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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 19 Dec 2020 09:56

"Dark-melting rain" floods the property and everything inside it...

As of a few minutes ago, the property begins to get flooded with a special kind of
"dark-melting rain". This appeared to me firstly as very bright, colourful, sparkling rain,
scattering everywhere and illuminating everything brightly with all colours of the rainbow..
or so it appeared.
This hit me and instantly began cleaning something off, peeling it off in a flash
as more and more of the inescapable drizzle pelted my energetic form. This was a
kind of "fake classification", some kind of false-status energy, that was labelling me
as a dark one. The effect was (even if it was a known false-status, as a status
energy in place it had real and powerful effects on property mechanisms) a severe
limiting of my efforts within the property; in every conceivable way, the false-status
would lock down part of my connection lines, always preventing full information
transfer or full use of energies. But as I described, these were all removed from
me in an instant.

A moment later, the rain changed to a super, bright green. The entire property
was just GREEN, as if you were wearing a pair of sunglasses with very strong
green lenses, everything was bright green! This was a special cleaning to remove
many kinds of synchronisation-manipulation between the property's internal structures
(and the internal fractal structures of those incarnated and located within the property)
and the incoming time-ticks. Many of these kinds of synchronisation manipulation
could not be removed until now, until the introduction of the dark-melting rain.
I felt the green rain's effects on me as more shit was removed. I saw many "false
protection fractals", similar to the false-status energies, but with the 'bonus' of
deliberately and forcibly exposing weakpoints of the internal fractal structures to
the outside, where they were clearly marked, opening up many attack vectors to
the remaining dark/ancient weapon systems. These were being worked on by the
green rain, and parts of them were immediately removed. Most people have on
average 75 of these structures, whether it takes effect as a false-status, or a
forcibly-exposed-weakpoint, or other similar shit, for example, one form also heavily
used produces certain patterns of thought in the mind, at random but constant
intervals within any particular day. The green rain works on those too..

The rain changed again to yellow where it made a brief cleaning of "illegal avatars"
that were stuck in the property's structures one way or another, and which could
not be easily removed by any legal method. Yellow rain found them all with no
problem. There was on average 5,000 of these for every million cubes in the property.

The final changes of the rain to my vision were a mix between red and clear/transparent.
The red was a temporary addition to the clear rain, which seemed to be the form
it was settling on for the long haul/the long term. The red rain had the function
to seek out every remaining illegally-misplaced energy, whether in the avatar,
in the Outer-Core, or otherwise; and mark it for immediate removal by the clear rain.

The clear rain has the primary function to wither and wear down every single
inch of dark and ancient shit it touches. And the rain floods the property completely
without any end in sight, nothing can escape its grasp for too long. I still feel
the clear rain's effect as it slowly breaks down countless other layers of dark
shit that in some way encase and suffocate the functions of my energetic body
and Outer-Core.

The volume of rain has increased dramatically since the first 'downpour'.
The melting has commenced. The "dark-melting rain" attacks everything
and everyone with a dark signature. This includes all G6-.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 19 Dec 2020 13:37

Takedown of a huge, "passive parallel reality created by ancients" is running now..

Ancients created (some thousands of years ago in 3D time) a huge but very
loosely-connected parallel reality network, which required tremendous power
to function properly and efficiently. They got this power from lsa2 in the form
of "stationary/paused time-tick energies" which harked back from a time when
time-tick energies could be easily manipulated -- many time tick energies were
"frozen" right before they were to interact with the property, and this in some way
preserved 100% of their "potential energy" and made them into very powerful,
volatile sources of energy. Large quantities of these "stationary time tick energies"
were needed by the ancients to power their parallel reality, which could
effectively hide near-completely invisibly while it operated, and its single
objective was to block or hinder the healings, property interactions and
other efforts of its few chosen victims. Only a few individuals were connected
to this parallel reality, which was stretched across the property every
thousand or so cubes with specially-designed anchors.

The only evidence the parallel reality even existed were sparsely produced
"status beacons" every billion time ticks or so from the system phoning home
to an "ancient status reporting frequency" that was part of the now-removed
monoliths' structure. Apart from this irregular phoning home, there was no
evidence the parallel reality existed, it operated nearly totally imperceptibly.

