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Re: War-News

Unread postby Frank » 23 Dec 2020 06:56

About an hour ago our healings restarted again.
All healings were off for about 9 days.
The cleanings and battles in the last 9 days were
too big to do healings.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 23 Dec 2020 10:30

Removal of entities fused into property structures

Ancient experiments to fuse entities into the property have been
uncovered. Many elements that were previously classified as parts
of the property or "dead and useless property energies" have been
revealed to belong to these experiments. Many of these fused-in
entities have hidden functions that do not activate until triggered.
These functions are not synchronised with time-ticks so they are much
more difficult to detect than normal actions taken in the property.

One example of such a function is subtly rearranging the space and
energies within the property to promote a much higher level of
energetical activity (which translates directly into energies received)
around ancient-controlled areas in the property. Many other hidden
functions have been discovered, and all of these fused-in entities
are now being forcibly removed from the property structures.

When this cleaning is complete, the property will need a huge upgrade
to account for all the damages taken during this cleaning.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 24 Dec 2020 12:59

Removal of 'base energies design limitation'

The property in its original design has a large design limitation:
Many critical functions and all energy inputs and outputs made by the
property have to be of base energy size. This is very large by today's
technological standards and a very unnecessary requirement; however,
despite all the illegal moves made by darks & ancients since the property's
existence, many of the property's most critical functions were never
manipulated or replaced to work with other energy types or sizes than
base energies.

Most of the illegal uses of other kinds of energies within the property
neglected these critical functions of the property and focused on internal
energy uses and processing within the property (such as within darks'
Outer-Cores or within dark avatars).

Today the property received a tremendous and much-needed upgrade
to its critical structures and functions to allow for using many more
sizes and kinds of energies other than base energies. This upgrade can
only be used by our people. This means that all healings receive immense
speed boosts and many more healings are possible than ever before.
Much more efficient cleanings and healings are also possible.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 24 Dec 2020 12:59

Removal of 'hidden property rules manipulations'

There exists very elusive and subtle property rules manipulations made by darks.
These take the effect of property rules energies that only manifest themselves
sporadically. For example, they may not show up even a single time in a stretch
of 1 million years of 3D time. And then they may continuously persist for a month
or three, before disappearing completely once again. It was not known when they
would next appear: since we have had the capability to remove them on their next
appearance, they have not shown themselves. To 'show themselves' means to physically
manifest in the property as rules-energies.

These 'invisible property rules manipulations' were being protected by a 3D anchoring
technology. We are currently working on removing this technology, and part of its
removal is getting access to and removing these associated invisible property rules.
There are millions and millions of hidden property rules that were protected by this
anchoring technology. The entire removal is expected to take ~26 hours in 3D time.
It's a very sensitive time for the property.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 25 Dec 2020 01:00

Removal of subtle manipulation grid affecting strengths of our people

Very subtle manipulations have been made in the property that were specifically designed
to limit and inhibit the individual strengths of our people. These manipulations were
specifically catered for every single individual that they targeted. The manipulations
targeted the directions and speeds with which cubes in the property were allowed to
move or propagate, as well as the directions and speeds at which energies could be
transferred between cubes. Time-tick field propagation between cubes was also affected.

The entire manipulation grid could be updated once every few days if required. While
the grid was designed to block or inhibit the most dangerous qualities on a per-individual
basis for our people, it had the opposite effect on darks. Every single dark benefited
across their entire skillset.

These manipulations were anchored and protected by 3D anchoring technologies,
including many 3D hostage situations. As such, we could not disturb the manipulation
grid until taking down these technologies (which is currently in progress).
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 25 Dec 2020 08:56

Located missing remains from post-Mycenae battles

Much encoded communication carried out by darks amongst themselves
(but not used by ancients) was done right under our noses. Until now, there
has been a very large amount of remains from the post-Mycenae battles
that have been unaccounted for. But no longer. All of these remains without
exception have been located, they were stuffed into very specific vectors and
vector-injectors, and by this altered the very makeup of the property's "base"
or "ground" upon which all physical matter sits; altering also the makeup of
this "physical matter" itself (i.e. the vectors and their arrangement). As long
as these remains were stuffed into the vector-space like this, we could not
examine too carefully these vectors or injectors. And so, with full knowledge
of this fact, darks used these spaces for much encoded communication right
under our noses.

