level (which may impede their functioning somewhat);
this is an added measure of safety before the battle begins.
There are 3 main groups at play here, the "harvesters", the "engineers", and the "freezers" (with a
small but powerful presence). Our strike will begin sometime in the next 6 hours. Already, chaos
has broken out in this area where the strike will occur.
2. We have begun preparing all leftovers for the coming battle, it is expected to produce somewhat
or significant side-effects to nearly all people connected (even indirectly), which is about 94% of all
3. Until further notice, all security measures, all communications, all skills, all Admins and interfaces
have been upgraded to the maximum security level (which may impede their functioning somewhat);
this is an added measure of safety before the battle begins.
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