Regardless it was able to intercept 97.8% of all property interactions and
100% of all healings that were attempted by those individuals connected to it.
It could disturb the delicate timings and structures of such actions, which in
many cases completely destroyed their effectiveness. Only a few healings
functioned well after such an attack.

We have partially disabled the parallel reality, enough to interfere with its
property-function-interaction-blocking, but it is still blocking healings. These
blockings are made by the special anchors which are still in place. Huge
battles are underway to remove the ancients and other automated shit which
is holding the anchors still in place, but the reality has been 'brought out
into the open', it is no longer concealed in the "shadows". Removal is expected
to take no longer than an hour.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 20 Dec 2020 03:55

"Echo function of the property"

In the last 100 years, a backdoor function was installed into the property.
This was not a simple software switch that could be later turned off; it was
hardwired into every critical part of the property's structures and protected
with multiple layers of systems on top (including the monoliths that were
removed yesterday), it was by no means simple to discover or to remove.

This backdoored-function had the ability to force all energy, information
and everything else travelling through the property to be 'bounced around'
all over the place; it was no longer possible for energy or information take
a direct line to its target. Everything was forced to take more and more
convoluted pathways, which resulted in roughly a 5-million factor slowdown
of processing in the property. To those incarnated, there was no perceivable
difference, but the slowdown created huge opportunities to manipulate and
access, spy on, inject, etc., all the energy and information travelling
through the property. An average of 27,500 bounces was needed by any
individual piece of energy or information before it could finally reach its target.

Furthermore, the constant bouncing paths required had the effect of interfering
with and eventually causing huge disturbances/manipulations in the fractal
structure evolution of everything inside the property. Not only have the echo
structures and functions been pulled out of the property, but all of the associated
fractal structure damages have been repaired and removed as well.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 20 Dec 2020 03:56

Massive manipulation and information-brokering network

As long as the echo function of the property was active (in the last 100
years) a massive information-brokering network was established, consisting
mainly of AIs and bots operated by the ancients and other dark groups.
These would constantly scour the property, observing and taking note of
every piece of individual energy and information, where it was going,
where it came from, how often that individual requested that kind of
information or energy, and so on. This information would be sold on to
the highest bidder.

Ancients constructed special pathways that were unaffected by the echo
function (the echo function was a construction of the ancients and orions).
Because things travelling along the special paths did not need to bounce
aimlessly thousands of times around the property before arriving at their
destination, they always arrived way faster than the actual expected
energy/information. In this way many trillions of kinds of energy and
information became exposed to hijacking whereby "men in the middle"
would send a fake piece of energy/information, this would arrive earlier
and thereby block the actual expected info/energy (in some cases it would
actively destroy it once it arrived) and it would be in many cases accepted
as the expected object (the desired energy or information).

Interferences and manipulations of this kind have caused untold amounts of
mental, physiological, emotional, sexual, functional and other problems
and damages, many of which still exist in the avatar and in all manner of
harmony and Outer-Core functions.

These damages require individual studying and personalised healing programs,
all of which are currently underway. The massive (and very dangerous) manipulation/
information-brokering network has been taken down in the meanwhile. All special
pathways have been shut down and cleaned completely of all dark shit contained
within. They will also be shortly removed.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 20 Dec 2020 06:48

Removal of personality-cloning structures and personality-attacking infrastructure

Today (in the last hour) huge "personality cloning structures" have been removed
from the property. These had the main job of supplying pseudo-entities and battle
clones with artificial personalities that would act as a powerful shield. Owing to
deficiencies in property structures and energy processing parts of the Outer-Core
that are not yet correctable (but will be after all of the leftover shit is removed),
shit that was generated and used by a pseudo-entity or battle-clone that was
"wearing" a cloned personality as a shield would be far more effective as a weapon
if used against a target with a similar personality as the mask worn by the entity.