Since the fall of Mycenae when this situation was established, many weapons-
systems and 'last-minute 3D protections' (the final barriers to breaching critical
3D levels) were installed into the property's "ground/base" and into the base-
vectors which comprise all physical matter. We could not handle this shit
as long as the remains existed.

Today we have solved this problem and "defused" the entire trap of 'bogus
vectors/injectors'. This allows us to remove many more 3D anchors that were
themselves anchored by this situation. The cleanup process for all of the
huge amount of remains found here is running now. Closely following the
remains removal will be the removal of all shit that was protected by this.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 25 Dec 2020 09:00

Information-attacks constructed by ancients inside the Outer-Core

Weapons-systems have been developed by the ancients (very recently, only in
the last few years) and established around the Outer-Core "speech" parsing
modules in the brain-mind. There were 3 layers to this weapon: a physical part,
literally parts of the physical brain-mind itself; energetic bridges, located in the
energetic-nervous-system (or the orion layer); and where the real damage happens,
'information machines' located in the Outer-Core.
The attack would essentially result in the avatar using its own 3D status to
"request an attack upon itself". Normally such a situation would not be possible
to be legal, but this was a very advanced attack constructed by a very clever
ancient. Through careful manipulation and awareness of several deficiencies in
rule handling (that we could not address till now because they are protected by
other dark shit) it was indeed possible to create such an 'impossible'
while simultaneously also 'legal' situation.

Many other kinds of similar attacks were created, the above is only one example.
All of them involve the avatar in some way using its own 3D status to "request
an attack on its own parts". These attacks are classified as "information attacks"
and they run continuously from the moment the brain-mind has any conscious
awareness (the moment you wake up) until the moment you fall asleep.
The attacks do not run while you sleep.

There is very high potential for serious damage in handling these attacks poorly,
and therefore they must each be individually reverse-engineered from back-to-front
to identify a removal method for each individual attack (and they are all different
in some way). This removal process is running now.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 26 Dec 2020 09:36

Removal of ancients "incarnation network"

Shortly after eartha first created her trap, the ancients (who were a little concerned
about the future of this property) developed a weapons-system to ensure that things
would never be out of their control, no matter how they developed.
At the time they had far superior technology to eartha and were able to freely enter
and leave the property at will. Their weapons-systems enveloped the outer layer of
the property and constantly fired/injected 'false-information' into the property. This
had the form of seemingly-legal rules-energies with a secret payload hidden within.
Within was concealed a kind of 'wireless receiver' that would await a specific
'detonation command' that could also be transmitted from outside the property. If
received, the 'receiver ball' would instantly detonate and wipe out everything within
a small local radius, about 100 square cubes in size, reducing everything within
to its smallest base-energies (including the receiver-ball itself).

Since being installed, these weapons-systems have not stopped firing/injecting new
'false-information' into the property, i.e. new receiver-balls. Today there are countless
numbers of receivers left in the property. The ones remaining have been coated (by
us) with a thick insulation so that they cannot receive the detonation order. Since
installing the insulation, many detonation orders have been sent. In the course of
history, this technology was only exceedingly sparingly used by the ancients, they
did not want to reveal either its existence or their own, and they also wanted to
prevent the serious property damages caused by the detonation.

The weapons-systems that produce the receivers are tied into a very complex
'incarnation network' which every newly-incarnated ancient enters into. If a single
member should expectedly drop out of the network (from some unexpected attack)
the entire network, through the use of its controlled property functions and
sub-modules (a small number of systems and functions of the property still under
ancient control) would make an immediate, completely automated counter-attack.
There are enough subsystems of the property under ancient control that this is
a significant threat. Careful taking down and removal of this network is running
now, it is a dangerous process. When this is completed, the linked weapons-systems
and finally the receivers may all be safely removed from the property. Other
ancient technologies are also connected to this network.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 26 Dec 2020 09:38

Cleaning of ancient thought-loops

The mind spends a considerable time in 'ancient thought-loops' that go nowhere.
The mind is not at all aware of the existence of these loops, as it enters a kind of
unconscious state when it first enters a loop, and comes out not having remembered
at all going into the loop in the first place. The average loop takes a trillionth of a
time-tick, and the average person has 600 trillion loops. They drain therefore a tremendous
amount of mental processing energy and time. Cleaning and removal of these loops has
already been completed.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 26 Dec 2020 09:40

Removal of weapons-systems that constantly generate illegal 'possible rule infractions'

Ancients developed a very effective tool to limit our connections and skills here:
every single time-tick, they generate trillions of bogus 'potential status/rule infractions';
these all have the victim's own signature and status, therefore they simply must be
checked. Approximately two-thirds of every time-tick is wasted checking every single one
of these potential rule-violations before any connections or skills are allowed to function
during that time-tick.