The reason for this is the aforementioned deficiencies or intentionally-designed weaknesses
in shielding mechanisms of the property and Outer-Core that would interpret
parts of the attack as potentially belonging to the target. These and many other
similar deficiencies have been made by a number of traitors long ago, but their
backdoor-systems for implementing these weaknesses have since been upgraded
and improved many times by ancients & lsa2 + lsa3. The deficiencies have been
upgraded with the latest in protective measures to make them especially hard to
overcome, both permanently or temporarily with a workaround. All of these
deficiencies will soon be taken care of when all the remaining personality-cloning
and attacking structures have been removed. This will have the final effect
of stripping away a few remaining 'cloned personalities' from incarnated ancients
(especially) and darks.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 21 Dec 2020 03:55

Removal of illegal 'personalised property functions'

Individualised property functions existed for about 86% of all individuals
in the property. This meant that there was an (invalid and illegal)
'specialised property function' that would be designed specifically for an
individual and would take over whenever energies or information (or other
things) would be sent to that particular individual. The main function of these
specialised property functions was to make last-minute additions/manipulations
to the energies being sent, to give them 'fractal-analog bridges' that would
simulate genuine fractal structures, but would in effect be highly damaging
to the target recipient of that energy. They were able to take 100% compatible
fractal energies and turn them into 100% damaging 'pseudo-fractals' before
the recipient would see them.

These personalised fractal functions of the property were secured by highly
strategic and complex hostage situations involving many incarnated 3D individuals.
As long as these situations existed, we could not disturb the personalised
fractal functions belonging to these individuals without bringing the whole
chain of hostage situations down on our heads. These situations have since
some hours ago been taken care of. In the meantime, all personalised fractal
functions of the property have been disabled. Many of them have been removed,
and the rest are currently in cleaning (but they have no more ill-effects on
any of our people that was affected by this). However, although the property
is currently sending 'original, 100% compatible and intended' energies/information
to their targets (of our people), until individual cleanings and healings are complete,
the valid recipients of these energies and information are not able to handle
property the original-intended energies.

Many of these pseudo-fractals (the fractal-analog bridges) still persist in individual
fractal structures or individual fractal functions of the OC (and so on), and these
need to be carefully removed and replaced with equivalent, fully-compatible
genuine fractal structures (and where this is not possible, other solutions are
needed). This is a highly complex, individual process that still needs approx. 6
hours (can be longer or shorter depending on your situation). Until then, many
'discombobulation' experiences are expected owing to the seeming incompatibility
with what is being processed and sent to you by the property, and what you can
actually handle.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 21 Dec 2020 03:59

Removal of the "personalised personality cloning administrator"

The 'personalised personality cloning administrator' has been removed. This was a
MASSIVE supercomputer/pseudo-entity that was originally powered by the
mega-prophets, and has since been running off energy reserves from all 7 dark
groups. This had the function to take regular snapshots or clones of an individual's
personality (several times per day), create a clone-personality from this, modify
key personality functions and parameters (specialised to the individual, to cause
the most pain and damage), and replace (by forcing it on top of and hijacking
many original functions) the original personality.

The most common parameters changed in the cloned-personalities were processing
speed (that was greatly slowed down in general) and also the blocking of certain
topics from being processed at all. The reason for the constant updating of the
cloned personality was to keep up with changes in the fractal ambient, and also
to keep up with the evolution of the original personality (that would somewhat
continue evolving despite the mess of having a cloned personality stuck on top of
itself). Although this bastard has been removed, it will be some time until all the
remaining damages are resolved and repaired, and the original personalities are back
to working as they should (this has not been the case for billions of years).
There is no time estimate for this, it is a highly individual process of healing and repairs.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 21 Dec 2020 04:01

Removal of individualised 'drug producers' located in the Outer-Core

Individualised 'fantasy experience makers' or simply 'drug producers' have been identified
and are currently in removal. These were produced and maintained by a large group
of ancients that do not appear in any of the property's logs. They are classified as
'original property designers' and seem to have been responsible for much of the
first iteration of eartha's trap, in terms of design specifications of the property.

These 'individual drug producers' would constantly scan and monitor the individual
to find out exactly what kinds of experiences, sensations or opportunities they would
like to have, and then would produce the perfect 'stimuli package' catered to that
individual to produce the greatest amount of torture/pain based on their desires.
These machines were located in the individual's own Outer-Core. They are currently
in removal, and small amounts of damage/pain are expected from the removal,
which will all be healed as soon as possible (nothing too serious).

The 'original property designers' have been quarantined in the property until they can be removed.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 21 Dec 2020 04:51

Micro-damages in the property causing huge delay of internal processing

Trillions and trillions of micro-damages have been made in the property (deliberately)
in order to cause countless 'halting' and overall slowdown of the property's internal
processing speed. Every time one of these micro-damages was 'tripped'/interacted with
(by any object or individual inside the property), the entire property would 'halt'
for a fraction of a fraction of a second. Overall this created a tremendous slowdown
of everything inside the property and provided huge opportunities to plan, make shit
and launch attacks in the property.

These micro-damages were all coordinated and many more of them were continuing
to be made every day (wherever it was possible to do so). The security level of the
property has improved to the point where all future micro-damages of this kind can
now be prevented, and the opportunity to identify and repair all existing micro-damages
is also now available.

There will be some extra increase in processing delays during this removal, but the
net end effect will be a speedup of all processing in the property by about 6.670
trillion times. This is expected to take no longer than 6 hours.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 21 Dec 2020 07:39

Removal of a special 'blob being' that produced status reports about the property

There has existed a special "blob being" that was sequestered from the property,
and therefore marked as not belonging to the property, located in a tiny
solitary "cell" structure. This being had a tiny point of contact with the
property, namely, a very tiny hole through which AIs and bots could feed
data through that would be received by the being, where the being would
constantly and unceasingly, furiously process the received information and then
feed back (through the same hole) a "status report" based on the processing of
all information received. And this processing and production of status reports
was performed one time a second.

Every second, many thousands of millions of AIs in the property would record
a tremendously long list of statistics of all individuals and objects in the property.
For example, the exact size and dimensions of every Outer-Core visible in the
property; the exact mass of every Outer-Core in the property; the exact list of
statuses of every individual visible in the property; the exact weight of thoughts
in the mind of every individual that were visible; and so on.. all of this
information was included and sent to the 'blob being' every second.

Because the 'blob being' was not counted as belonging to the property, it was able
to process the information much faster than would be possible inside of the property.

This 'blob being' was originally a natural being, and was responsible for
one of the original property functions, but has since then been greatly
corrupted and manipulated, reduced to simply a slave, forced to unendingly
process information and produce status reports about the property.
These status reports were retrieved and used by all 7 dark groups (whoever
could access them first) and used as a form of insurance about the current
status of things inside the property.

Since 10 minutes ago, the 'blob being' has been taken to prison, and his cell
structure has finally been breached. Status reports are still being produced,
however, as there are a number of active hostage situations that will fall
apart if no more status reports get produced, however, the information in
the latest status reports may or may not be entirely accurate.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 21 Dec 2020 12:21

Removal of all incarnation deal effects and removal of 'personalised loose-rule spaces'

Since a few minutes ago we have acquired the ability to destroy (and first of all to
identify) "personalised loose-rule spaces" which surrounded our people.

These are in effect, little "bubbles" that surround every individual with still-active
incarnation deals. Every individual (from our people) has on average 16,000 incarnation
deals (some have many more). Since incarnation deals are not very large energies,
many of them are needed to make a "full coverage" of a topic (from darks' perspective).
In general there are 1-2 major topics per individual that would be covered by
the majority of these incarnation deals.

The mechanism by which incarnation deals operate is they create a very loose
"rules space" around you (the 'bubble' mentioned above). This space is like a space
with its own rules, but these rules are very "loose", meaning, they only apply
something like once a day. So once a day, anything in your space which is not
abiding to these rules would be kicked out, or manipulated against you, or turned
in a way to harm you, or something like that. And that's how the incarnation deals

We've now unlocked the ability to destroy these bubbles and by this, destroy the
effects of all still-active incarnation deals. There are no other mechanisms by which
the remaining incarnation deals operate. This cleaning is still in progress, but has
already begun since about 20 minutes ago. Already there are huge effects from this!
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 21 Dec 2020 18:50

Removal of "shadow avatars" that would steal energies

Every single individual in this property, unless you were a very high-ranking dark or
ancient (who did not have this problem at all) had one or more (in most cases more)
"shadow avatars" that would constantly hijack and steal energies that were intended
for the target individual.