The system which is generating the bogus-signatures and duplicated status energies is an
ancient-created system that was forcibly installed in conjunction with all other dark groups
some hundreds of years ago. It gives in effect automatic permission to other ancient systems
to duplicate private status energies and one's own private signature in the property.

Removal of this system is already two-thirds complete.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 26 Dec 2020 12:27

Removal of an extremely large entity produced by ancients

Ancient experiments have produced an extremely large 'entity' that by volume
occupies a sixth of the property. It is however, highly multi-dimensional and
therefore occupies less space than this would suggest; regardless, this is far larger
than any entity the darks have ever produced. It is essentially autonomous now
that our cleanings have knocked out or disabled many ancient control- and support-
systems built to monitor and control this entity. It has been declared as a hostile
entity and removal is running now.

Because of its extremely large size and weight in the property, it has ties into
nearly every system of the property, and is connected or tangled with millions of
incarnated ones. Removal is extremely complex, the most difficult entity removal till now.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 26 Dec 2020 12:32

Huge attacks made by darks and ancients on property structures

Darks and ancients are making regularly scheduled attacks on the property
structures which they can access or that are still in their control.
Darks have all agreed to make a coordinated strike on the property structures
every 10 time-ticks. These are huge attacks that burn a significant quantity
of their remaining energy reserves. At the current rate of the attacks and with
their current reserves, they can only keep this up for 3 days.

Ancients on the other hand make more sophisticated attacks, striking in-between
the time-ticks, once for every pair of time-ticks. This expends far less energy
than the darks do. With their current rate of attacks, they can keep this up
for 3 weeks. Both the ancients and darks are hoping to create significant
enough damage that they may create some form of escape.

Battles are running to secure control of the remaining property strategic
locations that enable the darks/ancients to make these attacks. The frequency
and intensity is expected to increase in the coming hours.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 27 Dec 2020 14:25

Removal of "friendly AIs" and their modifications to the Outer-Core

Some time between the fall of Mycenae and the jesus event, ancients developed a 'friendly'
AI technology. This would (forcibly) establish (under duress) "legal connections" to the Outer-Core.
Between 3 and 27 permanent connections were established to every individual that had an
assigned "friendly AI". By this the AI could forever read certain critical properties of the
Outer-Core, but being an ancient technology their AIs were also able to make modifications
to these properties. Properties which include official name in the property, official status,
mission, permissions, and so on.

All of these "friendly AIs" have been removed. Nearly all of their modifications to the
Outer-Core have also been removed. A small amount of modifications remain in a small
number of individuals; these situations will be addressed as soon as possible.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 27 Dec 2020 14:25

Cleaning of ancient-installed "buffers" in nearly every Prime-Creator interface

Nearly every interface which connects to Prime-Creator in this property has been manipulated
by ancients, who installed countless numbers of "buffers" to nearly every single interface
(barring only a single one). The only unbuffered interface was locked down in the deepest
of ancient bunkers; we are still fighting for control of this interface. The more buffers,
the longer a request would take to reach Prime-Creator, and the greater the chance that
the request could be subtly modified, or would not at all reach its target. Delayed requests
also had a large chance not to have any effect at all; many requests are time-critical, and
if it is too late for a request to be executed by the time it reaches Prime-Creator, there
will be no effect at all from the request.