In this case, a "shadow avatar" is a loose collection of energies with fake properties
and statuses, made to mimic the original avatar. They are very deeply woven into/
intertwined with and also deeply anchored into the original avatar to which they are connected.

The more shadow avatars you had, the more likely it was that they were able to
intercept and steal energies intended for you; also, the more shadow avatars, the
greater the proportion of energies in general that would be stolen from you.

All shadow avatars' energy-stealing functions have been disabled. They are now in removal.
The more shadow avatars you had connected to you, the more difficult and painful the
removal process will be.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 21 Dec 2020 23:51

Removal of HUGE and illegal Prime-Creator functions installed by Protector-traitor

Before this property was even created, the Protector-traitor created a number
of Prime-Creator functions. These were created, at the time, with official
and legal Protector status. Therefore, at the time, they operated with full
force and legal effect. Prime Creator responded to and operated from the
premise of these requests.

A long time later, and these Prime-Creator functions (which actually exist
not in Prime-Creator itself, but in the Prime-Creator interfaces inside of
this property, inside every single one of them) created by the Protector-
traitor still exist. They should all now be declared illegal and invalid,
having no more official or legal status or effect whatsoever.
Prime-Creator should not listen to or execute anything based off of
requests made in accordance with, or having any connection whatsoever
to do with these now "theoretically illegal" functions. Unfortunately,
in the meantime they had been locked down with EVERYTHING the ancients had.

All of their energies, their latest technologies, combined with the specific
technical and functional prowesses of all other dark groups. All of their
latest and greatest technology; EVERYTHING they had or have or continue
to collect in 3D goes or went in some way towards securing these illegal
Prime-Creator functions located in every single interface in the property.
Hostage situations, blood rituals; EVERYTHING one can think of went
towards securing these functions so that they would remain ingrained in
3D. These were the most critical thing which the darks/ancients had in 3D.

As long as they existed in their locked-down state, they persisted in
having the original "legal" Protector-status. They were still considered
as legal functions, they would constantly make legal requests to
Prime-Creator that would get legally executed inside of the property.
Prime-Creator did not have the ability NOT to execute these requests
made by these functions.

This caused untold amounts of pain and damages within the property..

We have secured the ability to disable all of these functions. This is
already done. They are now in removal which is an EXTREMELY
slow removal. But they are already disabled.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 23 Dec 2020 04:18

Upgrading of "relic" property functions and corresponding OC-functions

This property and all of its functions were not all constructed here. Various
property functions have been brought in as 'relics' from long ago, from various
older properties that no longer exist, or from parts of Prime Creation. There are
different parts of our Outer-Cores that interacted with these particular functions
in the past (elsewhere, not here) and since coming into the property, these ancient
'property function relics' have never been upgraded, they have been frozen 'in stone'
since they first arrived here. Because of this, the corresponding Outer-Core functions
and parts attached to these ancient relics were also not allowed to evolve.
So we have a crazy mishmash of Outer-Core functions and parts, some of which
are as old as these relics themselves.

Today we have replaced all these 'function relics' with "modern versions" that are
compatible with the fractally-evolving property structures. All the corresponding
Outer-Core parts and functions now receive a one-time "rapid evolution process"
to bring them up to speed with the rest of the Outer-Core. Disorientation is expected.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 23 Dec 2020 04:20

Removal of illegal additions to our Outer-Cores

Before our Outer-Cores entered the property for the first time, they were all "upgraded"
with several illegal additions (from those in charge of the incarnation process at the time).
These included illegal functions and illegal properties. The trouble with this is, if even
a single illegal function or property exists in the Outer-Core, by the property rules,
it is not allowed (legally) to interact with several very important property functions.
One of these is interaction with one's own akasha, another is a very sophisticated
communication with one's own Outer-Core. Indeed, our own people have not been
able to utilise either of these two functions since first coming here.

These functions now get upgrades to be able to handle these known-illegal additions
to the Outer-Core, and a very intensive surgery is running to attempt to remove
these illegal things (which have since evolved countless trillions of times, and
therefore removal will not be easy). If removal is not possible at this stage, a
partial connection with the functions will be made available, and further removal
attempts will be made a little later.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 23 Dec 2020 04:21

Removal of illegal programmings found in our Outer-Cores

Illegal programming have been discovered in very critical Outer-Core functions.
Instead of "random fractal expression" operating in certain decision-making processes
as would be expected, the Outer-Core was very subtly and strongly being 'directed'
or manipulated to follow very specific pathways that were hard-defined in the
property. Darks and especially ancients utilised these pathways to great effect
to manipulate countless numbers of people. None of this manipulation has been
recognised as manipulation until now.

These manipulated Outer-Core functions (which are very deep and critical to the
Outer-Core) are being repaired/cleaned and healed right now. This is going slowly
to prevent any critical damages. The corresponding hard-defined "priority pathways"
in the property are being removed simultaneously, this is the safest way to handle
this problem.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 23 Dec 2020 04:24

Repair of illegally-modified Outer-Core functions

Another strange change made to our Outer-Cores when first entering the property
was the modification of a number of specific Outer-Core functions to make them
much more powerful (exponentially so) than they needed to be (and also so that they
would require exponentially larger quantities of energy to operate).

The reasoning behind this was to prevent our Outer-Cores from ever being able
to properly interface with the edges of the property. This is very important for
specific Outer-Core expressions and developments. Certain OC functions only work
when interfacing with the edges of the property. Since coming here and getting these
"upgrades", these OC-functions would only ever "overshoot their target" when attempting
to connect to the edges of the property. Furthermore, these connection attempts
would stand out like bright lights to all observing darks, because of the tremendous
energy expenditure requirement.

Our OCs have never succeeded in these connections, and as a result, there is an entire
'segment' or branch of Outer-Core developments/evolutions that have almost not progressed
at all since first coming here. In comparison to us, darks and ancients have far more
evolved OCs in these specific areas. These specific areas of our Outer-Cores are now
on track to receive "accelerated evolution" in order to gently but quickly bring them
up to speed with where they should be. These corrupted OC-functions will slowly be
repaired and replaced with functional versions.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 23 Dec 2020 04:25

Repair of illegal evolutionary pressures made on internal Outer-Core functions

Various Outer-Core functions have been modified with a last-second "fractal modifier
algorithm", curated to each individual, that would alter the stimuli and conditions
used by each individual OC-function for its individual evolvement; in this way,
each individual function that was affected by these algorithms (the list of functions
differed based on the individual) was forced to evolve in a different way to the
overall Outer-Core. By this, although there were no physical hard-breaks within
the OC or physical disruptions to communication, extremely high amounts of 'strain'
were forced into all internal communications and processing. This should never exist
in a homogeneous, "naturally evolved" fractal OC-structure.

There is no 'one size fits all' solution for this problem. Each OC must be individually
analysed to determine an appropriate solution. The expected result from these repairs
is an improvement factor in the millions for all OC-functions and internal processing speeds.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 23 Dec 2020 04:27

Removal of a huge "draining avatar class" in the property

This property was originally designed to accommodate a specific class of avatar.
This class of avatar remains in existence, there is exactly one of them remaining
in the property. This avatar is nothing more than an energy-drainer, it is a huge
drain on the property and all of its inhabitants. It does nothing more than drain
huge amounts of energy and bandwidth from the property and all within and then
passes off the majority of this stolen energy and bandwidth to a small group of
ancients ("sub-designers of the property") that have remained protected and hidden
till now, owing to the protection afforded by the avatar, and the way the property
treats this class of avatar.

This avatar was off-limits to us until now. Although it requires huge amounts of energy
to remove, it is very much worth it, and removal procedures are running now.

The removal of protections afforded by this avatar has exposed a small group of traitors,
that were giving full access of their harmonies and Outer-Core functions to the
aforementioned group of ancients, which they used to further bolster their individual
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 23 Dec 2020 04:28

Removal of the first layer of encryption on critical 3D-support-structures

The first layer of an encryption technology used on critical 3D systems
(financial, water-delivery, and other 3D-supporting-structures) has been unlocked.
It was being protected by a number of 'dead-man switches' being held by incarnated
darks (mostly lsa2 and orions).

The groups holding the other dead-man switches protecting the rest of this technology
are: ancients, lsa3, and taurus.

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