Most interfaces had on average 27 million buffers. Some had many millions of times more
than this. Nearly all buffers have been removed already. Large battles rage especially over
the unbuffered interface located deep in ancient territory.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 27 Dec 2020 14:26

Removal of ancient-installed buffers in the brain-mind and OC-connections

Similar to the Prime-Creator-interface buffers, ancients installed many trillions of buffers
into the brain-mind, and into all OC-connections. These delay connection times greatly,
and prevent many time-critical connections from being made on time (as a result, they
either fail completely or cause unforeseen and unexpected damages in the Outer-Core/
brain-mind). 30% of these buffers have been removed. Huge battles rage over the remaining
70%. It seems this was a very important strategic weapon from the ancients to help
them maintain control over incarnated people.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 27 Dec 2020 14:27

"Junk data" trapped in outermost property structures

Tremendous amounts of "false translating functions" and many other illegally-created
property functions, referred to collectively as simply "junk data", have been entrenched
into the outermost property functions. These have been protected with thick layers
of dark shit and over time have fractally evolved (the entire mass as a whole),
making it extremely difficult to remove. Furthermore this mass was protected
by millions of hostage situations, each involving incarnated people.

We have taken down 50% of these hostage situations and therefore 50% of the junk
data is now accessible. 21% of it has been already removed. As before, large battles
rage over the remaining hostage situations. The junk data prevents what would
otherwise be legal communications from the outside (now that the property is no
longer locked-down) from occurring. Many other legal functions inside the property
are also blocked by the existence and operation of parts of the junk data.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 28 Dec 2020 10:20

Tailor-made "fractal infections" for avatars and objects in 3D

Ancients developed specially-tailored "fractal infections", designed to attach to a
specific fractal structure and evolve the infection as the fractal structure evolves.
They would be targeted to specific fractal structures in 3D, belonging usually to
avatars or to objects in 3D. For example, your car, your home, your body could
all be targets of these infections. They were invisible to the property (and could
not be perceived by any means) until some hours ago.

Full cleaning of these infections requires removal of many interconnected hostage
situations. These are being taken care of now.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 28 Dec 2020 10:21

Fractal infection layers on foods

Ancients took their fractal infection technology one step further, and classified
various foods or groups of foods to be "toxic" for certain individuals or groups
of individuals. These groups of individuals could have nothing whatsoever in common,
they could all be of different species and backgrounds, only linked by being
targeted in the same way. And this attack had nothing whatsoever to do with the
actual nutritional value of the food. It was an arbitrary designation that attached
a fractal infection layer to every structure in the property matching to a certain
pattern of fractals. As this was a very energy and time-consuming process, limited
numbers of individuals could be targeted by the entire system, and only a small
number of foods could be made toxic for the targeted individuals.

The list of targeted foods could be changed over time. For example, it is possible
that olives were toxic for you (energetically speaking) as a child, and simulations
run by the ancients led them to replace this with mushrooms at a later stage in life.

Consumption of a food marked as toxic for your specific fractal structures would
overload many Outer-Core functions. It could take a week to recover from this.
All of these systems are being attacked now. It's a long and slow process to
remove all the systems and the remaining fractal infection layers on all foods in the property.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 28 Dec 2020 10:22

Weapon-system attacking evolutionary self-modulating systems in the Outer-Core

Ancients selected very specific neural pathways and also blood pathways in the body
to act as sensory devices for a specific set of general triggers made for millions of
individuals (the triggers differed for each individual). For example, sexual excitement
or arousal could trigger a specific reaction in a number of marked neural and blood
pathways. When this or another trigger was detected, a devastating attack would be
launched upon a very small group of fractal structures in the Outer-Core known as
"evolutionary self-modulating systems". This is akin to the root of 'evolutionary health'
for the Outer-Core and the harmony; these systems must be in good working order
in order to receive the most positive and balanced evolutionary effects from the fractal
ambient and from experiences. These systems would be ruthlessly attacked every
single time the trigger was activated.

The weapon-system making the attack were 'fractal reaction layers' attached to the
targeted neural and blood pathways. This entire network of attack is being removed,
including all 'fractal reaction layers'. The cleaning is a delicate process, 68% of the
entire system has been removed already.
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Re: War-News

Unread postby Grayfox » 29 Dec 2020 05:49

Removal of ancient-installed monitoring systems and limiting systems in OC

Ancients installed monitoring and limiting systems into the Outer-Core
(extremely deep and hard-entrenched, very difficult and painful to remove)
by pretending to be valid functions of the Outer-Core and communicating with the
harmony in order to glean information on how to develop & install these systems.
They are in removal now. There is high chance for strong damages, but the
removal is fast and healing follows immediately afterwards.

Most of these have already been removed. The ones that are left need a
few days (special situations).

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